A Romanian liturgy will be celebrated by Fr Pimen at the Orthodox Church at 1 Canterbury Rd, Oxford, on Saturday, 5 July 2008, at 10.00 am.
All are welcome!
With love in Christ,
Ro Soc Oxford
Dear all,
The next two scheduled dates for evenings of Romanian film, 5 July and 2 August, are approaching. However, we are short of proposals of what to see on those occasions (and the next one, on 6 September).
If you have a film you would like to propose and present on one of those occasions, please let us know a.s.a.p. Ideally you should also have the respective DVD to produce for the screening, but we could try to see if this is not available within our community - so if you have a proposal and not the disk, please ask the question on this list.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Ro Soc Oxford
Reactioneaza la subiectele din presa britanica despre romani in UK!
Prea des vedem stiri care distorsoneaza adevarul despre romanii in UK si care ne acuza pe noi de problemele sociale.
Cand aceste stiri nu sunt adevarate, este datoria noastra sa reactionam si sa nu incercam sa transmitem povestea adevarata.
Romani-online.co.uk, ziarul ? Roman in UK ?, romani.co.uk si societatea Romanca s-au alaturat pentru a sustine proiectul REACT!, o unealta simpla de a lupta contra jurnalismului lenes si a transformarii romanilor din UK in tapul ispasitor al problemelor.
Ideea este simpla. Verificam acuratetea stirilor despre romani in media britanica iar atunci cand acestea nu prezinta informatii corecte, inaintam plangeri. Scopul nostru este sa Our goal trimite cel putin 500 de e-mailuri cu plangeri jurnalistului responsabil in doua ore dupa aparitia stirii. Daca stirea nu este retrasa, urmatorul pas este sa inaintam o plangere oficiala.
Nu putem stopa in intregime mediatizarea negativa despre romani in UK, dar putem sa atentionam jurnalistii si editorii ca romani nu vor tace daca sunt mediatizati pe nedrept. Proiectul React! iti da aceasta voce.
Ce facem noi
De regula vom raspunde doar stirilor incorecte informational despre romanii in UK. Ne liminam actiunilor la aceste stiri deoarece greselile informationale aduc cele mai solide motive pentru a inainta plangeri impotriva ziarelor si impotriva televiziunilor, succesul unei actiuni impotriva lor de catre comisiile autorizate fiind mare. Exista stiri si povesti de presa carora nu le vom raspunde, dar in momentul de fata suntem de parere ca este cel mai bines a ne concentram eforturile pentru a schimba ceva in opinia presei britanice. Daca acest proiect va lua amploare, atunci ambitiile noastre pot creste si ele.
Ce poti face tu!
1. Aboneaza-te pe website-ul nostru (www.reactgroup.org.uk). Cand un subiect incorect va fi mediatizat, o sa iti transmitem un e-mail cu o scrisoare de plangere. Iti cerem sa trimiti aceasta scrisoare jurnalistului care a scris articolul respective si editorului sau. Participarea ta la acest proiect este gratuita.
2. Trimite-ne stirile pe care le vezi despre romani in UK- acestea pot fi trimite pe website. Chiar daca nu raspundem fiecarei stiri in parte,creand o arhiva.
Este momentul ca romanii din UK si sustinatorii lor sa isi faca pararea auzita!
English version
React to press stories about Romanians in the UK!
Too often we see stories that distort the truth about Romanians in the UK or blame us for social problems.
Where these stories are untrue it is our duty not to let them go unchallenged.
Romani-online.co.uk, Roman in UK newspaper, romani.co.uk and the Romanca Society have joined together to support the React! project, a simple tool to enable you to fight back against lazy journalism or the scapegoating of Romanians in the UK.
The idea is simple. We fact check news stories about Romanians in the British media, and where they are inaccurate, we make complaints. Our goal is to deliver at least 500 email complaints to the journalist responsible within 2 hours of an inaccurate story appearing. If they do not retract their story the next step is to make formal complaints to the independent regulatory bodies.
We cannot put an end to all negative coverage about Romanians in the UK, but what we can do is make journalists and editors aware that Romanians will not stay silent if they are targeted unfairly.
The React! project gives you this voice.
What we do
As a rule we will only respond to factually inaccurate stories about Romanians in the UK. We are limiting our actions to these stories because factual inaccuracies provide the strongest grounds for making complaints against newspapers or television, and ensuring action by their regulators. This means there are some stories we will not respond to, but at this stage we think it is best that we focus our efforts where they can make a difference. If the project grows, then our ambitions can grow with it.
What you can do
1. Sign up on the website (www.reactgroup.org.uk). When an inaccurate story appears we will email you with a letter of complaint. We ask only that you send this on to the journalist that wrote the story and their editor. Being part of the project is entirely free.
(The website still needs some finetuning ? so excuse its mistakes ? but we need a membership base before the project can launch.)
2. Send us all the stories that you see about Romanians in the UK ? they can be submitted through the website. Even if we don?t respond to each and everyone of these we can still build an archive of media coverage and so document the attitude of the UK press toward Romanians.
It is time for Romanians in the UK, and their supporters, to stand up and speak out!
Gospel Choir of Morley College
Come and hear me sing!!
Well you won't actually hear me, cause it's lots of people singing very loud, not just me.
This is the Gospel Choir of Morley College performing in the Main Hall of Morley College on Tuesday, 10th of June. This is the amateur beginners choir for now - look out for me in the altos section.
Directions on the Morley College website - it's near Waterloo station:
Mark your diary for Tuesday the 10th of June, 7pm, and let me know if you are coming.
This is a free concert, and it would be great to have you there. Bring friends, partners, spouses and family if you like, this is a great evening out and lots of fun.
Irina Dragos
Learn Romanian in Romania!
The Romanian Cultural Institute organizes courses in Romanian language, culture and civilization in the 12th century citadel of Brasov. A multicultural environment, Brasov (Corona, Kronstradt, Brasso) was renown as a big medieval trade centre, but also as a cultural and academic fortress. Brasov is the place where the first sparkle of an anticommunist uprising appeared in 1987.
The courses in Romanian language are based on a flexible curriculum, adapted to the students’ needs, combining basic vocabulary and grammar lessons, group and individual activities that aim to develop fluency in communication and to consolidate grammar structures. The language course support includes textbooks, literary and historical texts, folklore, newspaper articles, audio-visual means.
In order to improve the efficiency of the courses, the participants are enrolled in several study groups, based on an initial language test. Each study group is made of 10-12 students.
The instructors are native Romanian speakers and universities graduates. The Romanian Cultural Institute selects experienced lecturers, according to their professional skills but also for their friendly attitude, enthusiasm and patience. The instructors come from the University of Brasov and the University of Bucharest
Location: The courses take place in the city of Brasov (300.000 inhabitants),
Official opening of the programme: July 13th, 2008. Closing ceremony - August 2nd, 2008.
Schedule: Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm - lessons in Romanian language (on 3 levels). A class lasts 50 minutes. The lectures in Romanian culture and civilization and the creative workshops will take place in the afternoon, from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
The minimum age for attendance is 18.
The completed application form, accompanied by a curriculum vitae, a copy of the passport (the page with the personal data) and a copy confirming the payment of the participation fee are to be sent to the Romanian Cultural Institute.
The deadline for enrollment is July 1st, 2008. Due to the limited number of places, applications should be registered as soon as possible.
Participation Fee: 960 EUROs (950 EUROs + 10 EUROs registration fee)
The participation fee covers the following expenses: registration, tuition, workshops, trips, other additional activities included in the programme and meals. The costs for accommodation at the hotel (single or double rooms) will be covered by the Romanian Cultural Institute.
The participation fee does not cover the international or internal transport, the entrance visa (if needed) or any other additional hotel services.
Students might apply for 4 full grants (that cover the participation fee) or 4 partial (that cover between 25% and 50% of the participation fee). A reference letter from a professor or from someone familiar with the students work is an advantage. The deadline for grant applicants is June 20th, 2008.
For applications/additional information:
38, Aleea Alexandru 011824, Sector 1 - Bucharest, Romania
-Programme Co-ordinator: Mona Moldoveanu
E-mail: mona@icr.ro; Phone: (4) 0317 100 618, (4) 0317 100 621; Fax: (4) 0317 100 620
-Director of the Domestic Programs Department: Oana-Valentina Suciu
E-mail: oana.suciu@icr.ro; Phone: (4) 0317 100 616, Fax: (4) 0317 100 606
-Program Assistants: Denisa Mirena Piscu: denisa.piscu@icr.ro
Sorin Cucerai: sorin.cucerai@icr.ro
For details, please visit http://www.icr.ro/cursuri_brasov.
Best regards,
Ioana Alupoae
Directia Promovare - Relatii Publice
Aleea Alexandru 38, Sector 1
011824, Bucuresti
Tel.: +4 031 71 00 625
Fax: +4 021 23 01 373
Email: ioana.alupoae@icr.ro
Romanian interpreters are wanted (especially males) in Birmingham.
AtoZ Interpreting & Translation Services Ltd
56 Reservoir Road
B16 9EF
Tel: 0121 246 1479, 07967 312 010, 07983 595 557
Bine ai venit la cafeaua de dimineata!
Bun venit pe siteul care se doreste a deveni locul de intalnire al comunitatilor de romani din Marea Britanie si nu numai. In speranta ca acest website va fi de un real folos in cautarea de informatii utile search , schimb de idei,pareri sau controverse, anunturi si stiri newspaper ori doar un asortiment pentru cafeaua zilnica , scrisoare ,eu va urez un prietenesc bun sosit.
Echipa Dioasporaonline
Cum ascult Radio UNYSON?
Cum asculti RADIO UNYSON? Simplu. Urmeaza pasii de mai jos:
1. Ai nevoie de WINAMP (un player de muzica gratuit). Daca nu deti acest programel pe PCul tau atunci click pe linkul de mai jos pentru a l descarca gratis
2. Daca ai descarcat winamp pe calculatorul tau sau il aveai deja, atunci esti gata sa asculti RADIO UNYSON clickand pe linkul urmator:
Salutare prieteni! Sunt Pity si alaturi de Mihai,Carmen,Casyan si Spinăr incercam sa va aducem un strop de fericire in sufletele voastre ,suntem echipa Radio UNYSON .Radio Unyson are urmatoarea structura in grila de programe: hituri ale anilor 70 80 90 in proportie de 70%, muzica anilor 2000-2008 in proportie de 10%, muzica populara si etno (fara manele) in proportie de 10% si multe emisiuni, divertisment, dedicatii, stiri, topuri muzicale, documentare in proportie de 10%.Ne puteti contacta si pe ID de messenger radiounyson.Asteptam aici parerile voastre iar noi va uram AUDITIE PLACUTA!
Radio Unyson
Proiect cultural pentru copiii romani din Londra
“Amintiri din copilaria mea” - o celebrare a copilariei
In data de 1 iunie 2008 Scoala de Cultura si Traditie Romaneasca din Londra va organiza un eveniment care isi propune sa celebreze varsta si bucuria copilariei. Avand scopul de a prezenta activitatile scolii din Londra, evenimentul va include, printre altele, un spectacol organizat impreuna cu copiii, precum si un concurs de eseuri si desene cu tema “Amintiri din copilaria mea”.
Data si locul desfasurarii evenimentului:
Duminica, 1 iunie 2008, incepand cu ora 18.00, la sediul Institutului Cultural Roman din Londra (ICR London, 1 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8PH, UK).
Din program:
-Prezentarea unui film al scolii, care va ilustra activitatile desfasurate cu copiii in cadrul acestui program educativ (incluzand imagini din timpul derularii acestora, precum si opinii ale copiilor).
-Prezentarea unui spectacol organizat impreuna cu copiii, care va include poezii si cantece romanesti, precum si piesa de teatru “Pupaza din tei”, reprezentand o adaptare a unui fragment din cartea “Amintiri din copilarie” de Ion Creanga.
-Decernarea premiilor pentru concursul de eseuri si desene cu tema “Amintiri din copilaria mea”. La acest concurs vor participa si alti copii romani din diferite tari ale Europei, inscrisi la scoli similare celei din Londra. Desenele copiilor vor fi, de asemenea, expuse in ziua desfasurarii evenimentului.
-Pregatirea unui bufet pentru participantii la eveniment, oferit dupa incheierea spectacolului copiilor.
Evenimentul va fi sustinut in limba romana si se va adresa in egala masura copiilor, parintilor, precum si tuturor celor interesati de activitatile Scolii Romanesti si de celebrarea copilariei. Este vorba despre un eveniment inedit, fiind una dintre primele ocazii pentru copiii romani care locuiesc in Marea Britanie de a fi implicati intr-un proiect cultural de acest fel.
Scoala de Cultura si Traditie Romaneasca isi propune sa implementeze acest proiect prin implicarea unui numar cat mai mare de copii romani, atat in calitate de participanti cat si de beneficiari ai acestuia.
Este important de mentionat faptul ca toate activitatile care vor fi desfasurate impreuna cu copiii in data de 1 iunie 2008 au drept scop familiarizarea acestora cu anumite aspecte ale culturii romanesti, intr-un mod interactiv si antrenant.
Va adresam invitatia calda de a ne fi alaturi in 1 iunie 2008 pentru a celebra frumusetea copilariei impreuna cu cei mici.
Participarea la eveniment este gratuita (intrarea se face pe baza confirmarii prealabile a participarii). Pentru rezervari, va rugam sa ne contactati la numerele de telefon:
07896319793 - Alina Pop
07878796962 (dupa ora 15) - Mihaela Giuraniuc
sau la adresa de email : cceanglia@gmail.com
Eveniment organizat de Scoala de Cultura si Traditie Romaneasca, cu sprijinul Institutului Cultural Roman, sub patronajul Ambasadei Romane la Londra.
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