Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Invitation to Composer-Royal Academy of London on Sunday 28th November at 7pm

Dear friends and colleagues

We are approaching the end of the first phase of Invitation to Composers - our musical journey funded by the European Union - and would like very much to have you with us in the Royal Academy of London on Sunday 28th November at 7pm for our European Odyssey, the last concert in the 2010 series.

The programme crowns one year of events of various sizes and styles and promises to fulfil the expectations of a true Finale: along Mendelssohn's Double Concerto for Piano Solo, Violin Solo and Strings - a little-known work, full of drama, lyricism and spark - we will play in the same instrumental combination: a Nocturne with Cloudscape; The Outermost Gate on the thoughtful poem But if I go through the Fields by Swedish poet Nils Ferlin; the exuberant J'ai trouve les Histoires; three Concertante Waltzes; and Annabel Lee, an amusing Sinfonia Concertante on a poem by Edgar Allan Poe. The composers come from England, Sweden, Romania, Czech Republic and the US.

I am joined by the outstanding Solo violinists Yuri Zhislin and Ken Aiso, pianist Alberto Portugheis and the Rivoli String Quartet.

You can see the composers and musicians in public workshops 3.00pm - 6.00pm.

Please put this event in your diaries and we will send you detailed information closer to it.
Thank you !

Yours, in music and friendship,
Anda Anastasescu and the London Schubert Players

Invitation to Composers- Seminar with musical illustrations on Sunday October 17th at 4pm in London

Just before we take the project to Romania - where we will appear on National Radio and TV - we give a Seminar with musical illustrations on Sunday October 17th at 4pm in London (72 Warwick Gardens, W14 8PP), with the participation of composer Dr Drew Wilson who wrote for us Nocturne with Cloudscape for Solo Violin, Solo Piano, String Quartet and Double Bass. The seminar will be followed by refreshments and we are cordially inviting you to book a seat in advance as places are limited - having in mind we play as a Septet on that day ! Entrance fee £12.

Looking forward to seeing you I send my very warm wishes,
Anda Anastasescu

The composer describes his work: The title is derived from an 1870 wood engraving by Gustave Doré (an artist I associate primarily with his illustrations for Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner) called Folktales - A Voyage to the Moon, in which a sailing ship is lifted into the sky, it would seem by the gravity of a vastly enlarged moon. I wrote the following narrative for my own amusement and in order to enrich my store of images whilst composing:
A ship was once becalmed some leagues from the Azores. Lack of water and nourishment affects the mind of a mariner in the crow’s-nest and, bewitched by a full moon, he thinks he sees lakes and rivers and a city with a fair harbour. The ship seems to float clear of the sea with a strange creaking of planks and straining of ropes as if sailing before a following wind. In reality the ship with its crew reaches a safe haven but the sailor’s fantasy persists and for the rest of his days he believes he is living with people on the moon.
The sea looks quite choppy in the engraving and, although much of the piece is shadowy and mysterious, I imagine the moment the ship rises out of the water there is almost as much noise and excitement as a rocket lifting off a launch pad. But once she attains extraterrestrial orbit, she floats once again with a surreal serenity.

Un doctorand roman sprijina o cauza nobila in UK

Unii dintre voi o cunoasteti pe Irina Iordachescu , a efectuat un stagiu la Ambasada Romaniei la Londra, a participat la numeroase evenimente si, anul trecut, la Conferinta studentilor a sustinut o prezentare cu privire la integrarea studentilor romani in Marea Britanie.

In prezent, este doctorand si student afiliat la LSE.

Una dintre activitatile sale extra-curiculare este dedicata luptei impotriva maladiei cancerului pentru care va incerca sa obtina donatii in valoare de £700 si, peste cateva zile, va alerga la un maraton organizat de Royal Park Foundation.

Mai multe informatii despre maraton:

Cei care vor sa o ajute pe Irina la strangerea donatiei de £700 pot accesa site-ul:

Conferinta Studentilor din Marea Britanie -23 octombrie 2010

Dragi colegi,

Conferinta Studentilor a ajuns la cea de a 3-a editie, eveniment anual la care sunteti asteptati sa participati alaturi de organizatorii acestui program.
Va rog sa transmiteti aceasta informatie celor care ar putea fi interesati.

Cu cele mai bune ganduri,

Ionela Flood
Societatea Romanca


La 23 octombrie 2010 intre orele 10.30 si 16.30 va avea loc cea de-a treia ediţie a acestei conferinţe. Evenimentul se va desfăşura sub patronajul Ambasadei României, Camerei de Comerţ Britanice Române şi Fundaţiei Raţiu, cu sprijinul ROMANi ONLiNE.

Comitetul de organizare a decis ca ediţia de anul acesta a Conferinţei să aibă ca temă principală Dezvoltarea profesională şi să fie structurată în două părţi: o sesiune plenară şi o sesiune de paneluri de dezbatere cu următoarele teme: Oportunităţi de înscriere la studii postuniversitare în Marea Britanie, posibilităţi de finanţare a studiilor; Schimburi de studenţi, profesori şi cercetători între universităţi româneşti şi britanice, oportunităţi de efectuare a unor stagii de practică la companii britanice; Formule de succes experimentate de tineri români în Marea Britanie; Oportunităţi de carieră în România în domeniul turismului şi al organizării de evenimente.

Conferinţa Studenţilor, Profesorilor şi Cercetătorilor Români din Marea Britanie va avea loc la sediul din 1 Belgrave Square, Londra SW1X 8PH.

Pentru înscrieri şi mai multe informaţii despre ediţiile trecute puteţi accesa site-ul Conferinţei:

Cristina-Narcisa Nita
Press Attaché
Embassy of Romania in the UK
Arundel House
4 Palace Green
London W8 4QD
Tel.: 0044 20 7937 9669
Fax: 0044 20 7937 8069
Mobile: 0044 75 00 55 88 44

Sunday, September 19, 2010

THE TRAVELLER’S GAZE at Romanian Cultural Centre

Monday 4 October 2010 // // // // // Culture Power Presentation


a presentation by Alex Drace-Francis
Hosted by Dr Mike Phillips OBE, British novelist, historian and curator.

Followed by Q&A session

19.00-21.00, The Ratiu Foundation / Romanian Cultural Centre, Manchester Square, 18 Fitzhardinge Street, London W1H 6EQ; Tel. 020 7486 0295, ext 108; e-mail:; Entry is free but booking is essential.

Over the last decade Alex Drace-Francis has been researching Romanian accounts of journeys outside the national space and in all parts of Europe. His bibliography, comprising nearly eight hundred book-length Romanian-language travel descriptions, was published in 2008 in the Bibliography of East European travel writing, 1550-2000 which he edited with Wendy Bracewell. The resulting texts are fascinating to explore.

In this talk, Drace-Francis presents this database to a wider public, featuring Romanian travellers who range from the famous to the little-known, from the self-satisfied to the angry, and from the frivolous to the philosophical.

“A change of horizon, two days on the railway, the sense of your own solitude, these are enough for life to gain colour around you rapidly, as if some private accelerator pedal has been activated, the days pass feverishly, you start relating to people, and you become master of a visual and psychological empire which you would never have discovered otherwise.” - Mihail Sebastian

Alex Drace-Francis is Lecturer in Modern European History at the University of Liverpool. He specializes in cultural and social history of Romania and Southeastern Europe, especially print culture, education, travel, literature and historiography. He published a book, The Making of Modern Romanian Culture (2006) and edited three volumes on East European travel writing with Wendy Bracewell (UCL). He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and has held research fellowships in London and Sofia.

Organised by The Ratiu Foundation / Romanian Cultural Centre in London.;
Culture Power is a programme initiated by the Ratiu Foundation, consisting of a number of presentations and constructive dialogue with an invited audience.

With the support of ProFusion International Creative Consultancy.
Photo: Country-fair demonstration of stereoscopic panoramas in Romania, first half of the 20th Century. Courtesy of NOI Media Print

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The Ratiu Foundation / Romanian Cultural Centre in London
Manchester Square, 18 Fitzhardinge Street, London W1H 6EQ; Tel. +44 20 7486 0295; Fax: +44 20 7486 0307
E-mail:, Web site:
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