Societatea Romanca are placerea sa va invite la urmatoarele intilniri ale grupului de discutii Dialog cu socul cultural. Intilnirile au loc la Training Link , 57 Phoenix Road, NW1 1ES(la 5 minute de St Pancras International) urmatoarele zile:
Simbata 28 martie 2009, intre orele 2.00-4.00 pm
Duminica 10 mai intre 2009, se amina pentru 30 mai, orele 2.00-4.00pm
Simbata 6 iunie 2009, intre orele 2.00-4.00 pm
Proiectul isi propune sa faciliteze un grup de discutii cu psihologul Adina Tarry, pe marginea diferentelor culturale si capacitatii de adaptare la realitatile mediului multicultural britanic. Discutiile se desfasoara in limba romana cu posibilitate de traducere in limba engleza.
Persoanele interesati sa participe sunt rugate sa confirme prin SMS la
075 1525 3584 sau e-mail
Va asteptam,
Ionela Flood
Societatea Romanca
Romanca Society has pleasure to invite you to the next sessions of the project Dialogue with cultural shock. The meetings are taking place at Training Link , 57 Phoenix Road, NW1 1ES (5 minutes from St Pancras International Station).
The next dates are:
Saturday 28 March 2009, between 2.00-4.00 pm
Sunday 10 May 2009,rescheduled on 30 May between 2.00-4.00 pm
Saturday 6 June 2009, between 2.00-4.00 pm
The aim of the project is to facilitate a discussion group with the psychologist Adina Tarry about cultural differences and adaptation capabilities in the British multicultural society.
The language of the discussions is Roumanian with the possibility to translate in English.
Please confirm your participation by SMS at 075 15 25 3584 or e-mail
We are looking forward to see you
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
Românca Society, established in June 2005, is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation, established with the purpose of supporting the social integration of Romanians present in the UK in the local society.Please see Navigation Project section below to find out about our projects.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Lansarea proiectului Dialog cu socul cultural
Societatea Romanca are placerea sa va invite la lansarea proiectului Dialog cu socul cultural duminica 22 Martie, intre orele 2.00-3.00pm , la Training Link , 57 Phoenix Road, NW1 1ES(la 5 minute de St Pancras International).
Proiectul isi propune sa initieze un grup de discutii cu psihologul Adina Tarry, pe marginea diferentelor culturale si capacitate de adaptare la realitatea mediului multicultural britanic.
Persoanele interesati sa participe sunt rugate sa confirme prin SMS la
075 1525 3584 sau e-mail
Pentru orientare va rugam sa consultati harta pe linkul alaturat .
Va asteptam,
Ionela Flood
Societatea Romanca
Romanca Society has pleasure to invite you to the launch of the project: Dialogue with cultural shock, on Sunday 22nd March, between 2.00-3.00pm at Training Link , 57 Phoenix Road, NW1 1ES (5 minutes from St Pancras International Station).
The aim of the project is to start a discussion group with the psychologist Adina Tarry about cultural differences and adaptation capabilities in the British multicultural society.
Please confirm your participation by SMS at 075 15 25 3584 or e-mail
For directions please consult the map on the following link
We are looking forward to see you
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
Proiectul isi propune sa initieze un grup de discutii cu psihologul Adina Tarry, pe marginea diferentelor culturale si capacitate de adaptare la realitatea mediului multicultural britanic.
Persoanele interesati sa participe sunt rugate sa confirme prin SMS la
075 1525 3584 sau e-mail
Pentru orientare va rugam sa consultati harta pe linkul alaturat .
Va asteptam,
Ionela Flood
Societatea Romanca
Romanca Society has pleasure to invite you to the launch of the project: Dialogue with cultural shock, on Sunday 22nd March, between 2.00-3.00pm at Training Link , 57 Phoenix Road, NW1 1ES (5 minutes from St Pancras International Station).
The aim of the project is to start a discussion group with the psychologist Adina Tarry about cultural differences and adaptation capabilities in the British multicultural society.
Please confirm your participation by SMS at 075 15 25 3584 or e-mail
For directions please consult the map on the following link
We are looking forward to see you
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
Friday, March 13, 2009
EUROPEAN ELECTIONS, THURSDAY 4 JUNE 2009-click for details.
The next elections of the European Parliament will be on 4 June 2009. If you want a European Union that meets your needs, make sure you cast your vote in the next European elections! Every month the European Movement will be explaining why it is important for your own daily life and for Britain as a whole to cast your vote in the next elections...
The main rule of the European elections is that each single European citizen has the right to participate in the elections wherever he or she lives. Thus, all the EU citizens living in the UK can register with their local electoral office BEFORE 19TH MAY 2009.
Registering with your local electoral office enables you to vote in the UK in the upcoming European elections and can be done easily and quickly. All you need to do is:
1. Fill the registration form
2. Send it your local electoral office
But, when you register to vote in the UK, you can no longer vote in your home country. If you wish to vote in your home country, simply request to be removed from Electoral register BEFORE 19TH MAY 2009.
Friday, March 06, 2009
MARTISOR: 8 Martie
Dragi prieteni,
Ne face placere sa va oferim un Martisor simbolic, urandu-va primavara in suflet. Va invitam sa sarbatoriti ziua de duminica ,8 Martie impreuna cu noi la Clubul Literar ,incepind cu ora 13.00 .
Cu aceasta ocazie vom lansa Cursul Estetica si Iconografie Bizantina al Aureliei Chiriac Carabinieru.
Dear friends,
It is our pleasure to offer you a simbolic "Martisor", wishing you all the best. We invite you to celebrate the 8th of March together with us at our Literary Club, starting with 1.00 pm.
We launch with this occasion the Cours Aesthetic and Byzantin Iconography by Aurelia Chiriac Carabinieru.
8 Martie
Ziua Femeii
Clubul Literar
8 Martie, 1.00 pm
Dragi prieteni,
Clubul Literar din cadrul Societăţii Românca are plăcerea să vă invite sa sărbătorim Ziua Internaţională a Femeii, 8 Martie, o tradiţie cu care Societatea Românca v-a obişnuit de citiva ani.
Întâlnirea este gazduita in spatiul Training Link , 54-56 Phoenix Road, Londra NW1 1ES (5 minute de la International St Pancras Station).
Vă invităm să aduceţi şi să propuneţi spre citire poezii dedicate feminitatii şi primaverii, proprii sau ale altor autori. Va rugam să trimiteţi acest mesaj mai departe tuturor celor interesaţi. Intrarea este gratuită.
Vă aşteptăm cu drag.
Moderator: Ionela Flood
RSVP: 075 15 25 35 84
8th March
International Women’s Day
The Literary Club
8th March,1.00pm
Dear friends,
The Literary Club of the Romanca Society is honoured to invite you to celebrate the 8th of March, International Day of Women, a tradition that the Romanca Society has organised in the last years.
The meeting will be hosted at Training Link Ltd, of 54-56 Phoenix Road, London NW1 1ES(5 minutes from International St Pancras Station)
You are welcome to bring your own poetry about femininity and spring time regeneration to be read out or anything by your favourite authors. Please forward this to anyone interested. The event is free and open to all.
See you there!
Moderator: Ionela Flood
RSVP:075 15 25 35 84
Ne face placere sa va oferim un Martisor simbolic, urandu-va primavara in suflet. Va invitam sa sarbatoriti ziua de duminica ,8 Martie impreuna cu noi la Clubul Literar ,incepind cu ora 13.00 .
Cu aceasta ocazie vom lansa Cursul Estetica si Iconografie Bizantina al Aureliei Chiriac Carabinieru.
Dear friends,
It is our pleasure to offer you a simbolic "Martisor", wishing you all the best. We invite you to celebrate the 8th of March together with us at our Literary Club, starting with 1.00 pm.
We launch with this occasion the Cours Aesthetic and Byzantin Iconography by Aurelia Chiriac Carabinieru.
8 Martie
Ziua Femeii
Clubul Literar
8 Martie, 1.00 pm
Dragi prieteni,
Clubul Literar din cadrul Societăţii Românca are plăcerea să vă invite sa sărbătorim Ziua Internaţională a Femeii, 8 Martie, o tradiţie cu care Societatea Românca v-a obişnuit de citiva ani.
Întâlnirea este gazduita in spatiul Training Link , 54-56 Phoenix Road, Londra NW1 1ES (5 minute de la International St Pancras Station).
Vă invităm să aduceţi şi să propuneţi spre citire poezii dedicate feminitatii şi primaverii, proprii sau ale altor autori. Va rugam să trimiteţi acest mesaj mai departe tuturor celor interesaţi. Intrarea este gratuită.
Vă aşteptăm cu drag.
Moderator: Ionela Flood
RSVP: 075 15 25 35 84
8th March
International Women’s Day
The Literary Club
8th March,1.00pm
Dear friends,
The Literary Club of the Romanca Society is honoured to invite you to celebrate the 8th of March, International Day of Women, a tradition that the Romanca Society has organised in the last years.
The meeting will be hosted at Training Link Ltd, of 54-56 Phoenix Road, London NW1 1ES(5 minutes from International St Pancras Station)
You are welcome to bring your own poetry about femininity and spring time regeneration to be read out or anything by your favourite authors. Please forward this to anyone interested. The event is free and open to all.
See you there!
Moderator: Ionela Flood
RSVP:075 15 25 35 84