Monday, September 21, 2009

The 6th International Conference on the MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES, Greece , 2009

The 6th International Conference on the MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES that took
place in Alexandroupolis, Greece, on 3rd-5th of September 2009 was jointly organized by Gheorghe Asachi
Technical University of Iasi, Romania through CETEX Department, with the Democritus University of
Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece, supported by CEEMAN – Central and East European Management
Development Association, Slovenia.
Already a tradition of high level international scientific events, like the other previous editions, the
conference brought together representatives of various state and local governmental institutions,
universities, small business, industry associations from all over the world to debate and exchange
experiences and important issues related to the management of technological change and to provide a
good opportunity for networking for all these groups that promote and foster the process of technological
The conference took place in the Conference Center of TRAKI PALACE HOTEL ***** from
Alexandroupolis. Chairmen, distinguished professors from prestigious universities from all over the world
were leading the discussions from the 32 sessions, simultaneous held in 4 rooms.

In Openning Session important figures from academic and business field had some very interesting
speaches, like:
- President of CEEMAN, Danica Purg, represented by Prof. Ovidiu Nicolescu, PhD.
- greek local authorities representatives and members of Greek Parliament;
- rectors of the two organising universities, represented by Prof. Athanasios Karabinis, PhD, Vice-
Rector of Democritus University of Thrace, GR and Prof. Ion Giurma, PhD, Rector of “Gh. Asachi” Technical
University of Iasi, RO, represented by Assoc. Prof. Dorin COTIUSCA-ZAUCA, PhD, Dean of Hydro, Geodesy
and Environmental Engineering Faculty.
Between conference sessions we had the honor to listen the speeches of distinguished keynote
speakers, as:
Milenko Gudic – “Networking to Support Development and Change in Management Education in
Ovidiu Nicolescu – “Strategically Actions for SMEs sector in Central and Eastern Europe within crisis

George Minopoulos – “The role of higher education in the progress and development of Thrace”
Michael Miles – “The Hr Professional As Business Partner: Roadblocks And Dilemmas
Vassilios Tourassis – “Managing Change: Innovation, Technology and the Role of Education.”
Eckhard Schollmeyer - “Nanotechnology For Textile Materials”
Constantinos Agorastos – “Stochastic Approach to Risk Management Operations”
On 3rdof September 2009, after the official Oppening Session of the Conference, it was organized a
coktail around the pool on TRAKI Palace Hotel’s terrace. On this occasion the participants could change
opinions in an informal framework

On 4thof September 2009, after conference sessions ended, we could enjoy Gala Dinner in a
magnificent atmosphere at Ag Gyorgy Greek Taverna, few km away from Alexandroupolis, where
participants could feel the Greek spirit, by tasting traditional food, wine and music.

Based on lessons learned from previous conferences we selected very carefully every conference
theme in order to help organizations and people to identify and respond to technological changes trends
and to rethink the way they do business. Thus, the main areas of interest proposed for the submission of
the papers, covered the following sections:
1. Quality Management as a Driver for Technological Changes
2. Technology Transfer, Marketing and Commercialization
3. Navigating Complexity: the Dynamics of Organizational Change
4. Organizational Culture, Innovation and Technological Change
5. Implementing Technological Changes
6. Tools for Technological Changes
7. Sustainable Development trough Technological Change
8. Organizational Culture and the Management of Technological Changes
9. Change Technological Management in Education
10. Organizational Change Management
11. Management of Technological Innovation
12. Quality in Management of Technological Transformation

The Proceedings of the conference included the full text of papers. The 6th Conference active
participants came from different parts of Europe (Albany, Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Moldova Republic, Serbia) and also from UK, USA,
Algeria, Canada, Israel, Russia, Tanzania, Turkey.
The 392 published final papers, signed by 300 main authors, are the result of a laborious process of
selection and evaluation by an International Evaluation Committe, which selected from 500 submitted
works (6% of the papers were rejected, 24% accepted with recommendations and 60% accepted as it is).
The International Evaluation Committe was composed of 75 evalators from 15 contries, distingueshed
proffesors from prestigious universities, of wich approximately 50% from outside Romania.
We are convinced that the papers published in conference proceedings contribute significantly to
knowledge transfer in Management of Technological Changes and the participants will implement some of
the principles and activities in their own institutions.
Finally, we would like to thank to all participants who shared their expertise with colleagues at the
conference. We also hope that papers included in these two volumes will give new ideas to the readers in
their quest to solve various problems.
The conference would not be possible without the joint effort of the organizing committee
(Democritus University of Thrace and Technical University of Iasi) and evaluating committee, to whom we
are deeply grateful.

The organizers express their gratitude to all conference sponsors for their support, which made this
conference possible. We are optimistic and we wish this would represent a productive and enjoyable visit
to Alexandroupolis, Greece. We do hope that will keep the tradition and the conference will continue to be organized every other year in the future.

MTC 2009 Editor

The Organizing Committee of The 6th International Conference Management of Technological Changes
Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iasi
Center for Continuing Education and Training - CETEX
53 Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd.
IASI - 700050, ROMANIA
Tel./ Fax: +00 40 232 213 708

Monday, September 14, 2009


Ediţia a XLI-a, 2009

Consiliul Judeţean Suceava, prin Centrul Cultural Bucovina, secţia Centrul pentru Conservarea şi Promovarea Culturii Tradiţionale Suceava, în colaborare cu Societatea Scriitorilor Bucovineni, Primăria comunei Mălini şi Complexul Muzeal Bucovina, organizează ediţia a XLI-a a Festivalului naţional de poezie „Nicolae Labiş”, în perioada 16 – 18 octombrie 2009, la Suceava şi Mălini.
Concursul îşi propune să descopere, să sprijine şi să promoveze noi şi autentice talente în rândul tinerilor creatori de poezie.

1. Sunt acceptate în concurs lucrări nepublicate şi nepremiate la alte concursuri literare.
2. La concurs pot participa autori care nu au depăşit vârsta de 30 de ani, nu sunt membri ai Uniunii Scriitorilor, nu au debutat editorial şi nu au obţinut Marele Premiu la ediţiile precedente ale concursului.
3. Lucrările, dactilografiate în cinci (5) exemplare, vor fi trimise pe adresa:
Centrul Cultural Bucovina,
Secţia Centrul pentru Conservarea şi Promovarea Culturii Tradiţionale Suceava
Str. Universităţii nr. 48, Suceava, 720228
4. Lucrările se trimit până la data de 17 septembrie 2009. Ele vor purta în loc de semnătură un motto ales de autor. În coletul poştal va fi introdus un plic închis (având acelaşi motto), care va conţine un Curriculum Vitae al autorului. În Curriculum Vitae se va specifica în mod obligatoriu: numele şi prenumele autorului, locul şi data naşterii, studii, activitate literară, adresa completă, numărul de telefon şi eventual adresa electronică.
5. Fiecare participant are dreptul de a se înscrie în concurs cu minimum cinci (5) poezii şi maximum zece (10).
6. Lucrările nu se returnează, ele urmând a intra în patrimoniul concursului „Nicolae Labiş”, iar laureaţii vor fi publicaţi în „Caiete mălinene” , volum editat de Centrul Cultural Bucovina, secţia Centrul pentru Conservarea şi Promovarea Culturii Tradiţionale Suceava.
7. Laureaţii vor fi anunţaţi până la data de 9 octombrie 2009, pentru a fi prezenţi la festivitatea de premiere, precum şi la manifestările prilejuite de finalizarea concursului, care vor avea loc la Suceava şi Mălini între 16 şi 18 octombrie 2009. Manifestările vor consta în lansări de carte, conferinţe literare, expoziţii, şezători literare, recitaluri de poezie, vizite la muzee şi monumente de artă din judeţ, realizate cu participarea membrilor juriului şi a altor personalităţi literare. Organizatorii asigură masa, cazarea şi cheltuielile de transport (bilete de tren-clasa a doua). În eventualitatea în care laureaţii doresc să fie însoţiţi şi de alte persoane, acestea trebuie să-şi suporte integral toate cheltuielile, iar organizatorii trebuie anunţaţi până cel târziu la data de 13 octombrie 2009, pentru a face rezervările necesare.
8. Juriul concursului va fi alcătuit din critici literari, membri ai Uniunii Scriitorilor din România.
9. Membrii juriului nu mai pot schimba ulterior ordinea rezultată în urma jurizării.
10. Pentru cele mai valoroase lucrări prezentate în concurs, juriul va acorda următoarele premii:
- Marele premiu „NICOLAE LABIŞ”
- Premiul I
- Premiul II
- Premiul III
Vor fi acordate, în funcţie de posibilităţi, şi premii ale unor reviste literare.

Relaţii suplimentare: tel: 0745-773290 – Carmen Veronica Steiciuc
Director General, Consultant artistic pe creaţie literară,
Petre Horvat Carmen Veronica Steiciuc