Societatea Romanca are placerea sa va invite la urmatoarele intilniri dedicate proiectelor noastre.

Participarea Societatii Romanca la OPEN DAY in The Upper Room
Supporting people from Central & Eastern Europe
Joi 23 iulie 2009 14.00 – 17.00 la
The Upper Room (Downstairs Hall), St Saviour’s Church, Cobbold Road, London W12 9LN
Metrou: Stamford Brook pe District line sau autobuzul 266 de la Hammersmith Broadway catre Askew Road Library .
Cu aceasta ocazie va prezentam proiectele noastre comune:
• Impreuna vom fi mai puternici-ce se adreseaza parintilor care isi cresc copii singuri aici in Marea Britanie.
• Central & Eastern European Forum -o voce a grupurilor din sectorul voluntar ce lucreaza in aceasta arie
Contact: Nicoleta Beliciu e-mail
Va asteptam !
Clubul Literar Romanca

26 Iulie, 2.30 pm-5.30pm
Clubul Literar al Societatii Romanca are placerea sa va invite la a opta intrunire – cenaclu. De data aceasta sarbatorim VARA, in toata splendoarea ei, cu tot dorul de vacanta pe care ni-l inspira. Speram ca fiecare sa aduca un obiect care sa sugereze vacanta, marea, muntele sau orice obiect din campul lexical al cuvantului vara.
Locatia: Efficient Books, etaj 1, Ballard Lane, Londra , N12 8LT, tel:0203 0044 500 ,
Autobuzele 125,263,221,84,460 la Tally Ho Corner
Metrou: West Finchley sau Woodside Park
Moderator: Ariadna Petri
RSVP: 07738297139
Reteaua de Biblioteci Romanca
26 Iulie, 2.30 pm-5.30pm
Prima biblioteca „Mihai Eminescu” va fi inaugurata la sediul companiei Efficient Books, etaj 1, Ballard Lane, Londra , N12 8LT, tel:0203 0044 500 ,
Autobuzele 125,263,221,84,460 la Tally Ho Corner
Metrou: West Finchley sau Woodside Park
Va invitam sa donati carti la fondul de carte si sa deveniti membri fondatori ai bibliotecii.
Contact: Daniela Raileanu 0203 0044 500 sau 07828140555
Cursul Estetica si Iconografie Bizantina al Aureliei Chiriac Carabinieru, se va desfasura in urmatoarele date:
Intilnirile au loc la Training Link , 57 Phoenix Road, NW1 1ES(la 5 minute de St Pancras International).
Sambata 25 Iulie, orele 10.00am-5.00pm
Sambata 1 August, orele 10.00am-5.00pm
Sambata 8 August, orele 10.00am-5.00pm
Sambata 15 August, orele 10.00am-5.00pm
Sambata 22 August, orele 10.00am-5.00pm
Sambata 29 August, orele 10.00am-5.00pm
Contact: Aurelia Chiriac Carabinieru- 07508 946 684
Echipa Societatii Romanca
Calendar Romanca Society
You are invited to take part in the next events that will be organised by Romanca Society .
Romanca Society participate in the OPEN DAY organised by Upper Room.
Supporting people from Central & Eastern Europe
Thursday 23rd July 2009 14.00 – 17.00 at
The Upper Room (Downstairs Hall), St Saviour’s Church, Cobbold Road, London W12 9LN
Nearest tube: Stamford Brook on the District line or take No. 266 bus from Hammersmith Broadway to Askew Road Library
There will be an opportunity to present our joint projects:
•"Together we will be stronger" -project for single parents
• The Central & Eastern European Forum – a voice for voluntary sector groups working in this area
*Information * Networking * Ideas * Opportunities * Training * Community * Inclusion
Contact: Nicoleta Beliciu , e-mail
You are welcome to visit us with this occasion!

Literary Club
26 July, 2.30 pm-5.30pm
The Literary Club of the Romanca Society is honoured to invite you to our eighth meeting. This time we will be celebrating SUMMER. We hope that each of you will bring a memory of summer (an object from a holiday, sea side, mountains, country side).
Location: Efficient Books, 1 Floor, Ballard Lane, London , N12 8LT, tel: 0203 0044 500 ,
Bus: 125,263,221,84,460 at Tally Ho Corner
Underground: West Finchley sau Woodside Park
Moderator: Ariadna Petri
RSVP: 07738297139
The Library Network Romanca
26 July, 2.30 pm-5.30pm
The first Library “Mihai Eminescu” will be launched at the headquarters of Efficient Books, 1 Floor, Ballard Lane, London , N12 8LT, tel;0203 0044 500 ,
Bus: 125,263,221,84,460 at Tally Ho Corner
Underground: West Finchley sau Woodside Park
Contact: Daniela Raileanu 0203 0044 500 or 07828140555
"Iconography Course " by Aureliei Chiriac Carabinieru will take place on:
Society at Training Link , 57 Phoenix Road, NW1 1ES( 5 minutes from St Pancras International).
Saturday 25 July, 10.00am-5.00pm
Saturday 1 August , 10.00am-5.00pm
Saturday 8 August, 10.00am-5.00pm
Saturday 15 August, 10.00am-5.00pm
Saturday 22 August, 10.00am-5.00pm
Contact: Aurelia Chiriac Carabinieru- 07508 946 684
Romanca Society Team
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