Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bibliotecă digitală - românească -

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From: Bogdan Munteanu <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2011 23:52:57 +0300
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Tr : Bibliotec digital - româneasc -

sper sa fie un site de folos pt cat mai multa lume.

cu bine,

Un site exceptional,folositor tuturor.Pastrati-l si rasfoiti-l din cand in cand.O sa gasiti lucruri deosebite.
3 milioane de pagini de carte scanata romaneasca!!!
In 2011, ca urmare a celui mai ambitios proiect de digitizare la nivel national, Biblioteca Metropolitana Bucuresti a lansat, cea mai importanta biblioteca digitala romaneasca accesibila gratuit pe internet, oferind utilizatorilor trei milioane de pagini de carte scanate.
In urma cu cativa ani, Biblioteca Metropolitana Bucuresti a demarat, sub conducerea Dlui Dr. Florin Rotaru, activ promotor al modernizarii bibliotecilor romanesti, un proiect ambitios de digitizare a patrimoniului cultural romanesc de carte veche si de creare a unei biblioteci virtuale deschise, accesibila tuturor utilizatorilor.
Portalul DacoRomanica isi propune sa devina un veritabil centru virtual al pastrarii si dezvoltarii culturii romanesti, reprezantand un instrument vital in serviciul retelelor de cooperare nationala si internationala.Biblioteca virtuala este dezvoltata permanent, fiind in prezent singura biblioteca digitala profesionista din Romania, conceputa pentru a raspunde provocarilor Mileniului III si pentru a deveni partener in Biblioteca Virtuala Europeana EUROPEANA.
Portalul DacoRomanica ofera acces la documente tiparite, fisiere audio si video din domenii multiple – economie, societate, religie, literatura, stiinte, istorie, geografie, filozofie, psihologie, lingvistica, arta, divertisment, tehnica, medicina., cea mai importanta biblioteca digitala romaneasca

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A warm and musical invitation from Anda and the London Schubert Players

A warm and musical invitation from Anda and the London Schubert Players:
Dear friends and music lovers,
The London Schubert Players continue their European musical adventure with the exploration of works written especially for them as part of the project for voice, piano and string quintet with double bass on August 24th and 25th, 6pm - 7pm in the form of open seminars, with the composers' participation and live music illustrations.
We would be delighted if you joined us the players, singers and composers - for a fascinating trip into the world of vocal and instrumental sound and their relationship, and ending with a glass of wine and conversation.
You will hear:
- a beautiful Elegy by English composer Robert Hugill with baritone Timothy Connor (24th)
- young Belarusian composer Sviatlana Rynkova's poignant Story of a Life (based on the French film Go, Live and Become (Va, Vis et Deviens) about an Ethiopian Christian boy who is given the name Shlomo, and identity of a Falasha, an Ethiopian Jew, and emigrates to Israel. Directed by Romanian-born Radu Mihăileanu, it won Most Popular International Film at the 2005 Vancouver International Film Festival and eight other international awards. The piece is written for Piano Duet and Strings and will be performed by Rynkova and myself at the piano (25th)
- Rynkova's Rain in the Pinewood with Soprano Tanya Cooling (25th)
Seating is limited so early booking is advisable. Entry by donation, from £5.
Address: London Schubert Players music studio, 72 Warwick Gardens, LONDON W14 8PP; Tel: 020 76031396
Future events which you might like to hear:
- Our Norfolk Schubertiade on August 27th - 28th in lovely old churches in rural settings (flyer attached)
- Our special Enescu event on September 19th in London's marvellous Kings Place. The booking is now open. Box Office: 020 75201490.
Invitation to Composers is supported by the European Cultural Fund and has enriched Europe's cultural heritage with 40 valuable works inspired by music, literature, visual arts, history and nature. It is building bridges between great traditions of music of the past and contemporary thought, without the use of electronics and non-musical experiments. The three explore together the roots of inspiration and the journey to the final product and its execution. The performers (during workshops) and the audience (during open workshops and concerts) have the privilege of better understanding the message through a direct dialogue with the composer.

Ionela Flood
Asociatia Info Manager

In behalf of Anda Anastasescu
Invitation to Composers EU Project

Festivalul International de Folclor Cantecul de dragoste de-a lungul Dunarii/ Braila, 29-30 iulie 2011

Festivalul International de Folclor Cantecul de dragoste de-a lungul Dunarii/ Braila, 29-30 iulie 2011
Pe data de 29 iulie, incepand cu ora 21:30 va incepe festivalul international de folclor Cantecul de dragoste de-a lungul Dunarii, care se va termina pe data de 31 iulie .

Fiind una dintre putinele competitii cu o tematica precisa – sunt acceptate exclusiv cantece de dragoste – festivalul si-a capatat deja un renume printre iubitorii de folclor, astfela ca la aceasta editie participa concurenti din zece tari dunarene.

Acompaniamentul instrumental este asigurat de Orchestra „Lautarii" din Chisinau, condusa de maestrul Nicolae Botgros, iar gazda evenimentului este Iuliana Tudor.

Participanti din Romania, Ucraina, Bulgaria, Slovacia, Serbia, Germania, Austria, Croatia, Ungaria, precum si din Republica Moldova vor da dovada talentului lor in cele doua seri de concurs, precum si la Gala Laureatilor.

Fiecare seara se incheie cu recitaluri ale unor interpreti consacrati: Delia Godja, din Austria, respectiv Petrica Matu Stoian – in seara de vineri, tineri laureati ai marilor festivaluri de folclor din Romania – sambata (seara denumita generic „La brat cu tineretea"), Grupul Vocal al Academiei de Arte din Novi Sad, Serbia, castigator al editiei 2010 a festivalului, respectiv Dumitru Farcas – duminica, dupa Gala Laureatilor.

Una dintre particularitatile festivalului este aceea ca el nu se adreseaza doar tinerilor interpreti, neexistand limita de varsta a concurentilor.

0organizatorii acestui eveniment sunt Consiliul Judetean Braila, Centrul de Creatie Braila si TVR. Parteneri media: RadioTV UNirea si Phoenix Bucuresti

Citat de Radio Tv Unirea
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

“International youth creative camp” (Art ) First edition - Slatina, 1 - 10 August 2011

“International youth creative camp” first edition, Slatina, 2011 is organized by Cultural Association Center Inter Art. Romania International Art Center in partnership with Slatina City Hall , with financial support of Ministry of culture and National Heritage and with the kind the support of Romanca Society UK and Asociatia de Tineret Ro Madrid Cultural Club.

The camp has the role to meet young artists (painters) from Romania, UK and Spain. They could exchange ideas or current art but in the same time, they have the possibility to make an exhibition with works that represents historical center of Slatina (Lipscani Street). This project offers young generations of artists, great possibilities, but in the same time it promotes Romanian contemporary art, international.
The camp creative “International youth creative camp” addresses young artists, with ages 18 – 35 years.
The camp will take place in Slatina, Olt District, during 1-10 August 2011.
The camp theme is architecture. The youth artists will make paintings with houses historical monuments from Lipscani Street.
Organizers provide internal transport (in Romania), accommodation and meals for invited participants. The participants will support the international transport.
Each participant will receive the necessary materials (except easels) and five canvases to make paintings. Each artist will donate two paintings to Slatina City Hall and one to cultural Association Center Inter Art. Romania International Art Center. The paintings will be kept in the archives of the both institutions and will be made an exhibition – debate about the architecture of the houses build on the Lipscani Street.
The authors will sign their paintings donated and the organizers might reproduce the picture, with the authors’ written consent, because they want to promote the project in mass – media, to publish these pictures in a print and / or digital catalog and the organizers want to promote the pictures in exhibitions in our country or abroad.
The artists from this camp creative will receive diplomas.

Please see below the schedule of the camp.

Please contact Ionela Flood if you are interested to take part in this exciting opportunity.

Ionela Flood
Chair -Romanca Society
Phone UK: 00 44 (0)20 77 36 86 68
Mobile UK: 00 44 (0)75 15 25 35 84
Mobile RO: 0040 730 268 338
Skype: ionelaflood
Mssg ID: ionelaella


“International youth creative camp”

First edition, Slatina, 1 - 10 August 2011

01 August 2011

Hour 08 - 11: the arrival of participants

12: official opening of camps

Press conference about what will happening during the camp creative
Promoting activity, leaflets and promotional materials.
Location : cultural Center “Eugen Ionescu” Slatina

13 – 14: accommodation of participants

14 – 15: lunch

15 – 17: the time camp

17 – 20: workshop, : camp presentation goals and objectives; field works where you find the locations for the activities

Location: Cultural Center “Eugen Ionescu” Slatina, Lipscani Street from Slatina, Gradistea Hill.

20.30 – 21. 30: dinner

21.30: free time

02 August 2011- 08 August 2011

8 – 9: breakfast

9.30 – 13.30: the work on the Lpscani Street

14 – 15: lunch

15 - 16.30: free time

17 – 20: work on the Lipscani Street

20.30 – 21. 30: dinner

09 August 2011

8 – 9: breakfast

9- 13.30: go to Art Museum Craiova for visiting the place where Brancusi worked; the meeting with the art critic Florin Rogneanu, the director of Art Museum Craiova

14 – 15: lunch

15.30 – 16. 30: press conference , presents the results amp

16. 30 – free time, visit Slatina City

20.30 – 21.30: dinner

10 august 2011

8 – 9: breakfast

9 – 13: go to Boian Plain Museum , visit neolith village Gumelnita

13. 30 – 14. 30: lunch

14.30 - 15.30: free time

15.30: the donation of works made by the participants to the organizers according to camp rules

- the balance of work activity done in the camp

- the close of the camp

- the departure of the participants

Location: Cultural Center “ Eugen Ionescu”

Note: during the camp will be organized cultural events in The Cultural Center “Eugen Ionescu” Slatina ( literary evenings, watching movies, folk music etc.

Contacts in Romania :

George Smarandache, telefon (+40)0741046644

e-mail: sau

Ciurea Valeru, telefon (+40)0742065379

e-mail: sau

Monica Floarea, telefon (+40)0744646357



“International youth creative camp” first edition, Slatina, 2011 is organized by Cultural Association Center Inter Art. Romania International Art Center in partnership with Slatina City Hall , with financial support of Ministry of culture and National Heritage and with the kind the support of Romanca Society UK and Asociatia de Tineret Ro Madrid Cultural Club.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Power of love

by Ionela Flood

Norway is engulfed by tears
A game of power?
extreme freedom takes it away
losing love, compassion
losing self control
making Death so clear
for the mourning mothers
for the grieving orphans

Horror crime and terror
challenging the world
scars of hidden hatred
pushing love to hell
tears of heaven given
a tsunami of despair

Stop the power game
stop the me and you
start a bigger together
to save the world
from more pain

Learn to love more, my sisters
learn to breath air not fear
then give it to the world
as an act of passion

Brothers and quiet soldiers
give your guns full hearts
and load them permanently
with the grace of love.

23 July 2011

A poem dedicated to the victims of the mass murder attack in Sundvollen and Oslo, Norway .