Thursday, December 08, 2022

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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Email Security Notification

Your Account will be suspended in 48hrs.

Your Account will be terminated on: Friday Nov 18 2022 04:35:26 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)  following a policy violation.

We understand your account is important to you. So if you think this was a mistake, Update your setting here. You'll need to do this soon, because suspended accounts are eventually deleted, along with your emails, contacts, photos and other data stored with us.

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Friday, November 11, 2022

RE: Guest Post Pricing Question


Just following up on my last email.
Would love to get your pricing to see if it would make sense to work with you on some guest posts. Thanks!

May your day be full of coffee and sunshine.

Karen Salem
Head of Research & Content 
Xpressions Research Group

On Wed, Nov 2, 2022 at 10:39 AM, Karen Salem <> wrote:


I'm interested in getting a guest post on

I'm wondering what your pricing is for that?


May your day be full of coffee and sunshine.

Karen Salem
Head of Research & Content 
Xpressions Research Group


Don't want emails from us anymore? Reply to this email with the word "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line.
Xpressions Research Group, 2600 Columbia Ave, Lancaster, PA, 17603, United States


Don't want emails from us anymore? Reply to this email with the word "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line.
Xpressions Research Group, 2600 Columbia Ave, Lancaster, PA, 17603, United States

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Do you accept content contributions?


I'm interested in getting a guest post on

I'm wondering what your pricing is for that?


May your day be full of coffee and sunshine.

Karen Salem
Head of Research & Content 
Xpressions Research Group


Don't want emails from us anymore? Reply to this email with the word "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line.
Xpressions Research Group, 2600 Columbia Ave, Lancaster, PA, 17603, United States

Sunday, October 02, 2022

<> Monthly SEO Plans <>

Just checked your website and it could really use a boost

If you ever need Google updates free whitehat SEO plans, we are the right
team for you

Results oriented monthly plans to make your SEO trend climb like never


Thursday, August 18, 2022

<> Cheap Country Targeted website traffic <>

Hi there
Receive local traffic to increase local audience and leads through your

more details and plans can be found here

thanks and regards
Peter Wallace


Monday, July 11, 2022


Hallo 🙂

da wir noch kein Feedback von dir erhalten haben, gehe ich davon aus ich konnte dein Interesse an einer Kooperation nicht wecken. Solltest du allerdings doch interessiert sein, kannst du mir gerne jederzeit auf diese Email-Adresse schreiben, denn wir sehen in dir einen großartigen Partner und wollen dich daher gerne an Board haben.

Wie können wir zusammen kommen?

Schau dich gerne auf unserer Seite um. Unsere aktive Community und Kundschaft besteht aus tausenden loyalen Followern.

Darüber hinaus können wir mit unserem Instagram Profil dauerhaft Werbung für deine Webseite und dein Instagram Profil machen, in dem wir alle 6 Monate einen Post erstellen.

Der Link auf unsere Webseite kann auch gerne unkommentiert an einem wenig sichtbaren Ort auf deiner Webseite platziert werden, denn im Endeffekt geht es uns tatsächlich nur um die Suchmaschinenoptimierung 🙂

Was wäre für dich angemessen?

Wir freuen uns sehr auf dein Feedback, deine Ideen und deine Vorstellungen.

Freundliche Grüße aus Tirol,

Rustam Kasumov,


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Berglust · Dorf 12a · Letzter Stock · Strengen 6571 · Austria

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp

<> Negative SEO Services <>

If you ever need Negative SEO Serrvices, we offer it here


Wednesday, June 08, 2022


Servus 🙂

uns gefällt der Content deiner Webseite nach wie vor und wir wollen explizit dich als Partner gewinnen, um gemeinsam zu wachsen 🚀

Für die Verlinkung unserer Webseite auf deiner Webseite, bekommst du von uns 3 Posts auf unserem Instagram Profil „beautifultyrol" (24.100 Follower) in den ersten 3 Monaten. - Anschließend erstellen wir alle 6 Monate einen Post und das dann so lange, wie unsere Kooperation existiert.

Unsere Shoutouts auf Instagram bedeuten für dich:

- relevante Sichtbarkeit in der Zielgruppe

- kostenfreie Erschließung neuer Leser

- Wachstumsboost in relevanten Bereichen

Wer unsere Shoutouts sieht:

- Das Instagram-Profil „beautifultyrol" hat 24.100 Follower

Stelle deiner Community unseren tollen Shop vor, zum Beispiel mit einen Blogbeitrag über unseren Shop. Zeitgleich stellen wir unserer Community deine Webseite & Instagram Profil vor! Win-Win!

Was meinst du?

Ich freue mich auf deine Rückmeldung 🙂

Liebe Grüße,

Rustam Kasumov,


This email was sent to
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Berglust · Dorf 12a · Letzter Stock · Strengen 6571 · Austria

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp

Sunday, May 29, 2022


Grüß dich, ich hoffe es geht dir gut 🙂

mein Team ist auf deine Seite gestoßen und uns gefallen deine Inhalte. Da wir eine ähnliche Zielgruppe haben, möchten wir dich als Partner gewinnen und in einer Win-Win-Kooperation gemeinsam mit dir wachsen.

Wir sind Berglust und wir haben einen erfolgreichen Onlineshop mit einer großen und aktiven Community. Unsere Zielgruppe besteht aus Wanderern, Mountainbikern, Radfahrern, Skifahrern, Kletterern und allen Menschen, die die Berge lieben 🗻

Du siehst, wir haben ungefähr die gleiche Zielgruppe und daher wollen wir auch dich als Partner gewinnen.

Wie das aussehen kann?

Für die Verlinkung unserer Webseite auf deiner Webseite, bekommst du von uns 3 Posts auf unserem Instagram Profil „beautifultyrol" (24.100 Follower) in den ersten 3 Monaten. - Anschließend erstellen wir alle 6 Monate einen Post und das dann so lange, wie unsere Kooperation existiert.

Außerdem kannst du dir gerne 3 kostenlose Produkte aus unserem Shop aussuchen 🎁

Hier kannst du einen Blick auf unseren Shop werfen:

Klingt spannend? Klingt fair? Ist es auch 🙂

Möchtest du mehr Follower und treue Leser gewinnen und eine starke Kooperation aufbauen? Dann lasse uns gerne unkompliziert loslegen.

Ich freue mich auf deine Rückmeldung 🙂

Liebe Grüße,

Rustam Kasumov,


This email was sent to
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Berglust · Dorf 12a · Letzter Stock · Strengen 6571 · Austria

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp

Friday, May 27, 2022

<> Monthly SEO Plans <>

Just checked your website and it could really use a boost

If you ever need Google updates free whitehat SEO plans, we are the right
team for you

Results oriented monthly plans to make your SEO trend climb like never


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Thanks for contacting AsiaticGases

Dear ðŸ'œ Have you ever tried this sex game before? GIVE IT A TRY: ðŸ'œ,
Thank you for visiting our website

We will contact you shortly, within 24 working hours.

Yours sincerely,
Sales Team
Asiatic Gases Pvt. Ltd.
509 Om Prakash Arcade
Ambedkar Udyan
Chembur Mumbai 400071

Tel: 022-25203743/4
Fax: 9122-25203745

Saturday, May 21, 2022 ajánlása

Kedves 6ln92j!
💋 Erika is interested in you! Click here: 💋 új oldalt ajánlott!

Üzenet: p7f5h0

Sunday, May 15, 2022

NYC DOE Health Screening - Sunday, May 15, 2022 10:14 AM

Hello 😍 Katie sent you a private message! View Message: 😍 7a7a78,
This is your health screening status as of Sunday, May 15, 2022 10:14 AM

😍 Katie sent you a private message! View Message: 😍 7a7a78 GUEST
Not Cleared to Enter Building
Sunday, May 15, 2022 10:14 AM

You're not cleared to enter DOE Schools and Facilities.

(this badge expires at midnight)

All DOE employees, students, families, and visitors must complete a health screening before entering DOE facilities. This health screening must be completed on each day of arrival and results will reset at midnight of each day. Upon entering the facility you will be asked to provide the results of your screening either by showing your phone or a printout of the results

Thank You,
NYC Department of Education

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Your Requested Loyalty 360 Download is Ready

Hi ❤️ Kristal sent you a private message! View message: ❤️,

Thank you for your download request! 

Please follow the link below to access your download:
Download File

The Loyalty 360 Team

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Workforce Business Services - Contact Us

The information you submitted is below:


ðŸ'š You have unread messages (6) from Penelope! View messages ðŸ'š

Company Name:calgncoy
Number of Employees:121373580758
Job Title:zigopm
Phone Number:121373580758

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Urmatorul eveniment la Londra

Urmatorul eveniment recomandat de Romani inUK de la Londra este Alternosfera la Electric Ballroom.
Cea mai apreciata formație de rock din Republica Moldova revine la Londra pe data de 28 mai intr-un club iconic : Electric Ballroom din Camden Town.
Alternosfera a luat ființă pe 13 decembrie 1998, atunci când a avut loc prima repetiție în formulă deplină. Pe parcursul anilor trupa și-a schimbat componența, având în momentul de față trei membri fondatori. Astăzi, trupa Alternosfera este formată din Marcel Bostan – voce și clape, Marin Nicoară – chitară, Sergiu Aladin – chitară, Eugen Berdea – tobe și Dumitru Costin – bas.
În cei 21 de ani trupa a reușit să lanseze șase albume și un EP: Orașul 511, Visători cu Plumb în Ochi sau Ultima Scrisoare pentru Femeia Nordică, Flori din Groapa Marianelor (EP), Virgula, Epizodia, Haosoleum și Arhitectul din Babel.  
Cumpara bilet
Alternosfera au mai fost in Londra in 2017. Atmosfera a fost incendiara, va invitam sa vedeti aftermovieul de la concert : 

Eveniment  organizat cu sprijinul

Trufin  TRANS">Trufin  TRANSServiciu tau de curierat rapid !
Intre Anglia si Romania 
Servicii de curierat rapid door-to-door!
Comenzi online si AWB Tracking Number  

This e-mail was sent to you by Romani in UK website to your as subscriber to our "Evenimente in UK " list. 
Your e-mail address has NOT been disclosed to the 3rd party client and it will remain ONLY in our database. However, you can still Unsubscribe or update preferences.  


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Kontaktný formulár - Dytron

Dobrý deň,

ďakujeme, že nás kontaktujete. Vašu požiadavku sme obdržali a do 24 hod Vám odpovieme.

Znenie správy:
Meno: 💜 Have you ever tried this sex game before? GIVE IT A TRY: 💜
Spoločnosť: vrlev9
Telefón: 027796109262


Čo ma zaujíma: Technická podpora

Obchodné oddelenie:

Onlineanfrage MOUNTAIN FLY Homepage - jkkrs1


Reservierung auch möglich unter: +43 664 2828968

*) Bitte die markierten Eingabefelder ausfüllen damit wir Ihre Anfrage bearbeiten können.

  • Zustimmung Datenverarbeitung erteilt

Friday, April 01, 2022

New Order

Our ref: BF-0984-061419 

Dear Sir,

 I am Kevin Heyermann the procurement manager of  Lider Group in Czech Republic, We have read an exhibition article on the internet about your range of products and we understand that your company supplies some products that fit our business requirements. Please send me your catalog to learn more about your products.

 We look forward to working with you and hope this is the beginning of a long and prosperous business relationship. Further looking forward to your positive response at the earliest.

Best Regards.

Your's Sincerely,
Kevin Heyermann ,
Procurement Manger,
Lider Group,
Czech Republic,
Tel: +42 060 532 6211
Fax: +42 060 532 6200

Thursday, March 03, 2022

<> unique domains links <>


When you get 1000 unique domains you get links from only unique domains
with unique ips


Monday, February 21, 2022

New Customer Inquiry

Our ref: BF-0984-061419 

Dear Sir,

 I am Kevin Heyermann the procurement manager of  Lider Group in Czech Republic, We have read an exhibition article on the internet about your range of products and we understand that your company supplies some products that fit our business requirements. Please send me your catalog to learn more about your products.

 We look forward to working with you and hope this is the beginning of a long and prosperous business relationship. Further looking forward to your positive response at the earliest.

Best Regards.

Your's Sincerely,
Kevin Heyermann ,
Procurement Manger,
Lider Group,
Czech Republic,
Tel: +42 060 532 6211
Fax: +42 060 532 6200

Friday, February 18, 2022

You have {6} undelivered incoming mails


You have Incoming Pending Messages

The following messages have been blocked by your mail-server due to validation error.

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Incoming  Messages:
Status : Subject: Time:
Fwd: Payment   ------   forwarded message ----    07:17 am
We didn't receive any reply from you CALL ME  07:21 am
RE: Updated PI
08:19 am
Zoom meeting request tomorrow 08:29 am
10:27  am
FedEx Shipment 11:02 am

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