Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Gifts of Spring - Award Ceremony & Private View | Wed 1 March, 7 pm | Romanian Cultural Institute - free event

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Date: 21 February 2017 at 16:13:45 GMT
To: <ionelaflood@gmail.com>
Subject: The Gifts of Spring - Award Ceremony & Private View | Wed 1 March, 7 pm | Romanian Cultural Institute - free event
Reply-To: Romanian Cultural Institute London <office@icr-london.co.uk>

The Gifts of Spring - Award Ceremony & Private View | Wed 1 March, 7 pm | Romanian Cultural Institute - free event
Culture, creativity, renewal

HE Mr Dan Mihalache, The Ambassador of Romania to the Court of St James's and Mr Dorian Branea, Director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in London cordially invite you to

RCI London, Wednesday 1 March, 7 pm

Free. Please book on Eventbrite

The event opens with a special ceremony conducted by HE Mr Dan Mihalache, the Romanian Ambassador to the Court of St James's, who will award The Order of Faithful Service in the Rank of Commander to Kasper Holten, Director of Opera at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden. The distinction rewards the visionary director's ground-breaking contribution to the promotion of George Enescu's musical genius in Britain and throughout the world.
The evening continues with the private view of fashion collection
"IDentity" by designer Andra Cliţan, the creative force behind the MA RA MI brand. The exhibition illustrates the brand's philosophy, a fusion between ancestral forms and techniques of Maramureș (Northern Transylvania) and latest sartorial approaches and fabrics.
Like always at the beginning of March, we recall the Romanian rites and symbols of renewal through a display of
"mărțișoare"  (little Marches), traditional amulets announcing the new natural cycle, hand-made and offered by the children of the "Step by Step" School in Bucharest.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

INVITATION | EESC LMO conference on "Tackling long-term unemployment in the EU" (Brussels, 28.02.2017)

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Date: 15 February 2017 at 17:02:01 GMT
To: ionelaflood@gmail.com
Subject: INVITATION | EESC LMO conference on "Tackling long-term unemployment in the EU" (Brussels, 28.02.2017)
Reply-To: <soc-events@eesc.europa.eu>

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 Labour Market Observatory (LMO)
conference on
"Tackling long-term unemployment in the EU"

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

On 28 February 2017, the Labour Market Observatory (LMO) is organising a public event on the topic of long-term unemployment, including aspects related to Roma and people with disabilities.
We will discuss about the current state of play, further initiatives and good practices examples in this field, as well as about our Observatory's project to assess the implementation of the 2016 Council recommendation on long-term unemployed by Member States.
Panellists include representatives of the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Employment Committee of the Council (EMCO), Eurofound, Cedefop, social partners and other civil society organisations and experts on Roma and rights of people with disabilities. 

Thank you for joining us!

EESC - Jacques Delors building - Room JDE 62
Rue Belliard, 99 - 1040 Brussels - Belgium
Interpreting available:
from DE, EN, FR, IT, PL, PT
into DE, EN, FR, PT
Sign language (if needed)


Conférence de
l'Observatoire du Marché
du Travail (OMT) sur le thème
« Agir sur le chômage de longue durée »

Mardi 28 février 2017
10 h 00 – 17 h 00
Le 28 février, l'Observatoire du Marché du Travail (OMT) organisera un évènement public sur le sujet du chômage de longue durée, en incluant des aspects liés aux Roms et aux personnes handicapées.
Nous discuterons sur l'état actuel de la situation, les initiatives futures et les bonnes pratiques dans ce domaine, ainsi que sur le projet de notre observatoire d'évaluer la mise en œuvre de la Recommandation du Conseil de 2016 dans les Etats membres.

Les orateurs incluent des représentants du Parlement européen, de la Commission, du Comité de l'emploi du Conseil (EMCO), d'Eurofound, Cedefop, des partenaires sociaux et d'autres organisations de la société civile et des experts sur les Roms et les droits des personnes handicapées.
Merci par avance pour votre participation!

                                 CESE - Bâtiment Jacques Delors - Salle JDE 62
99, rue Belliard - 1040 Bruxelles - Belgique
 Interprétation disponible :
vers DE, EN, FR, PT
Langue des signes (si nécessaire)
You are receiving this message because we believe you are interested in the Employment and Social Affairs theme. Should this not be the case, please change your preferences.
If you don't want to receive invitations from the EESC SOC section, please unsubscribe.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Cellist Razvan Suma and Pianist Rebeca Omordia in the 'Enescu Concerts' Series | Thu 9 March, 7pm - free

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From: Romanian Cultural Institute London <office@icr-london.co.uk>
Date: 10 February 2017 at 13:24:00 GMT
To: <ionelaflood@gmail.com>
Subject: Cellist Razvan Suma and Pianist Rebeca Omordia in the 'Enescu Concerts' Series | Thu 9 March, 7pm - free
Reply-To: Romanian Cultural Institute London <office@icr-london.co.uk>

Cellist Razvan Suma and Pianist Rebeca Omordia in the 'Enescu Concerts' Series | Thu 9 March, 7pm - free
A musical journey through British music
The Romanian Cultural Institute and The Enescu Society in Great Britain
cordially invite you to

RCI London, Thursday 9 March, 7pm

Răzvan Suma - cello
Rebeca Omordia - piano

Do You Like British Music?

Free. Seats allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Please book your seat on Eventbrite

The programme, entitled 'Do You Like British Music?' features timeless tones by Edward Elgar, Ian Venables and John Ireland among others and is completed with a new work especially written for the duo by composer and critic Robert Matthew-Walker. George Enescu's  'Sonata for cello and piano' provides a Romanian adagio to an all-British catalogue.

This concert is part of an extensive British tour organised in partnership with The John Ireland Trust and Fourchiefs Production, with Archery Promotions and Classical Journey as media partners. Tour details: HERE

Edward Elgar - 'Salut d'amour' op. 12
Frederic Delius  – 'Romance'  
John Ireland – 'Sonata for cello and piano" in G minor
Ian Venables -  'Elegy for cello and piano' op. 2    
Frank Bridge
- 'Scherzetto'
George Enescu – 'Sonata for cello and piano' in F minor: Allegro

                               William Lloyd Webber - 'Nocturne'  
Robert Matthew Walker  - 'Fast Music' op. 158  (world premiere)    

Romanian Cultural Institute logo     Enescu Society logo

Romanian Cultural Institute
1 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X8PH

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Romanian Cultural Institute in London
1 Belgrave Square
London, SW1X 8PH
United Kingdom

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Friday, February 03, 2017

Fwd: Adoption of the EESC opinion SOC/542 "European Pillar of Social Rights" / Adoption de l'avis du CESE "Un socle européen des droits sociaux"

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Dear Madam,
Dear Sir,
At its 522th plenary session, held on 25 and 26 January 2017, the European Economic and Social Committee adopted the following opinion, available in all language versions:

The EESC adopted this opinion after in-depth work carried out during the four meetings of the study group. The opinion also reflects the national debates with civil society organisations carried out in all Member States between 2 September and 2 November 2016. These discussions were coordinated by three members of the EESC ('trios') from the country concerned, often in cooperation with the European Commission (15 debates) or the national economic and social council (7 debates). Participants came from a wide range of employers' and trade union organisations and other civil society organisations, as well as, to a lesser extent, from the academic world. A total of 116 EESC members and nearly 1,800 representatives of civil society organisations participated in the 28 debates. The conclusions/recommendations of the national debates have been grouped in the opinion and the full reports have been published separately: EESC Debates with organised Civil Society in the member states on the European Pillar of Social Rights.  
Yours sincerely, 
Pavel Trantina
President of the Section for
Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship
Chère Madame,
Cher Monsieur,

Lors de sa 522e session plénière des 25 et 26 janvier 2017, le Comité économique et social européen a adopté les avis suivants, disponible dans toutes les versions linguistiques:  

SOC/542 - Un socle européen des droits sociaux
Le CESE a adopté l'avis après avoir mené des travaux approfondis durant les quatre réunions du groupe d'étude. L'avis reflète également les débats nationaux avec les organisations de la société civile tenus dans tous les États membres entre le 2 septembre et le 2 novembre 2016. Ces discussions étaient coordonnées par trois membres du CESE («trios») issus du pays concerné, souvent en coopération avec la Commission européenne (15 débats) ou le conseil économique et social national (7 débats). Les participants étaient issus d'un large éventail d'organisations patronales et syndicales et d'autres organisations de la société civile, ainsi que, dans une moindre mesure, du monde universitaire. Au total, 116 membres du CESE et près de 1 800 représentants d'organisations de la société civile ont participé aux 28 débats. Les conclusions / recommandations des débats nationaux ont été regroupées dans l'avis et les rapports complets ont été publiés séparément: Débats organisés par le CESE avec la société civile organisée dans tous les États membres.
Bien à vous, 
Pavel Trantina   
Président de la section spécialisée
Emploi, affaires sociales et citoyenneté

European Economic and Social Committee / Comité économique et social européen
Rue Belliard 99, 1040 Bruxelles