I would like to invite you to take part in a market research .
Criteria are :
- 4 men and 4 women, romanian people
- Mix of older and younger (aged 20-60)
- Mix of working and not working; + working at different kinds of jobs
- Some people who are born in Romania; Some who are born in Uk but their parents or grandparents were born in Romania
- Half who have lived in Uk for less than 5 years and half who have lived in UK for more than 5 years
- All to speak good English as group discussion will be in English. All to also be speaking in their mother tongue within their community
- All to have mobile phones that they use regularly - every 2-3 days
- All to call family and friends who live abroad/home country atleast once a week
- Mix of contract and pay as you go
- 2-3 to have O2 as their network; others to have different networks
- 4 to use calling cards; mix of different companies
- 4 to not use calling cards but are open to using them
- All not to have taken part in phone research before
They can bring friends or family who fit this criteria with them.
Each person gets paid £35 for 1.5 hour discussion. Refreshments provided.
Discussion to take place on 23rd october, at 8.30 - 10.00pm.
Location - to be confirmed .
Each person gets paid £35 for taking part in the project.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Kiran Sharma
01932 241743
0783 5088909
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