Saturday, February 21, 2015

Invitation - EESC conference on long-term unemployment - 11.3.2015 - Zagreb, Croatia

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Date: 20 February 2015 11:10:48 GMT
Subject: Invitation - EESC conference on long-term unemployment - 11.3.2015 - Zagreb, Croatia

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Labour Market Observatory
Taking action on long-term unemployment: national and European perspectives
The European Economic and Social Committee invites you to attend its conference on "Taking action on long-term unemployment: national and European perspectives", taking place in Zagreb on the 11 March 2015.
This event will look into what good practices are already in place and what further measures will be necessary to tackle long-term unemployment and provide opportunities for those most at risk of social exclusion.
The presentations and discussions will focus on the situation at both national and EU level. In addition to the Croatian Minister for Labour and the Pension System, Mirando Mrsić, the conference will feature speakers representing the Croatian parliament, the European Commission, Eurofound, the University of Exeter's Marchmont Observatory (UK), the Croatian Employment Service, social partners and civil society.
N.B.: The European Economic and Social Committee does not cover participants' travel and subsistence costs.
Do you wish to participate?
Please register before 9 March and join us!
Zagreb, Croatia (venue to be confirmed)

Observatoire du Marché du travail
Agir sur le chômage de longue durée: perspectives nationales et européennes
Envie de participer?
Inscrivez-vous avant le 9 mars et rejoignez-nous!
Le Comité économique et social européen a le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence intitulée «Agir sur le chômage de longue durée: perspectives nationales et européennes», qu'il organise à Zagreb le 11 mars 2015.
Cette conférence de l'OMT se penchera sur les bonnes pratiques existantes et d'autres mesures nécessaires pour lutter contre le chômage à long terme et offrir des possibilités pour les personnes les plus à risque d'exclusion sociale. L'événement aura lieu en Croatie, pays qui fait face à des défis majeurs en ce qui concerne le chômage de longue durée, en particulier des jeunes.
Les présentations et les débats porteront à la fois sur la situation au plan national et au niveau de l'UE. En plus du Ministre du Travail et du Système de Pension Mirando Mrsić, les orateurs représenteront le Parlement croate, la Commission européenne, Eurofound, l'Observatoire Marchmont de l'Université d'Exeter (Royaume-Uni), le Service croate de l'emploi, les partenaires sociaux et la société civile.
N.B.: Le CESE ne couvre pas les frais de voyage et de séjour des participants.
Zagreb, Croatie (Lieu à confirmer)

Konferencija Promatračke skupine za tržište rada
Kako riješiti problem dugotrajne nezaposlenosti: nacionalne i europske perspektive
Europski gospodarski i socijalni odbor poziva Vas na svoju konferenciju „Kako riješiti problem dugotrajne nezaposlenosti: nacionalne i europske perspektive" koja će se održati u Zagrebu dana 11.ožujka 2015. 
Na ovom događaju razmotrit će se dobre prakse koje su već u upotrebi i istražiti koje će daljnje mjere biti potrebne za rješavanje pitanja dugotrajne nezaposlenosti i pružanje mogućnosti skupinama najizloženijim riziku od socijalne isključenosti.
Prezentacije i rasprave bit će usmjerene na situaciju na nacionalnoj razini i na razini EU-a. Osim hrvatskog ministra rada i mirovinskoga sustava, Miranda Mrsića, na konferenciji će govoriti predstavnici Hrvatskog sabora, Europske komisije, Eurofounda, Opservatorija Marchmont Sveučilišta u Exeteru (UK), Hrvatskog zavoda za zapošljavanje, socijalnih partnera i civilnog društva.
Napomena: EGSO ne nadoknađuje sudionicima troškove putovnja i boravka. 
Želite li sudjelovati?
Registrirajte se prije 9. ožujka i pridružite nam se! 
Zagreb, Hrvatska (Mjesto održavanja još nije potvrđeno)
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Monday, February 16, 2015

Young Romanian Musicians in London and Guests - Enescu Concerts Season | Thu 5 March, 7pm

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Date: 16 February 2015 11:57:17 GMT
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Subject: Young Romanian Musicians in London and Guests - Enescu Concerts Season | Thu 5 March, 7pm
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Young Romanian Musicians in London and Guests - Enescu Concerts Season | Thu 5 March, 7pm
Youth & energy in the Enescu Concerts
Concert organised under the patronage of HE Dr Ion Jinga, the Ambassador of Romania to the Court of St James's on the occasion of International Women's Day
Enescu Concerts Season, March Concert

Young Romanian Musicians in London and Guests

ICR London, Thursday, 5 March, 7pm

The youthful ensemble, featuring the finest Romanian students at the most prestigious London schools and their equally talented peers is made of: Ioana Forna – violin, Maria Gîlicel – violin, George Paşca – cello, Alexandru Lazăr – piano, Francis Gallagher – viola, Lisa Bucknell – viola, Jamie Kenny – doublebass.

The evening's special guest is the young pianist Szőcs Botond of the Braşov Music Faculty, hailed as a "revelation" by musical pundits, who will present works by  Chopin and Enescu. His appearance is supported by the Romanian Arts and Folklore Association.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - "String Quintet" No.4 in G minor, K.516

George Enescu - "Aria and Scherzino"

Mini pinao recital by Szőcs Botond featuring works by Frederic Chopin and George Enescu

Gustav Mahler - "Piano Quartet" in A minor

Drinks reception during the interval


Free. Seats allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Romanian Cultural Institute logoEnescu Society logo

Romanian Cultural Institute
1 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X8PH
Copyright © 2015 Romanian Cultural Institute in London, All rights reserved.
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Romanian Cultural Institute in London
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Sunday, February 15, 2015

The point of no return

The point of no return 
By Ionela  FLOOD 

The point of no return was cave man seeing the sunshine over the glacier sharp summit for the first time. 

Point of no return said Sisiphus carrying the stone up to the hill just to see all dreams calling down the valey streams 

A Happy Valentine to all unloved darlings just to get to the point of no return  Remembering to you no man is more loved then you ! Because of me 
and by me! 

The point of no retur for humanity is watching with true eyes wars of mutilations and sleeping consciences. 

The point of no return when you find yourself lost in the labirint of others expectations, living just in hope of tomorrow. 

The point of no return is to learn the lessons of today and make it work for you going around towards your fate in spiral circles to the sun.

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Friday, February 13, 2015

Aurora at the Romanian Cinematheque | Thu 26 Feb, 7pm | free

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Date: 13 February 2015 13:45:55 GMT
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Subject: Aurora at the Romanian Cinematheque | Thu 26 Feb, 7pm | free
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Aurora at the Romanian Cinematheque | Thu 26 Feb, 7pm | free

'A slow burn thriller taken to the extreme'

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Untamed Skin

Thursday 26 February, 7pm | free
Romanian Cultural Institute
1 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PH

Every cinematheque has to have a crime season. And what film would proudly open our Crime Season better than Cristi Puiu's dark and disturbing 'Aurora'?

Aurora — that is, 'dawn' in Romanian — is the moment when night and day meet. 'Aurora' is the film that asks overwhelmingly difficult questions, taking the viewer in the most tenebrous zones of human psyche. A mesmerizing masterwork from one of the great innovators of the art of film that anyone should see! 
This screening is possible with the support of New Wave Films.


'Aurora' is the story of the fall of an ordinary man – an imperfect fall without glory. A recently divorced father of two young daughters, Viorel is an engineer. The film follows Viorel for two days as he wanders around Bucharest. Wherever he is, he feels the same strange nervousness, the same muffled anxiety and the same urge to end the instability that rules his life. He buys a rifle and ammunition, then goes back home to test his weapon...


This screening also celebrates 10 years from the release of 'The Death of Mr Lazarescu', Cristi Puiu's award-winning film, considered by many critics the beginning of the Romanian New Wave.

When: Thursday 26 February, 7pm.
Where: Romanian Cultural Institute, 1 Belgrave Square, London SW1X8PH

Admission is free, the seats are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please confirm your attendance at eventbrite or at


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Romanian Cultural Institute in London
1 Belgrave Square
London, SW1X 8PH
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Presentation: Serbian Pagan Origin and Mythology

Presentation: Serbian Pagan Origin and Mythology
Dear Friends 

this is one of the most interesting subjects about Serbian culture and heritage, and definitely is the one we know very little about. Sonja Besford is an expert in it and she wrote a fascinating book about one of the least known shadow beings -  a Thalason spirit from the wall, which haunts people at dusk and at night. There are many more to say but I don't know about it, only Sonja could tell us. I cannot wait to hear it and see it.

All students and unemployed young people do not pay entrance but we kindly ask all others for donation of £5 towards our expenses, at your discretion. I hope to see you on Saturday.

Best wishes



Pro Art & Co
Plaza 319
535 Kings Road
London SW10 0SZ

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VICTORITA DUTU EXPOZITIE la “Oxford International Art Fair 6-8 februarie 2015″

The Global Art Agency presents the second edition of the "Oxford International Art Fair".
Friday 6th, Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th February 2015 at Oxford Town Hall. Bringing the best selected artworks to Oxford by emerging artists from around the world for everyone to enjoy.


art for sale

cod:  0.10 acrilyc pe panza  /acrilyc on canvas/  40/60 cm 200 euro
picturi religioase victorita dutu 29 dec 2013 012 ...
cod:  0.11 acrilyc pe panza  / acrilyc on canvas/ 40/60 cm 200 euro
cod:  0.6 acrilyc pe panza  /acrilyc on canvas/40/60 cm 200 euro

cod:  0.4 acrilyc pe panza  /acrilyc on canvas/40/60 cm 200 euro
picturi victorita dutu 27 dec 2013 178.

cod: 0.1 acrilyc pe panza  /acrilyc on canvas/20/30 cm 100 euro
victoria dutu picturi de vanzare 2 0010.

8.13. acrilyc pe panza  /  50/40 cm
picturi  victorita dutu 3  ian 2014 032
8.12. acrilyc pe panza  /  50/40 cm
victoria dutu -picturi de vanzare -15 iunie 2014 004 
8.10. acrilyc pe panza  /  50/40 cm
picturi  victorita dutu 3  ian 2014 006

Expozitie permanenta in Bucuresti la firma UNIONCONT
Picturile pot fi vizionate zilnic la sediul firmei "Unioncont",  luni pana vineri, intre orele: 9-17,30 , Strada Alexandru Moruzzi Voievod,Nr. 4 A, Et. 4, Ap.16, Bucuresti, Sector 3, Romania, (paralel cu str. Nerva Traian, in apropiere de Tribunalul  Bucuresti, de pe Bl. Unirii sau de blocul "Loto"), Telefon:  031 438.24.85, de luni pana vineri, intre orele: 9-17,30.