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From: PressEESC <>
Sender: Juchem Isolde <>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 13:21:06 +0000
Subject: CAP reform and the Single European Transport Area at the EESC's October plenary session
PRESS RELEASE NO 112/2011 | 24 October 2011 |
CAP reform and the Single European Transport Area at the EESC's October plenary session |
At its upcoming plenary session, to be held on 26-27 October, the European Economic and Social Committee will hold two important debates. The first will focus on the new White Paper on Transport to be presented by Siim Kallas, European Commission vice-president with responsibility for transport. The second will follow the presentation of the CAP reform package delivered by Dacian Cioloş, Commissioner for agriculture and rural development. Venue: József Antall building, room JAN 2Q2, European Parliament, Brussels Schedule: Wednesday, 26 October 4 p.m.: Commissioner Kallas at plenary session Thursday, 27 October 8.30 a.m.: Press breakfast with EESC member Madi Sharma, launching an EESC online database of good practices for the protection of children against sexual abuse 9.30 a.m.: Commissioner Cioloş at plenary session Commissioner Siim Kallas will present the EC strategy "Transport 2050", aimed at increasing mobility, removing major barriers and fuelling growth and employment. Some 60 proposals have been proposed in this white paper, which is designed to reduce Europe's dependence on imported oil and cut carbon emissions in transport by 60% by 2050. The Committee plans to adopt its opinion on the Commission's paper, arguing for more coherence between the objectives, the ways in which they would be achieved and the financing required to achieve them. The Committee will recommend in its opinion that the Commission should allocate sufficient funds to transport infrastructure in the post-2013 Multiannual Financial Framework - (EESC Rapporteur Pierre Jean Coulon and co-rapporteur Stefan Back). EESC President Staffan Nilsson, who welcomes the new CAP's enhanced focus on the environment and sustainability, has invited Commissioner Dacian Cioloş to take part in a debate with EESC members, including EESC Aggriculture Section President Mario Campli. Commissioner Cioloş will present the Commission's legislative package for CAP reform after 2013, which was presented on 12 October. The centrepiece of the proposal is the redistribution of EU direct payments across and within Europe, intended to reduce existing discrepancies between the levels of payments between farmers, regions and Member States. Stronger emphasis is also placed on "green agriculture" and young and small-scale farmers. The package, which should enter into force by January 2014, will be the subject of discussions among the EU institutions and may be adopted by the end of 2012. The 475th EESC plenary session will open with a brief tribute to Mario Sepi, former Committee president, who passed away on 10 October. To find out more, please check the Plenary session agenda or the Press breakfast webpage. The debates with the commissioners will be broadcast on Europe by Satellite. For further information, please contact: Karin Füssl, Head of the EESC Press Unit Tel.:+32 2 546 8722 |
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