Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Good Practices in Education Models in European Youth , March 2016 , Kent , UK - Romanca Society

PRESS RELEASE , 29 March 2016, London                                                


The project " Good Practices in Education Models in European Youth" , funded by the EU  Erasmus +Programme , is a training course organised by Romanca Society (London)  and it was taking place in UK - Kent, Finchcocks Oast , 9-18 March 2016 .


" Good Practices in Education Models of European Youth" involved 35 participants coming from Czech Republic, Portugal, Latvia, Serbia, United Kingdom, Italy and Turkey , all partners in the EU  Program Erasmus + , the project being funded by the UK National Agency.

Local partnership was formed with Regent Group, Joy of Sound and RTV Unirea in order to offer the participants a broad experience while in the UK.

The main theme of the project was to learn about the good practices in educational systems in European countries.
Our goal was to share educational experiences and cultural differences either in formal or informal fields between young people coming from 7 different EU Countries.

The project involved young participants to explore these connections related to education:
1) Young people's labor market;
2) European Citizenship;
3) Intercultural Learning.

The implementation of the training course aimed and achieved to develop skills and attitude of the participants using informal methods to support participants integration and group building activities. The creativity of participants build up attendance to interactive activities; from workshops on the topic of the training course to visits to some historical places in Kent and London; from seminars to intercultural activities; from debates to role plays; from brainstorming to youth issues discussions; from mentoring to practical games.

The materials used and collected during and after the training course are used to prepare social media networks that is build up by all participants during and after  the project. Also radio interviews featuring the participants views on the experience of the project are broadcast during the project.

Here are few links for the collaborative work so far, more to be followed up by all National Teams, participants and partners of the project:




FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/434671976738356/

Regent Group Web:


Latvia Team -Dace's poem :


Latvia Team Newsletter


Serbia team  reportage:


Serbia Team- Broadcast  Radio Novi Sad



Check Republic Team


As the follow up still to be received from all national  teams please keep an eye on the project group facebook page:


The evaluation of the project contain Youth Pass certificates and Romanca Society Diplomas that are completed and issued for each participant featuring the added skills and new abilities acquired  during the learning experience on the training course.


We are grateful for this tremendous experience to all participant and partners in the project, to the UK team, to all supporters and especially to the funding body EU Erasmus + programme that it is make it all happened.

Hopefully we will be able to work again in future projects as there are plans to develop new ideas for application for Erasmus + Programme for KA1 and KA2.

For more information please contact the Project Manager on the details bellow:

Ionela Flood
Romanca Society



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