Sunday, November 15, 2020







〒105-8011 東京都港区海岸1丁目2番20号 汐留ビルディング


Saturday, November 14, 2020







〒105-8011 東京都港区海岸1丁目2番20号 汐留ビルディング


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Dragonfly Inspired Holiday Merch

Dragonfly Shirt

Buy Here - Dragonfly Christmas Tree

Did you know that a Dragonfly can fly both inside and out, drift, and make unexpected turns? With its fast dashing developments, the Dragonfly gives off an impression of being a living blaze of light. It is the state bug of Alaska since its flying is suggestive of the dexterous shrubbery pilots' moves. The Dragonfly is likewise an awesome image of progress and self-acknowledgment, bringing a feeling of happiness and daintiness to life.

Christmas Sweatshirt

This extraordinarily hand painted Christmas trinket ball is fastidiously planned with a delightful dragonfly and covered with leaves. This dragonfly knick-knack ball can be a pleasant expansion to your Christmas beautifications particularly on the off chance that you are into the nature topic.

The dragonfly christmas tree shirt represents change, and it has more force in its wings than different creepy crawlies. In the event that you have a companion or relative who has conquered snags, and changed to better themselves, this trimming can be a suggestion to your adored one of how solid you think they are.
There's nothing very like get-together 'round the Christmas tree to design with family. They include handcrafted plans for that valid and arrive in a reusable stockpiling holder for safety's sake. Deck the lobbies with seasonal happiness, and prepare for a Christmas you won't overlook! Bring a fly of shading and shine to your Christmas tree with this basic.

Stunning and loaded with breezy allure, our dimensional dragonflies in our luminous shade makes certain to carry gleam to your vacation tree.

You can utilize this adorable for a vacation or to embellish your place, it's certainly one of a kind and fabulous than others.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Biden Trolls Trump With We Just Did Merch

Here's the place where to purchase the 'we just did 46' hat that has Joe Biden fans inquisitive on Twitter. This is what it implies. There are shirts to purchase as well.

We Just Did 46 Hat Official -

The expectation was through the rooftop however the outcome was at last reached on Saturday, November seventh 2020.

Joe Biden has won the US official political decision and will be initiated as the 46th president on Wednesday, January twentieth 2021.

His allies were celebrating and running to online media to share their contemplations over the weekend and many have just communicated their high expectations.

As featured by CNN Politics, he gave a triumph discourse in his old neighborhood of Wilmington, Delaware, in any event, tending to the individuals who didn't cast a ballot him in: "I comprehend the failure today. I've lost multiple times myself. However, presently, how about we give each other a possibility. This is an ideal opportunity to recuperate in America."

For Shirts: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Comunicat de presa, 4 noiembrie 2020, Londra

Celebrul pictor Bogdan Mihai Radu, decorat de presedintele Klaus Iohannis
Presedintele Klaus Iohannis, a semnat decretul de decorare a artistului Bogdan Mihai Radu stabilit acum la Londra


Presedintele Klaus Iohannis a semnat , marti, decretul de decorare a artistului Bogdan Mihai Radu, potrivit unui comunicat al Administratiei Prezidentiale. Acesta va fi inmanat in cadrul unei ceremonii la Ambasada Romaniei in Marea Britanie alaturi de ceilalti artisti decorati.
Pictorul Bogdan Mihai Radu, un nume cu rezonanta in lumea culturala si artistica atat din Romania cat si de peste hotare, locuieste la Londra de aproximativ 3 ani unde continua sa creeze opere de arta apreciate la nivel mondial.
Munca artistului a fost onorata in Marea Britanie, acesta primind prestigiosul trofeu Oxford International Art Fair in 2018, aducand un aport important imaginii Romaniei in UK.


'Ma simt onorat si intr-un fel dator sa nu dezamagesc asteptarile celor care imi aprecieza creatiile. Faptul ca Institutia Prezidentiala este alaturi de artisti este o ocazie extraordinara de a face cunoscuta Romania prin intermediul frumosului.' declara artistul.
Nascut la Sibiu in 1979 si copilarind la Talmaciu, Bogdan Mihai Radu este unul dintre cei mai de succes artisti romani contemporani si este considerat reprezentantul noului val al artei vizuale romanesti. Dupa primele confirmari internationale, incluzand premiul 'Cel mai bun artist' la Oxford International Art Fair si participarea la Tokyo International Art Fair (mai 2018), Bogdan Mihai Radu a decis sa se relocheze la Londra unde munca ii este apreciata la nivel inalt, aftfel incat fostul premier britanic Tony Blair a fost unul dintre vizitatorii expozitiei sale organizate la ICR Londra.

Lucrarile lui Bogdan Mihai Radu se afla in colectii private din tara si din strainatate (Germania, Franta, SUA, Polonia, Marea Britanie)
Mai multe informatii legate de decretul de decorare aici.
Contact: C&C PR : Email: ; Bogdan Mihai Radu: +44 7595700789

Monday, November 02, 2020

Importance of Water Softener in the House

Why Have A Water Softener?

A water softener is a whole-house filtration system that removes hardness-causing calcium and magnesium minerals from your water through a process called ion exchange. A water softener addresses one of the most prevalent and devastating water problems: hard water. Hard water wreaks havoc on the modern home. Scale builds up in your pipes, clogging them and decreasing water pressure. Scale dramatically shortens the lifespan of appliances like dishwashers, coffee makers and ice machines.

Water Softener Benefits

Without a water softener, laundry demands extra detergent to prevent it from looking dingy. Dishes will come out of your dishwasher streaked and stained. Filmy scum builds up on your shower curtains and your soap and shampoo will not lather. Bathing in hard water leaves your skin itchy and dry and your hair lifeless and sticky. The sheer amount of time, energy, and money required to clean up the detrimental side effects of hard water is dizzying. A whole house water softener is the solution to the scourge of water hardness.

Whole House Water System

Did you know that your water can be classified as "hard" if it contains at least 60mg of dissolved calcium and magnesium? In some areas, this number can go as high as 180mg. Defeating the hardness of water is not such a tough challenge but the rewards of it are simply great. You will be needing only one cool device and all those problems with ashy skin, stained dishes and spotty laundry will be gone.
