Please ignore this message if you have already registered CONFERENCE - 29 November 2018 - BrusselsPublic employment services in the context of the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights:what is their new role as regards active labour market policies?
The Labour Market Observatory of the EESC is organising a conference entitled "Public employment services in the context of the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights: what is their new role as regards active labour market policies?" on the 29 November 2018 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., at the EESC.
The event will look into the current situation of public employment services in the EU, in the context of the implementation of the Pillar of Social Rights and other recent developments such as the Recommendation on long-term such as the Recommendation on long-term unemployed and the Youth Guarantee. It will showcase several good practices from EU countries, as regards activation, outreach to vulnerable people and cooperation with employers, trade unions and other civil society organisations. Invited speakers include representatives from the European Parliament, European Commission, the EESC, the OECD, the Public Employment Services (PES) Network, Eurofound, academia, as well as social partners and other civil society organisations. Thank you for joining us!
The programme and the registration form are available on the EESC website. Please note that the registration closes on 26 November 2018. Please feel free to forward this invitation to anybody who may be interested. For any questions related to the event please contact Ms Ana Dumitrache by e-mail ( or by telephone (+32(0)2 546.81.31). N.B.: The European Economic and Social Committee does not cover participants' travel and subsistence costs.