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Romanian Economic and Business Review a fost indexata in EconLit – bibliografia electronica a American Economic Association.
Multumim celor care au ales revista noastra pentru fructificarea muncii lor de cercetare. Asteptam in continuare cu interes lucrarile dumneavostra.
Anunt important!
In perioada 18-19 noiembrie, Facultatea de Relatii Economice Internationale din cadrul ASE va organiza conferinta internationala cu tema "The Economic and Financial Crisis Impact on the European Business Environment".
Romanian Economic and Business Review este partener in diseminarea rezultatelor acestei manifestari stiintifice.
Despre acest eveniment puteti afla informatii suplimentare vizitand site-ul conferintei
Bogdan Glavan
Prof. univ. dr., Universitatea Romano-Americana
Redactor-sef, REBE
Românca Society, established in June 2005, is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation, established with the purpose of supporting the social integration of Romanians present in the UK in the local society.Please see Navigation Project section below to find out about our projects.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Shepherd's Bush Festival - Saturday 7 August 2010, 1.00-7.00pm, The Green
Bringing the community together - "Bush Festival" - Shepherd's Bush Green W12 - Saturday 7Th August - 1pm-7pm
- Free workshop for adults and kids, circus skills, beat boxing, African drumming and more...
- Live music and Dj's, little foxes, tennis workshops, food and craft stalls.
- Free workshop for adults and kids, circus skills, beat boxing, African drumming and more...
- Live music and Dj's, little foxes, tennis workshops, food and craft stalls.
H & F Buildings Consultation - 1st July to 30th September 2010
There are many developments relating to the current use of Council buildings, including some of those currently accommodating Third Sector groups and organizations. The latest indications are that 9 buildings are being considered for sale, discontinuing the lease of 3 other buildings and exploring alternative use for a further building.
The Council would like you to ‘have your say’ to the proposals as detailed in the Buildings Consultation Document attached. See the following links for more information and to help you understand the process:
Do note that the consultation period is from 1st July 2010 to 30th September 2010. You can give your views by
§ Completing an on-line questionnaire available at
§ E-mail your comments and suggestions to
§ Attend one of the Open Consultation Days on
Thursday 12th August 2010, 10.00am to 18.00pm, The Small Hall, Hammersmith Town Hall, W6
Friday 10th September 2010, 10.00am to 18.00pm, The Small Hall, Hammersmith Town Hall, W6
The Council would like you to ‘have your say’ to the proposals as detailed in the Buildings Consultation Document attached. See the following links for more information and to help you understand the process:
Do note that the consultation period is from 1st July 2010 to 30th September 2010. You can give your views by
§ Completing an on-line questionnaire available at
§ E-mail your comments and suggestions to
§ Attend one of the Open Consultation Days on
Thursday 12th August 2010, 10.00am to 18.00pm, The Small Hall, Hammersmith Town Hall, W6
Friday 10th September 2010, 10.00am to 18.00pm, The Small Hall, Hammersmith Town Hall, W6
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Romanca” Society is inviting you to take part in a new initiative called "Saturday Club Project”.
We would like to promote a way of social integration of the young members of our community by preserving our cultural identity in the British multicultural society.
We would like the new generation to be able to learn and speak Romanian language as well as English, and especially to introduce and promote the Romanian traditions within the English society.
This project addresses to parents with children aged 4 years old and above.
We will learn, with a Romanian qualified teacher, to write correctly in Romanian, what poems Mihai Eminescu wrote, what pickles Ion Creanga did, from where does the Danube spring and how were the Romanian Principalities united. We will all learn about specifics traditions from different areas of our country and we will keep in touch with those at home to always know what our Romanians are doing and to tell them what we are doing.
We will all going to sing in one voice with the Romanians from home 'Desteapta-te Romane' and pray at the beginning of the day for God to look after us at every step. Together we will grow spiritually and culturally in the English society and we will learn to adapt to a modern lifestyles, enjoying as well our cultural and linguistic identity as Romanians.
We will learn about the English traditions and Romanian traditions and above all we will learn to live together keeping the motherland in our hearts.
If you like to know how to take part in this project as a parent or as volunteer please contact the Project Coordinator Raluca Milodin on mobile 07593033445 or e-mail
We are looking forward to hear from you.
Ionela Flood, Chair, “Romanca” Society . http:/,
We would like to promote a way of social integration of the young members of our community by preserving our cultural identity in the British multicultural society.
We would like the new generation to be able to learn and speak Romanian language as well as English, and especially to introduce and promote the Romanian traditions within the English society.
This project addresses to parents with children aged 4 years old and above.
We will learn, with a Romanian qualified teacher, to write correctly in Romanian, what poems Mihai Eminescu wrote, what pickles Ion Creanga did, from where does the Danube spring and how were the Romanian Principalities united. We will all learn about specifics traditions from different areas of our country and we will keep in touch with those at home to always know what our Romanians are doing and to tell them what we are doing.
We will all going to sing in one voice with the Romanians from home 'Desteapta-te Romane' and pray at the beginning of the day for God to look after us at every step. Together we will grow spiritually and culturally in the English society and we will learn to adapt to a modern lifestyles, enjoying as well our cultural and linguistic identity as Romanians.
We will learn about the English traditions and Romanian traditions and above all we will learn to live together keeping the motherland in our hearts.
If you like to know how to take part in this project as a parent or as volunteer please contact the Project Coordinator Raluca Milodin on mobile 07593033445 or e-mail
We are looking forward to hear from you.
Ionela Flood, Chair, “Romanca” Society . http:/,
Societatea "Românca" vă invită să luaţi parte la o nouă iniţiativă numită "Clubul de Sâmbãtã". Ne dorim să promovãm un mod de integrare socială pentru tinerii membri ai comunitãţii noastre, prin păstrarea identităţii noastre culturale în societatea multiculturalã britanicã. Ne dorim ca noua generaţie sã fie capabilã să înveţe şi să vorbească atât limba română cât şi limba engleză, şi mai ales să introducem şi să promovâm tradiţiile româneşti în cadrul societăţii engleze. Acest proiect se adresează părinţilor cu copii în vârstã de 4 ani şi mai mari.Vom invata, cu un profesor român calificat, sã scriem corect în limba română, ce poezii a scris Mihai Eminescu, ce nãzbâtii a fãcut Ion Creangã, de unde izvorãşte Dunãrea şi cum au fost unite Principatele Române. Vom afla cu toţii despre tradiţiile specifice din diferite zone ale ţării noastre şi vom ţine legătura cu cei de acasă pentru a şti întotdeauna ce fac românii noştri şi pentru a le spune ce facem noi. Cu toţii o sã cântãm într-un glas cu românii de acasã "Deşteaptă-te Române" şi o sã ne rugãm la început de zi, pentru ca Dumnezeu sã ne fie alãturi la orice pas.
Împreună vom creşte spiritual şi cultural în societatea englezeascã şi vom învăţa să ne adaptãm la un stil de viaţă modern, bucurându-ne, de asemenea de identitatea noastră culturală şi lingvistică, ca români. Vom învăţa despre tradiţiile englezeşti şi tradiţiile româneşti şi mai presus de toate, vom învăţa să trăim împreună păstrând patria mamã în inimile noastre. Dacă doriţi să aflaţi cum să luaţi parte la acest proiect,fie ca parinte fie ca voluntar vă rugăm să contactaţi Coordonatorul de Proiect Raluca Milodin pe mobil 07593033445 sau e-mail Aşteptăm cu nerăbdare veşti de la dumneavoastrã.
Ionela Flood, Preşedinte, Societatea "Românca".
Împreună vom creşte spiritual şi cultural în societatea englezeascã şi vom învăţa să ne adaptãm la un stil de viaţă modern, bucurându-ne, de asemenea de identitatea noastră culturală şi lingvistică, ca români. Vom învăţa despre tradiţiile englezeşti şi tradiţiile româneşti şi mai presus de toate, vom învăţa să trăim împreună păstrând patria mamã în inimile noastre. Dacă doriţi să aflaţi cum să luaţi parte la acest proiect,fie ca parinte fie ca voluntar vă rugăm să contactaţi Coordonatorul de Proiect Raluca Milodin pe mobil 07593033445 sau e-mail Aşteptăm cu nerăbdare veşti de la dumneavoastrã.
Ionela Flood, Preşedinte, Societatea "Românca".
INNO BREZEANU A REUSIT SA STRANGA DONATII DE PESTE £1200 PENTRU SINISTRATI SI SA INCHEIE CURSA DE O SUTA DE KILOMETRI PE ROLE In Midsommer Crescent, in inima orasului universitar Cambridge era mare forfota duminica, 25 iulie 2010 la orele pranzului. Peste 10,000 de biciclisti se intreceau sa ajunga la linia de sosire a cursei Londra-Cambridge. Printre ei s-au incumetat la aceasta cursa si 15 roller skateri. Inno Brezeanu, webmasterul si unul dintre liderii vechi ai comunitatii romanesti din UK s-a inscris la aceasta cursa pentru a strange donatii de la prieteni, colegi si membrii ai comunitatii Romani in UK pentru sinistratii din Romania. A reusit sa ajunga la linia de sosire la ora 13.15, fiind al patrulea skater care a terminat cursa. Aici l-au asteptat membrii echipei Romani in UK si cativa membrii ai website-ului, veniti la Cambridge pentru a il felicita la linia de Finish.“A fost foarte greu, dar trebuia sa reusesc. In viata deseori ne zbatem pentru lucruri marunte, iar acest proiect prin care reusim sa aducem acea raza de speranta in sufletele inundatilor a meritat toate eforturile. Trebuia sa termin, iar in acele cateva momente grele ale cursei m-am gandit la sinistrati, am incercat sa imi imaginez nevoia uriasa de ajutor pe care trebuie sa o simta familiile ramase pe drumuri. Asa ca am continuat si odata ajuns la linia de Finish am simtit ca am facut ceva bun pentru romani si Romania.”Prin campania de donatii inceputa joi dupa-amiaza s-au strans pana in prezent peste £1200. Donatiile pot fi facute in continuare pana vineri, 30 iulie 2010 la .Cursa lui Inno face parte din campania “ Daruieste sinistratilor si adu-le o raza de speranta” care se desfasoara la Londra pana la data de 30 iulie a.c si este organizata de liderii si ai publicatiei online Roman in UK si de conducerea restaurantului romanesc londonez The Britannia. Aceasta campanie isi propune strangerea de ajutoare si donatii banesti pentru sustinerea victimelor inundatiilor recente din Romania.!/event.php?eid=137264892975139&ref=mf