Românca Society, established in June 2005, is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation, established with the purpose of supporting the social integration of Romanians present in the UK in the local society.Please see Navigation Project section below to find out about our projects.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Acest proiect de colaborare a luat nastere la initiativa Radio Unyson care a oferit sansa unui spatiu de stiri si noutati in emisiunile sale pentru activitatile Societatii Romanca.
S-a nascut astfel Calendarul Cultural cu 2 componente Agenda evenimentelor romanesti in Marea Britanie si Calendarul Cultural pe mapamond. Le puteti asculta zilnic, online , pe internet la Radio Unyson.
Incepind din 30 Iunie 2008 lansam aceasta pagina exclusiv pentru colaborarea in cadrul acestui proiect, la aniversarea a 3 luni de existenta de la infiintarea Radio Unyson!
Asteptam sa ne contactati cu stiri, noutati si muzica pe adresele sau
Dedicatii muzicale puteti face zilnic pe adresa ID de Yahoo messenger: radiounyson
Puteti accesa acest proiect de colaborarae pe linkul
La multi ani Radio Unyson la 3 luni de existenta!
Unda bogata, melodioasa si conexiune buna on air!
Societatii Romanca
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
,,Bogaţi în lipsuri, în îndatoriri şi în iubiri de moşie, apropiaţi-vă de sufletele noastre, ridicaţi-le până unde poate vrednicia şi conştiinţa voastră trează. Aşa Vă vrem!’’ le spunea în cuvântul de întâmpinare participanţilor la al V-lea congres învăţătoresc din 5-7 august 1923 ţinut la Arad N. Cristea în numele învăţătorilor arădeni.
Congresul Naţional al Învăţătorilor din România şi al Învăţătorilor Români de peste Hotare va avea loc în 6-7 septembrie 2008 la Palatul Parlamentului. Congresul se desfăşoară sub patronajul Ministerului Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului şi al Camerei Deputaţilor. Contăm pe prezenţa la eveniment a conducerii celor două camere ale parlamentului, a Primului Ministru, a comisiilor de învăţământ şi a comisiilor de politică externă ale parlamentului si a europarlamentarilor care reprezintă România la UE şi CE.
La congres, pe lângă 550 de învăţători din toate judeţele României vrem sa fie prezente şi 50 de cadre didactice de etnie română din Ungaria, Transcarpatia, Bucovina de Nord, Basarabia de Sud, Transnistria, Republica Moldova, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Timoc, Banatul Sarbesc.
Pana in prezent nu am lansat invitatiile pentru colegii de peste hotare fiindca nu avem inca asigurata finantarea cazarii si mesei lor pentru 2 zile si cheltuielile de transport. Ar fi deprimanta o neparticipare a lor fiindca Congresul se cheama si al Invatatorilor Romani de peste Hotare. Conform statutului nostru avem o structura in care fiecare comunitate de peste hotare isi delegă reprezentanti. Ar fi dezolant ca dupa ce s-au inscris la noi in asociatie sa nu ii avem intre noi pe reprezentantii acestor colegi care traiesc in alte state dar APARA FRONTIERELE LIMBII ROMANE la cel mai important eveniment.
Medalia de aur (înregistrată la Banca Naţională) acordată Congresului Învăţătorilor în 2006 a fost dată în păstrare până la viitorul congres învăţătorilor români din Tiraspol-Transnistria. Aceşti învăţători din Transnistria au făcut suprema dovadă a ataşamentului faţă de şcoala românească. Au apărat-o la propriu de armata, poliţia şi autorităţile separatiste, au suferit agresiuni fizice şi morale, au făcut şcoală fiindu-le tăiată apa şi curentul luni de zile, au convins elevii şi părinţii că limba nu se păstrează fără sacrificii. În timpul conflictului armat au fost învăţători şi elevi ucişi pentru că mergeau la şcoala cu tricolor românesc. DACA NU SE GĂSESC RESURSE ACEŞTI COLEGI NU VOR FI PRINTRE NOI şi deci NU VOM AVEA LA CONGRES NICI MEDALIA DE AUR A CONGRESULUI NOSTRU.
Cei doritori sa sprijine participarea la congres a acestor colegi din comunitatile amintite pot depune cat cred de cuviinta prin ordin de plata sau mandat poştal în contul IBAN RO32CECEAR0137RON0355948 al Asociatiei Generale a Invatatorilor din Romania (cod fiscal 23564572). deschis la CEC Bank Arad (sucursala CEC Bank Arad are adresa Arad B-dul Revolutiei nr.5-7 cod postal 310139) –cu specificatia ,,pentru cadrele didactice de peste hotare,, sau pot sa ne solicite sa achite direct atunci in Bucuresti cheltuielile pentru unul/unii oaspeti sau o delegatie intreaga.
Informatii suplimentare la ; 0723259290 ; 0744195155
Viorel Dolha
presedintele Asociatiei Generale a Invatatorilor din Romania
str. Mucius Scaevola nr.9, Arad, cod fiscal 23564572,
cont CEC Arad cod IBAN RO32CECEAR0137RON0355948
TEL 0357407799, 0744195155, 0723259290 fax 0257282441 ;
In perioada 18 – 20 septembrie 2008, Sibiul va fi gazda primei editii a Conferintei Internationale Calitate - Inovare - Integrare Europeana, eveniment organizat de catre Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti, in colaborare cu Universitatea Erlangen – Nuremberg din Germania, Universitatea Tehnica din Viena si Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca.
Conferinta Internationala Calitate –Inovare - Integrare Europeana, la prima sa editie, isi propune sa reuneasca intr-un amplu schimb de experienta, personalitati din mediul academic, cercetatori, doctoranzi, consultanti si oameni de afaceri din intreaga lume.
Obiectivul principal al Conferintei il reprezinta stabilirea unor conexiuni intre reprezentantii mediului academic si specialistii din practica economica, implicati in managementul calitatii si inovatiei, cu interese interdisciplinare in domeniul afacerilor si integrarii europene si cei preocupati de cele mai recente orientari privind: standardele europene de excelenta in afaceri, antreprenoriat, inteligenta organizationala si dezvoltarea competitiva, proprietatea intelectuala, managementul intreprinderilor in context multicultural, sistemele integrate de management calitate – mediu – securitate, dezvoltarea durabila.
Vor fi, deasemnea, dezbatute problemele actuale de interes privind dezvoltarea Comunitatii Europene, ocazie cu care se va reflecta la evolutia procesului de integrare europeana, precum si asupra dinamicii generate de aceasta evolutie.
Lucrarile conferintei se desfasoara in plen si pe sectiuni paralele, cu prezentari academice si practice, precum si ateliere de lucru dedicate mediului de afaceri, referitoare la urmatoarele teme: 1) Imbunătăţirea sistemului de evaluare a performanţelor întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii din România, în relaţie cu modelul european de management al calităţii; 2) Managementul strategic şi operaţional al organizaţiilor în contextul globalizării economiei; 3) Inovaţia deschisă: Ce şi de ce? Soluţii posibile pentru mediul economic din România.
De altfel, conferinta se doreste a fi un prilej excelent de socializare, alaturi de o incursiune in cultura locala pentru participantii directi la lucrarile conferintei. Cei care opteaza pentru participarea cu lucrari pe temele generoase ale conferintei vor avea oportunitatea unui network academic si profesional publicistic de inalta tinuta.
Lucrarile pot fi depuse online pina la data de 28 iulie 2008, confirmarea acceptarii acestora facandu-se pana la data de 8 august a.c. Inscrierea participarii Dvs. la Conferinta Internationala Calitate – Inovare - Integrare Europeana se poate face pina la data de 1 Septembrie 2008, prin accesarea adresei de website a acesteia:
Evenimentul este sponsorizat de catre Remtours Travel Agency din Romania, beneficiind de urmatoarele parteneriate media: Postul de Radio Romania Actualitati, Revista “Calitatea –acces la succes” din Romania si Societatea Romanca din Marea Britanie.
Secretariatul Stiintific al Conferintei Calitate-Inovare-Integrare Europeana, Sibiu, 18-20 septembrie 2008
Contact :
Consemneaza pt Societatea Romanca
Ovidiu Lapusneanu.
18th- 20th September 2008, Sibiu Romania
The first goal of the QIEI 2008 International Conference on Quality – Innovation – European Integration is to provide an opportunity for academics, scientists, business leaders, consultants, and other professionals from various business related fields from all over the world to come together and learn from each other.
The second goal of the conference is to provide a place for scholars and professionals involved in quality and innovation management with cross-disciplinary interests related to business and European integration to meet and interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines.
A third goal of the conference is to draw attention to recent issues concerning the development of the EU, but also to provide an occasion to reflect on the evolution of European integration since the Treaty of Rome and the dynamics that have underpinned this evolution.
The conference format includes plenary and parallel sessions with both academic and practitioner presentations and workshops. Additionally, the conference will provide excellent networking opportunities together with a taste of local culture.
The conference is partially sponsored through the UEFISCSU research projects ID_856 and ID_828.
Honorary Chairs:
Prof. Dr. Ion Gh. Rosca, Rector, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr. h.c. mult. Albert Weckenmann, Chair Quality Management and Manufacturing Metrology, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
O. Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. P. Herbert Osanna, Abteilung Austauschbau und Messtechnik (AuM)
Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
Prof. Dr. Sorin Popescu, General Director for Higher Education in Romania, Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, Romania
Conference Co-Chairs:
Prof. Dr. Viorel Lefter, Vice-Rector, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. M. Numan Durakbasa, Abteilung Austauschbau und Messtechnik (AuM), Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
Prof. Dr. Aurel Vlaicu, Vice-Rector, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Stelian Brad, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Marieta Olaru, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Program Chair and Conference Secretariat:
Prof. Dr. Carmen Paunescu, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Liviu Crisan, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dr. Ionela Flood, Romanca Society, London, United Kingdom
Nicoleta Ciornei, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest Bucharest, Romania
Raluca Dudescu, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
September 18-20, 2008
(alphabetical order)
Prof. Dr. Ioan Abrudan
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Fabrizio D’Ascenzo
University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
Prof. Dr. Ioan Blebea
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Constantin Bob
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Florina Bran
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Calabro
University of Messina, Sicily, Italy
Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Cârstea
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Cornel Ciupan
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Vasile Dinu
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Irina Dragulanescu
University of Messina, Sicily, Italy
Prof. Dr. Ikushi Egawa
University of Hyogo, Japan
Mik Flood
Culture Action Europe, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Liviu Ilies
“Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Peter Inkei
Budapest Cultural Observatory, Hungary
Prof. Dr. Jacek Koziol
Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Prof. Dr. Bogdan Onete
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Constantin Oprean
University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Romania
Prof. Dr. Rodica Pamfilie
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Ioan Pop
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Daniela Popescu
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dr. Sophie Reboud
Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France
Prof. Dr. Costache Rusu
Technical University “Gh. Asachi” Iasi, Romania
Prof. Dr. Roxana Sârbu
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Christina Marta Suciu
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Schweig
Univ. of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Eva Waginger-Koroschitz
University of Economics, Vienne, Austria
Submissions from academics, consultants, managers, and other professionals are strongly encouraged and should focus on the following topics (note the conference language is English):
Globalization and European Integration
Policies and Strategies for Managing Quality and Innovation
European Union Policy for Quality and Innovation Promotion
European Standards for Business Excellence
Management and Marketing in Universities
Research for Excellence
Entrepreneurship Education
Organizational Intelligence and Competitive Development
Competencies Management
Knowledge Management
Innovation Management
Change Management
Innovation Marketing
Intellectual Property
Technological Innovation
Techniques and Tools for Innovation and Quality Improvement
Project Management
Process Management
Corporate Government
Communication and Public Relations
Customer Relationship Management
Intercultural Management
Integrated Management Systems
Total Quality Management
Management for Sustainability
• Maximum 8 page-long papers, with an abstract of 200 – 250 words, followed by 3-5 keywords.
• Times New Roman 10, single spaced, justified; Margins: top = 20 mm, bottom = 25 mm, side = 15 mm; Two-column format A4; Portrait.
Please review the paper template for further details. Maximum two papers are accepted for any participant.
Papers will be submitted to:
The conference fee is 80 Euro/participant and includes: conference proceedings (CD), conference program, welcome reception, coffee breaks and refreshments, conference lunches and the conference banquet.
For Ph.D. students enrolled in the Doctoral School, master students, and undergraduates the registration fee is 40 Euro/ participant.
The conference proceedings (CD) will be edited with an ISBN issued by the Publishing House of the Vienna Technical University. Furthermore, a volume will be published after the conference, as special issue of the Romanian review "Calitatea – Acces la succes", year 9, no. 92, 2008 - review edited by the Romanian Society for Quality Assurance. This review is classified in the category B+, according to The National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education (CNCSIS) and is included in the international databases EBSCO Publishing, ISSN 1582-2599
July 28, 2008 – Submission of papers
August 8, 2008 – Acceptance with any changes/ rejection of papers
September 1, 2008 – Submission of final papers and conference fee payment
Contact information:
To contact the conference secretariat, please email
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We have the pleasure to invite you to the 2008 edition of the international conference on QUALITY – INNOVATION – EUROPEAN INTEGRATION that will be held in Sibiu, Romania from September 18th (Thursday) to September 20th (Saturday), 2008.
The Conference will be the gathering place for scientists, managers, consultants and other professionals from quality and innovation management field with cross-disciplinary interests related to business and European integration, from all over the world.
You are cordially invited to submit papers, written in English, to Guidelines for paper submission are provided in the appendix. In addition, a paper template is enclosed with this email.
Please note the following deadlines:
July 15, 2008 – Submission of papers
August 1, 2008 – Acceptance with any changes/ rejection of papers
September 1, 2008 – Submission of final papers and conference fee payment
Any inquiry should be addressed to the Conference Secretariat, at
We look forward to seeing all of you in September at Sibiu.
With best wishes,
The Conference Organizing Committee
We have the pleasure to invite you to the first edition of the international conference on
The first goal of the QIEI 2008 International Conference on Quality – Innovation – European Integration is to provide an opportunity for academics, scientists, business leaders, consultants, and other professionals from various business related fields from all over the world to come together and learn from each other.
The second goal of the conference is to provide a place for scholars and professionals involved in quality and innovation management with cross-disciplinary interests related to business and European integration to meet and interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines.
A third goal of the conference is to draw attention to recent issues concerning the development of the EU, but also to provide an occasion to reflect on the evolution of European integration since the Treaty of Rome and the dynamics that have underpinned this evolution.
The conference format includes plenary and parallel sessions with both academic and practitioner presentations and workshops. Additionally, the conference will provide excellent networking opportunities together with a taste of local culture.
The conference is partially sponsored through the UEFISCSU research projects ID_856 and ID_828.
Honorary Chairs:
Prof. Dr. Ion Gh. Rosca, Rector, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr. h.c. mult. Albert Weckenmann, Chair Quality Management and Manufacturing Metrology, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
O. Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. P. Herbert Osanna, Abteilung Austauschbau und Messtechnik (AuM)
Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
Prof. Dr. Sorin Popescu, General Director for Higher Education in Romania, Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, Romania
Conference Co-Chairs:
Prof. Dr. Viorel Lefter, Vice-Rector, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. M. Numan Durakbasa, Abteilung Austauschbau und Messtechnik (AuM), Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
Prof. Dr. Aurel Vlaicu, Vice-Rector, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Stelian Brad, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Marieta Olaru, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Program Chair and Conference Scientific Secretariat:
Prof. Dr. Carmen Paunescu, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Liviu Crisan, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dr. Ionela Flood, Romanca Society, London, United Kingdom
September 18-20, 2008
(alphabetical order)
Prof. Dr. Ioan Abrudan
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Fabrizio D’Ascenzo
University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
Prof. Dr. Ioan Blebea
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Constantin Bob
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Florina Bran
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Calabro
University of Messina, Sicily, Italy
Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Cârstea
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Cornel Ciupan
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Vasile Dinu
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Irina Dragulanescu
University of Messina, Sicily, Italy
Prof. Dr. Ikushi Egawa
University of Hyogo, Japan
Mik Flood
Culture Action Europe, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Liviu Ilies
“Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Peter Inkei
Budapest Cultural Observatory, Hungary
Prof. Dr. Jacek Koziol
Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Prof. Dr. Bogdan Onete
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Constantin Oprean
University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Romania
Prof. Dr. Rodica Pamfilie
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Ioan Pop
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Daniela Popescu
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dr. Sophie Reboud
Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France
Prof. Dr. Costache Rusu
Technical University “Gh. Asachi” Iasi, Romania
Prof. Dr. Roxana Sârbu
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Christina Marta Suciu
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Schweig
Univ. of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Eva Waginger-Koroschitz
University of Economics, Vienne, Austria
Submissions from academics, consultants, managers, and other professionals are strongly encouraged and should focus on the following topics (note the conference language is English):
Globalization and European Integration
Policies and Strategies for Managing Quality and Innovation
European Union Policy for Quality and Innovation Promotion
European Standards for Business Excellence
Management and Marketing in Universities
Research for Excellence
Entrepreneurship Education
Organizational Intelligence and Competitive Development
Competencies Management
Knowledge Management
Innovation Management
Change Management
Innovation Marketing
Intellectual Property
Technological Innovation
Techniques and Tools for Innovation and Quality Improvement
Project Management
Process Management
Corporate Government
Communication and Public Relations
Customer Relationship Management
Intercultural Management
Integrated Management Systems
Total Quality Management
Management for Sustainability
• Maximum 8 page-long papers, with an abstract of 200 – 250 words, followed by 3-5 keywords.
• Times New Roman 10, single spaced, justified; Margins: top = 20 mm, bottom = 25 mm, side = 15 mm; Two-column format A4; Portrait.
Please provide the full names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of the authors, indicating the contact author. Please review the paper template for further details. Maximum two papers are accepted for any participant as author or co-author.
Papers will be submitted to:
The conference fee is 80 Euro/participant and includes: conference proceedings (CD with ISBN and a volume edited after the conference as special issue of a Romanian review classified in the category B+ according to CNCSIS), conference program, welcome reception, coffee breaks and refreshments, conference lunches and the conference banquet. Only the papers presented at the conference will be included in the proceedings.
July 15, 2008 – Submission of papers
August 1, 2008 – Acceptance with any changes/ rejection of papers
September 1, 2008 – Submission of final papers and conference fee payment
Contact information:
To contact the conference secretariat, please email
Intercultural Cities Conference 1-3 May 2008 Liverpool
An official UK event for the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008
In the cities of today and tomorrow, how can people from different cultures really live together - rather than just rub along side one another?
As part of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, the Intercultural Cities Conference, will look at migration, diversity and urban life in a fresh way. New thinking is needed on how diverse communities can co-operate in productive harmony instead of leading parallel or antagonistic lives.
The conference is organised by EUCLID and Comedia, in association with the Liverpool Culture Company, and with the support of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.
Taking place in this year's European Capital of Culture the conference will not only provide an opportunity to look at how different cultures can live together but how mixing can be turned to economic, social and cultural advantage - key issues particularly for those responsible for planning and regeneration, the local economy, community cohesion, education and the cultural services.
The three day event will feature various European and international speakers, such as globalisation guru Saskia Sassen, the world authority on diversity and city planning Leonie Sandercock, Lord Bhikhu Parekh, who says it is time to rethink multiculturalism, city leadership expert Carol Coletta, Keith Khan who leads the campaign to make the London 2012 Olympics an unprecedented intercultural festival, and leading European city politicians including Ilda Curti and Pascale Bonniel Chalier.
The conference format will break with convention in pursuit of maximum interaction between delegates and speakers. There will also be the opportunity to get out into Liverpool to see some examples of intercultural dialogue and delegates can also choose from various extra activities, such as a dinner at Anfield, the home of Liverpool Football Club, featuring comedian Shazia Mirza.
Full details can be found at including the early bird booking fee, only available until 31 March!
,,Bogaţi în lipsuri, în îndatoriri şi în iubiri de moşie, apropiaţi-vă de sufletele noastre, ridicaţi-le până unde poate vrednicia şi conştiinţa voastră trează. Aşa Vă vrem!’’ le spunea în cuvântul de întâmpinare participanţilor la al V-lea congres învăţătoresc din 5-7 august 1923 ţinut la Arad N. Cristea în numele învăţătorilor arădeni.
Congresul Naţional al Învăţătorilor din România şi al Învăţătorilor Români de peste Hotare va avea loc în 6-7 septembrie 2008 la Palatul Parlamentului. Congresul se desfăşoară sub patronajul Ministerului Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului şi al Camerei Deputaţilor. Contăm pe prezenţa la eveniment a conducerii celor două camere ale parlamentului, a Primului Ministru, a comisiilor de învăţământ şi a comisiilor de politică externă ale parlamentului si a europarlamentarilor care reprezintă România la UE şi CE.
La congres, pe lângă 550 de învăţători din toate judeţele României vrem sa fie prezente şi 50 de cadre didactice de etnie română din Ungaria, Transcarpatia, Bucovina de Nord, Basarabia de Sud, Transnistria, Republica Moldova, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Timoc, Banatul Sarbesc.
Pana in prezent nu am lansat invitatiile pentru colegii de peste hotare fiindca nu avem inca asigurata finantarea cazarii si mesei lor pentru 2 zile si cheltuielile de transport. Ar fi deprimanta o neparticipare a lor fiindca Congresul se cheama si al Invatatorilor Romani de peste Hotare. Conform statutului nostru avem o structura in care fiecare comunitate de peste hotare isi delegă reprezentanti. Ar fi dezolant ca dupa ce s-au inscris la noi in asociatie sa nu ii avem intre noi pe reprezentantii acestor colegi care traiesc in alte state dar APARA FRONTIERELE LIMBII ROMANE la cel mai important eveniment.
Medalia de aur (înregistrată la Banca Naţională) acordată Congresului Învăţătorilor în 2006 a fost dată în păstrare până la viitorul congres învăţătorilor români din Tiraspol-Transnistria. Aceşti învăţători din Transnistria au făcut suprema dovadă a ataşamentului faţă de şcoala românească. Au apărat-o la propriu de armata, poliţia şi autorităţile separatiste, au suferit agresiuni fizice şi morale, au făcut şcoală fiindu-le tăiată apa şi curentul luni de zile, au convins elevii şi părinţii că limba nu se păstrează fără sacrificii. În timpul conflictului armat au fost învăţători şi elevi ucişi pentru că mergeau la şcoala cu tricolor românesc. DACA NU SE GĂSESC RESURSE ACEŞTI COLEGI NU VOR FI PRINTRE NOI şi deci NU VOM AVEA LA CONGRES NICI MEDALIA DE AUR A CONGRESULUI NOSTRU.
Cei doritori sa sprijine participarea la congres a acestor colegi din comunitatile amintite pot depune cat cred de cuviinta prin ordin de plata sau mandat poştal în contul IBAN RO32CECEAR0137RON0355948 al Asociatiei Generale a Invatatorilor din Romania (cod fiscal 23564572). deschis la CEC Bank Arad (sucursala CEC Bank Arad are adresa Arad B-dul Revolutiei nr.5-7 cod postal 310139) –cu specificatia ,,pentru cadrele didactice de peste hotare,, sau pot sa ne solicite sa achite direct atunci in Bucuresti cheltuielile pentru unul/unii oaspeti sau o delegatie intreaga.
Informatii suplimentare la ; 0723259290 ; 0744195155
Viorel Dolha
presedintele Asociatiei Generale a Invatatorilor din Romania
str. Mucius Scaevola nr.9, Arad, cod fiscal 23564572,
cont CEC Arad cod IBAN RO32CECEAR0137RON0355948
TEL 0357407799, 0744195155, 0723259290 fax 0257282441 ;
In perioada 18 – 20 septembrie 2008, Sibiul va fi gazda primei editii a Conferintei Internationale Calitate - Inovare - Integrare Europeana, eveniment organizat de catre Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti, in colaborare cu Universitatea Erlangen – Nuremberg din Germania, Universitatea Tehnica din Viena si Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca.
Conferinta Internationala Calitate –Inovare - Integrare Europeana, la prima sa editie, isi propune sa reuneasca intr-un amplu schimb de experienta, personalitati din mediul academic, cercetatori, doctoranzi, consultanti si oameni de afaceri din intreaga lume.
Obiectivul principal al Conferintei il reprezinta stabilirea unor conexiuni intre reprezentantii mediului academic si specialistii din practica economica, implicati in managementul calitatii si inovatiei, cu interese interdisciplinare in domeniul afacerilor si integrarii europene si cei preocupati de cele mai recente orientari privind: standardele europene de excelenta in afaceri, antreprenoriat, inteligenta organizationala si dezvoltarea competitiva, proprietatea intelectuala, managementul intreprinderilor in context multicultural, sistemele integrate de management calitate – mediu – securitate, dezvoltarea durabila.
Vor fi, deasemnea, dezbatute problemele actuale de interes privind dezvoltarea Comunitatii Europene, ocazie cu care se va reflecta la evolutia procesului de integrare europeana, precum si asupra dinamicii generate de aceasta evolutie.
Lucrarile conferintei se desfasoara in plen si pe sectiuni paralele, cu prezentari academice si practice, precum si ateliere de lucru dedicate mediului de afaceri, referitoare la urmatoarele teme: 1) Imbunătăţirea sistemului de evaluare a performanţelor întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii din România, în relaţie cu modelul european de management al calităţii; 2) Managementul strategic şi operaţional al organizaţiilor în contextul globalizării economiei; 3) Inovaţia deschisă: Ce şi de ce? Soluţii posibile pentru mediul economic din România.
De altfel, conferinta se doreste a fi un prilej excelent de socializare, alaturi de o incursiune in cultura locala pentru participantii directi la lucrarile conferintei. Cei care opteaza pentru participarea cu lucrari pe temele generoase ale conferintei vor avea oportunitatea unui network academic si profesional publicistic de inalta tinuta.
Lucrarile pot fi depuse online pina la data de 28 iulie 2008, confirmarea acceptarii acestora facandu-se pana la data de 8 august a.c. Inscrierea participarii Dvs. la Conferinta Internationala Calitate – Inovare - Integrare Europeana se poate face pina la data de 1 Septembrie 2008, prin accesarea adresei de website a acesteia:
Evenimentul este sponsorizat de catre Remtours Travel Agency din Romania, beneficiind de urmatoarele parteneriate media: Postul de Radio Romania Actualitati, Revista “Calitatea –acces la succes” din Romania si Societatea Romanca din Marea Britanie.
Secretariatul Stiintific al Conferintei Calitate-Inovare-Integrare Europeana, Sibiu, 18-20 septembrie 2008
Contact :
Consemneaza pt Societatea Romanca
Ovidiu Lapusneanu.
18th- 20th September 2008, Sibiu Romania
The first goal of the QIEI 2008 International Conference on Quality – Innovation – European Integration is to provide an opportunity for academics, scientists, business leaders, consultants, and other professionals from various business related fields from all over the world to come together and learn from each other.
The second goal of the conference is to provide a place for scholars and professionals involved in quality and innovation management with cross-disciplinary interests related to business and European integration to meet and interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines.
A third goal of the conference is to draw attention to recent issues concerning the development of the EU, but also to provide an occasion to reflect on the evolution of European integration since the Treaty of Rome and the dynamics that have underpinned this evolution.
The conference format includes plenary and parallel sessions with both academic and practitioner presentations and workshops. Additionally, the conference will provide excellent networking opportunities together with a taste of local culture.
The conference is partially sponsored through the UEFISCSU research projects ID_856 and ID_828.
Honorary Chairs:
Prof. Dr. Ion Gh. Rosca, Rector, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr. h.c. mult. Albert Weckenmann, Chair Quality Management and Manufacturing Metrology, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
O. Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. P. Herbert Osanna, Abteilung Austauschbau und Messtechnik (AuM)
Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
Prof. Dr. Sorin Popescu, General Director for Higher Education in Romania, Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, Romania
Conference Co-Chairs:
Prof. Dr. Viorel Lefter, Vice-Rector, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. M. Numan Durakbasa, Abteilung Austauschbau und Messtechnik (AuM), Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
Prof. Dr. Aurel Vlaicu, Vice-Rector, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Stelian Brad, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Marieta Olaru, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Program Chair and Conference Secretariat:
Prof. Dr. Carmen Paunescu, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Liviu Crisan, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dr. Ionela Flood, Romanca Society, London, United Kingdom
Nicoleta Ciornei, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest Bucharest, Romania
Raluca Dudescu, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
September 18-20, 2008
(alphabetical order)
Prof. Dr. Ioan Abrudan
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Fabrizio D’Ascenzo
University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
Prof. Dr. Ioan Blebea
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Constantin Bob
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Florina Bran
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Calabro
University of Messina, Sicily, Italy
Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Cârstea
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Cornel Ciupan
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Vasile Dinu
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Irina Dragulanescu
University of Messina, Sicily, Italy
Prof. Dr. Ikushi Egawa
University of Hyogo, Japan
Mik Flood
Culture Action Europe, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Liviu Ilies
“Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Peter Inkei
Budapest Cultural Observatory, Hungary
Prof. Dr. Jacek Koziol
Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Prof. Dr. Bogdan Onete
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Constantin Oprean
University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Romania
Prof. Dr. Rodica Pamfilie
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Ioan Pop
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Daniela Popescu
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dr. Sophie Reboud
Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France
Prof. Dr. Costache Rusu
Technical University “Gh. Asachi” Iasi, Romania
Prof. Dr. Roxana Sârbu
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Christina Marta Suciu
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Schweig
Univ. of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Eva Waginger-Koroschitz
University of Economics, Vienne, Austria
Submissions from academics, consultants, managers, and other professionals are strongly encouraged and should focus on the following topics (note the conference language is English):
Globalization and European Integration
Policies and Strategies for Managing Quality and Innovation
European Union Policy for Quality and Innovation Promotion
European Standards for Business Excellence
Management and Marketing in Universities
Research for Excellence
Entrepreneurship Education
Organizational Intelligence and Competitive Development
Competencies Management
Knowledge Management
Innovation Management
Change Management
Innovation Marketing
Intellectual Property
Technological Innovation
Techniques and Tools for Innovation and Quality Improvement
Project Management
Process Management
Corporate Government
Communication and Public Relations
Customer Relationship Management
Intercultural Management
Integrated Management Systems
Total Quality Management
Management for Sustainability
• Maximum 8 page-long papers, with an abstract of 200 – 250 words, followed by 3-5 keywords.
• Times New Roman 10, single spaced, justified; Margins: top = 20 mm, bottom = 25 mm, side = 15 mm; Two-column format A4; Portrait.
Please review the paper template for further details. Maximum two papers are accepted for any participant.
Papers will be submitted to:
The conference fee is 80 Euro/participant and includes: conference proceedings (CD), conference program, welcome reception, coffee breaks and refreshments, conference lunches and the conference banquet.
For Ph.D. students enrolled in the Doctoral School, master students, and undergraduates the registration fee is 40 Euro/ participant.
The conference proceedings (CD) will be edited with an ISBN issued by the Publishing House of the Vienna Technical University. Furthermore, a volume will be published after the conference, as special issue of the Romanian review "Calitatea – Acces la succes", year 9, no. 92, 2008 - review edited by the Romanian Society for Quality Assurance. This review is classified in the category B+, according to The National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education (CNCSIS) and is included in the international databases EBSCO Publishing, ISSN 1582-2599
July 28, 2008 – Submission of papers
August 8, 2008 – Acceptance with any changes/ rejection of papers
September 1, 2008 – Submission of final papers and conference fee payment
Contact information:
To contact the conference secretariat, please email
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We have the pleasure to invite you to the 2008 edition of the international conference on QUALITY – INNOVATION – EUROPEAN INTEGRATION that will be held in Sibiu, Romania from September 18th (Thursday) to September 20th (Saturday), 2008.
The Conference will be the gathering place for scientists, managers, consultants and other professionals from quality and innovation management field with cross-disciplinary interests related to business and European integration, from all over the world.
You are cordially invited to submit papers, written in English, to Guidelines for paper submission are provided in the appendix. In addition, a paper template is enclosed with this email.
Please note the following deadlines:
July 15, 2008 – Submission of papers
August 1, 2008 – Acceptance with any changes/ rejection of papers
September 1, 2008 – Submission of final papers and conference fee payment
Any inquiry should be addressed to the Conference Secretariat, at
We look forward to seeing all of you in September at Sibiu.
With best wishes,
The Conference Organizing Committee
We have the pleasure to invite you to the first edition of the international conference on
The first goal of the QIEI 2008 International Conference on Quality – Innovation – European Integration is to provide an opportunity for academics, scientists, business leaders, consultants, and other professionals from various business related fields from all over the world to come together and learn from each other.
The second goal of the conference is to provide a place for scholars and professionals involved in quality and innovation management with cross-disciplinary interests related to business and European integration to meet and interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines.
A third goal of the conference is to draw attention to recent issues concerning the development of the EU, but also to provide an occasion to reflect on the evolution of European integration since the Treaty of Rome and the dynamics that have underpinned this evolution.
The conference format includes plenary and parallel sessions with both academic and practitioner presentations and workshops. Additionally, the conference will provide excellent networking opportunities together with a taste of local culture.
The conference is partially sponsored through the UEFISCSU research projects ID_856 and ID_828.
Honorary Chairs:
Prof. Dr. Ion Gh. Rosca, Rector, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr. h.c. mult. Albert Weckenmann, Chair Quality Management and Manufacturing Metrology, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
O. Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. P. Herbert Osanna, Abteilung Austauschbau und Messtechnik (AuM)
Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
Prof. Dr. Sorin Popescu, General Director for Higher Education in Romania, Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, Romania
Conference Co-Chairs:
Prof. Dr. Viorel Lefter, Vice-Rector, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. M. Numan Durakbasa, Abteilung Austauschbau und Messtechnik (AuM), Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
Prof. Dr. Aurel Vlaicu, Vice-Rector, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Stelian Brad, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Marieta Olaru, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Program Chair and Conference Scientific Secretariat:
Prof. Dr. Carmen Paunescu, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Liviu Crisan, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dr. Ionela Flood, Romanca Society, London, United Kingdom
September 18-20, 2008
(alphabetical order)
Prof. Dr. Ioan Abrudan
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Fabrizio D’Ascenzo
University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
Prof. Dr. Ioan Blebea
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Constantin Bob
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Florina Bran
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Calabro
University of Messina, Sicily, Italy
Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Cârstea
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Cornel Ciupan
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Vasile Dinu
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Irina Dragulanescu
University of Messina, Sicily, Italy
Prof. Dr. Ikushi Egawa
University of Hyogo, Japan
Mik Flood
Culture Action Europe, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Liviu Ilies
“Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Peter Inkei
Budapest Cultural Observatory, Hungary
Prof. Dr. Jacek Koziol
Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Prof. Dr. Bogdan Onete
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Constantin Oprean
University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Romania
Prof. Dr. Rodica Pamfilie
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Ioan Pop
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Daniela Popescu
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dr. Sophie Reboud
Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France
Prof. Dr. Costache Rusu
Technical University “Gh. Asachi” Iasi, Romania
Prof. Dr. Roxana Sârbu
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Christina Marta Suciu
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Schweig
Univ. of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Eva Waginger-Koroschitz
University of Economics, Vienne, Austria
Submissions from academics, consultants, managers, and other professionals are strongly encouraged and should focus on the following topics (note the conference language is English):
Globalization and European Integration
Policies and Strategies for Managing Quality and Innovation
European Union Policy for Quality and Innovation Promotion
European Standards for Business Excellence
Management and Marketing in Universities
Research for Excellence
Entrepreneurship Education
Organizational Intelligence and Competitive Development
Competencies Management
Knowledge Management
Innovation Management
Change Management
Innovation Marketing
Intellectual Property
Technological Innovation
Techniques and Tools for Innovation and Quality Improvement
Project Management
Process Management
Corporate Government
Communication and Public Relations
Customer Relationship Management
Intercultural Management
Integrated Management Systems
Total Quality Management
Management for Sustainability
• Maximum 8 page-long papers, with an abstract of 200 – 250 words, followed by 3-5 keywords.
• Times New Roman 10, single spaced, justified; Margins: top = 20 mm, bottom = 25 mm, side = 15 mm; Two-column format A4; Portrait.
Please provide the full names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of the authors, indicating the contact author. Please review the paper template for further details. Maximum two papers are accepted for any participant as author or co-author.
Papers will be submitted to:
The conference fee is 80 Euro/participant and includes: conference proceedings (CD with ISBN and a volume edited after the conference as special issue of a Romanian review classified in the category B+ according to CNCSIS), conference program, welcome reception, coffee breaks and refreshments, conference lunches and the conference banquet. Only the papers presented at the conference will be included in the proceedings.
July 15, 2008 – Submission of papers
August 1, 2008 – Acceptance with any changes/ rejection of papers
September 1, 2008 – Submission of final papers and conference fee payment
Contact information:
To contact the conference secretariat, please email
Intercultural Cities Conference 1-3 May 2008 Liverpool
An official UK event for the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008
In the cities of today and tomorrow, how can people from different cultures really live together - rather than just rub along side one another?
As part of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, the Intercultural Cities Conference, will look at migration, diversity and urban life in a fresh way. New thinking is needed on how diverse communities can co-operate in productive harmony instead of leading parallel or antagonistic lives.
The conference is organised by EUCLID and Comedia, in association with the Liverpool Culture Company, and with the support of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.
Taking place in this year's European Capital of Culture the conference will not only provide an opportunity to look at how different cultures can live together but how mixing can be turned to economic, social and cultural advantage - key issues particularly for those responsible for planning and regeneration, the local economy, community cohesion, education and the cultural services.
The three day event will feature various European and international speakers, such as globalisation guru Saskia Sassen, the world authority on diversity and city planning Leonie Sandercock, Lord Bhikhu Parekh, who says it is time to rethink multiculturalism, city leadership expert Carol Coletta, Keith Khan who leads the campaign to make the London 2012 Olympics an unprecedented intercultural festival, and leading European city politicians including Ilda Curti and Pascale Bonniel Chalier.
The conference format will break with convention in pursuit of maximum interaction between delegates and speakers. There will also be the opportunity to get out into Liverpool to see some examples of intercultural dialogue and delegates can also choose from various extra activities, such as a dinner at Anfield, the home of Liverpool Football Club, featuring comedian Shazia Mirza.
Full details can be found at including the early bird booking fee, only available until 31 March!
Va rugan sa vizitati sectiunea relevanta pentru locuri de munca, oferte de munca, tirguri si informatii utile in aceste domenii. Societatea Romanca va publica pe linkul urmator sugestiile si anunturile Dvs.
Va multumim,
Societataea Romanca
CaVSA Training Session for Developing an Environment Policy
The session will cover the following:
• What is an environment policy?
• Why does an organisation need an environment policy?
• Environment Policy Requirements
o What is the legal position?
o How long should an environment policy document be?
• What should an environment policy include?
• Relevant issues to address in an environment policy
• Checklist for drafting an environment policy
• Group exercise to draft a complete environment policy applicable to a typical CVS group.
Date: Tuesday 4th March
Time: 9:30am - 1pm
Venue: The Irish Cultural Centre
Blacks Road
London W6 9DT
To book a place please complete the attached booking form. For further information please contact Wirya Hassan – Groups Development Officer : Tel: 020 8748 6345 or e-mail:
Va multumim,
Societataea Romanca
CaVSA Training Session for Developing an Environment Policy
The session will cover the following:
• What is an environment policy?
• Why does an organisation need an environment policy?
• Environment Policy Requirements
o What is the legal position?
o How long should an environment policy document be?
• What should an environment policy include?
• Relevant issues to address in an environment policy
• Checklist for drafting an environment policy
• Group exercise to draft a complete environment policy applicable to a typical CVS group.
Date: Tuesday 4th March
Time: 9:30am - 1pm
Venue: The Irish Cultural Centre
Blacks Road
London W6 9DT
To book a place please complete the attached booking form. For further information please contact Wirya Hassan – Groups Development Officer : Tel: 020 8748 6345 or e-mail:
JOB -uri
Hammersmith and Fulham Refugee Forum has a vacancy for the post of Co-ordinator.
The successful candidate for this stimulating and challenging role will work with a wide range of Refugee Community Organisations and stakeholder bodies to promote the needs and profile of the Forum and the refugee community it serves.
If you want to play a key management, developmental and organising role in the most proactive Refugee Forum in London access the attached application pack or go to
Salary: £27,492 - £29,010
Hours: 35 per week
Terms and Conditions: fixed term contract until March 2009
Closing date for applications: 10th March 2008 at 12 noon
Applications can be returned online to: Phil Cooper, Interim Co-ordinator:
or by post to:
Phil Cooper,
Interim Co-ordinator,
Hammersmith and Fulham Refugee Forum
Bishop Creighton House
378, Lillie Road
Fulham SW6 7PH
The successful candidate for this stimulating and challenging role will work with a wide range of Refugee Community Organisations and stakeholder bodies to promote the needs and profile of the Forum and the refugee community it serves.
If you want to play a key management, developmental and organising role in the most proactive Refugee Forum in London access the attached application pack or go to
Salary: £27,492 - £29,010
Hours: 35 per week
Terms and Conditions: fixed term contract until March 2009
Closing date for applications: 10th March 2008 at 12 noon
Applications can be returned online to: Phil Cooper, Interim Co-ordinator:
or by post to:
Phil Cooper,
Interim Co-ordinator,
Hammersmith and Fulham Refugee Forum
Bishop Creighton House
378, Lillie Road
Fulham SW6 7PH
Katie Watson
Project Officer
Energy Centre for Sustainable Communities
Unit 327, Great Guildford Business Square, 30 Great Guildford Street, London, SE1 0HS
Direct dial: 020 7922 1666
Fax: 020 7928 8153
Developing and implementing programmes to create a socially responsible, sustainable energy future through energy efficiency; development and planning; the use of renewable energy and co-generation.
ecsc is a wholly owned subsidiary of Thameswey Ltd
“Fair Access to Health & Social Services”- SEMINAR 5th March
Invitation for the Seminar “Fair Access to Health & Social Services”
Ethnic Minorities Elders Group (EMEG) is newly established group with the support and guidance of Shanti Day Centre. The aims and objectives are to educate and create awareness amongst older people with disabilities and their carers and families of benefits, resources and services available from the main stream statutory and voluntary agencies, and to promote physical and mental well being amongst older people with disabilities and their carers, primarily from Asian and other minority ethnic communities, through health, social and recreational and other appropriate services and activities.
EMEG is holding a Seminar on the Council theme of “Fair access to Health & Social services” and want you to attend this Seminar. We need some of your precious time and support through your participation in this event as delegate.
Questions answers session will also be held.
The event will take place on 5th March 2008, between 10.30 to 2:00 p,m. in the Shanti Centre at 89 Askew Road Shepherds Bush London W12 9AS. Lunch will be served after the seminar.
I look forward for the confirmation of your acceptance of our invitation.
Yours Sincerely
Bakhshish Singh
Ethnic Minorities Elders Group
Ethnic Minorities Elders Group (EMEG) is newly established group with the support and guidance of Shanti Day Centre. The aims and objectives are to educate and create awareness amongst older people with disabilities and their carers and families of benefits, resources and services available from the main stream statutory and voluntary agencies, and to promote physical and mental well being amongst older people with disabilities and their carers, primarily from Asian and other minority ethnic communities, through health, social and recreational and other appropriate services and activities.
EMEG is holding a Seminar on the Council theme of “Fair access to Health & Social services” and want you to attend this Seminar. We need some of your precious time and support through your participation in this event as delegate.
Questions answers session will also be held.
The event will take place on 5th March 2008, between 10.30 to 2:00 p,m. in the Shanti Centre at 89 Askew Road Shepherds Bush London W12 9AS. Lunch will be served after the seminar.
I look forward for the confirmation of your acceptance of our invitation.
Yours Sincerely
Bakhshish Singh
Ethnic Minorities Elders Group
Safer Neighbourhoods Teams: survey
The Met Police's Safer Neighbourhoods Teams are asking young people across London for their ideas on how they can be made to feel safer.
The online survey link is at
The survey is only open from Monday, February 25, 2008 to March 20, 2008 inclusive.
Could you take a minute to complet it, please.
Many thanks,
Outside Chance
The online survey link is at
The survey is only open from Monday, February 25, 2008 to March 20, 2008 inclusive.
Could you take a minute to complet it, please.
Many thanks,
Outside Chance
Monday, March 03, 2008
CONCURS RRI : „Mit si realitate în judetul Bistrita-Nasaud"
Dragi prieteni, RRI va invita sa participati la un nou concurs cu premii,
cu titlul „Mit si realitate în judetul Bistrita-Nasaud". O regiune din
nordul României, extrem de frumoasa, cu o istorie bogata, cu mari valori
culturale, cu oameni deosebiti, dar în care exista si ... Castelul lui
Dracula, situat în Pasul Tihuta, din Muntii Bârgau. Va invitam sa urmariti
emisiunile si site-ul RRI, sa raspundeti corect, în scris, la câteva
întrebari si puteti câstiga. Concursul va dura pâna la 31 martie 2008, data
postei. Vom avea doua Mari Premii - doua sejururi, pentru câte doua
persoane, de 9 zile (8 nopti), cu pensiune completa, în luna iunie 2008.
Ca de obicei, va trebui sa va asigurati pe cont propriu transportul extern
si, daca aceasta va este necesara, viza pentru România.
Pentru cei care nu câstiga Marile Premii vom avea numeroase
premii în obiecte, legate de judetul Bistrita-Nasaud, oferite de partenerii
nostri: Institutia Prefectului si Consiliul Judetean Bistrita-Nasaud,
Primaria Municipiului Bistrita, Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura
Bistrita-Nasaud, Uniunea Artistilor Plastici - Asociatia Bistrita,
Protopopiatul ortodox de Nasaud, Complexul Muzeal Bistrita-Nasaud, Centrul
Judetean al Creatiei Populare, societatile comerciale Electroplast, Comelf,
Rombat si Teraplast. Parteneri media sunt cunoscutele cotidiane bistritene
„Mesagerul" si „Rasunetul".
Judetul, cu o populatie de circa 320 de mii de locuitori, are
o suprafata de 5.355 km patrati, are un relief variat distribuit în
amfiteatru spre Câmpia Transilvaniei si înglobeaza zona de contact a
Carpatilor Orientali cu Podisul Transilvaniei, respectiv bazinul superior
al Somesului Mare cu afluentii sai, precum si o mica portiune din bazinul
mijlociu al Muresului. Zona montana reprezinta 48% din suprafata.
Si acum, întrebarile:
- Numiti 3 atractii turistice din judetul Bistrita-Nasaud.
- Ce mari scriitori români s-au nascut în zona?
- Ce stiti despre mitul lui Dracula?
- Cum se numesc muntii în care se afla Castelul lui Dracula?
Va rugam sa ne scrieti si ce v-a determinat sa participati
la concurs. Coordonatele noastre: Radio România International, str. G-ral
Berthelot nr. 60-64, sector 1, Bucuresti, PO Box 111, cod 010165, fax, e-mail: sau Asteptam
raspunsurile dumneavoastra pâna la 31 martie 2008, data postei.
Câstigatorii Marilor Premii vor fi anuntati la sfârsitul lunii aprilie
2008, pentru a-si putea pregati din timp sejurul în România. Succes!
Cu stima, in numele tuturor colegilor,
Simona Constantin
cu titlul „Mit si realitate în judetul Bistrita-Nasaud". O regiune din
nordul României, extrem de frumoasa, cu o istorie bogata, cu mari valori
culturale, cu oameni deosebiti, dar în care exista si ... Castelul lui
Dracula, situat în Pasul Tihuta, din Muntii Bârgau. Va invitam sa urmariti
emisiunile si site-ul RRI, sa raspundeti corect, în scris, la câteva
întrebari si puteti câstiga. Concursul va dura pâna la 31 martie 2008, data
postei. Vom avea doua Mari Premii - doua sejururi, pentru câte doua
persoane, de 9 zile (8 nopti), cu pensiune completa, în luna iunie 2008.
Ca de obicei, va trebui sa va asigurati pe cont propriu transportul extern
si, daca aceasta va este necesara, viza pentru România.
Pentru cei care nu câstiga Marile Premii vom avea numeroase
premii în obiecte, legate de judetul Bistrita-Nasaud, oferite de partenerii
nostri: Institutia Prefectului si Consiliul Judetean Bistrita-Nasaud,
Primaria Municipiului Bistrita, Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura
Bistrita-Nasaud, Uniunea Artistilor Plastici - Asociatia Bistrita,
Protopopiatul ortodox de Nasaud, Complexul Muzeal Bistrita-Nasaud, Centrul
Judetean al Creatiei Populare, societatile comerciale Electroplast, Comelf,
Rombat si Teraplast. Parteneri media sunt cunoscutele cotidiane bistritene
„Mesagerul" si „Rasunetul".
Judetul, cu o populatie de circa 320 de mii de locuitori, are
o suprafata de 5.355 km patrati, are un relief variat distribuit în
amfiteatru spre Câmpia Transilvaniei si înglobeaza zona de contact a
Carpatilor Orientali cu Podisul Transilvaniei, respectiv bazinul superior
al Somesului Mare cu afluentii sai, precum si o mica portiune din bazinul
mijlociu al Muresului. Zona montana reprezinta 48% din suprafata.
Si acum, întrebarile:
- Numiti 3 atractii turistice din judetul Bistrita-Nasaud.
- Ce mari scriitori români s-au nascut în zona?
- Ce stiti despre mitul lui Dracula?
- Cum se numesc muntii în care se afla Castelul lui Dracula?
Va rugam sa ne scrieti si ce v-a determinat sa participati
la concurs. Coordonatele noastre: Radio România International, str. G-ral
Berthelot nr. 60-64, sector 1, Bucuresti, PO Box 111, cod 010165, fax, e-mail: sau Asteptam
raspunsurile dumneavoastra pâna la 31 martie 2008, data postei.
Câstigatorii Marilor Premii vor fi anuntati la sfârsitul lunii aprilie
2008, pentru a-si putea pregati din timp sejurul în România. Succes!
Cu stima, in numele tuturor colegilor,
Simona Constantin
Saturday, March 01, 2008
MARTISOR : 8 Martie
Dragi prieteni,
Ne face placere sa va oferim un Martisor simbolic, urandu-va primavara in suflet. Va invitam sa sarbatoriti ziua de 8 Martie impreuna cu noi la Clubul Literar.
Dear friends,
It is our pleasure to offer you a simbolic "Martisor", wishing you all the best. We invite you to celebrate the 8th of March together with us at our Literary Club.
8 Martie
Ziua Femeii
Clubul Literar
8 Martie, 5pm
Dragi prieteni,
Clubul Literar din cadrul Societăţii Românca are plăcerea să vă invite la a doua întrunire – cenaclu in acest an. De data aceasta sărbătorim Ziua Internaţională a Femeii, 8 Martie, o tradiţie cu care Societatea Românca v-a obişnuit de 4 ani.
Întâlnirea este, ca şi data trecută, în plăcuta ambianţa a cafenelei Smart Cafe, 309 North End Road , W14 9NS, tube: District Line - West Brompton.
Vă invităm să aduceţi şi să propuneţi spre citire poezii dedicate feminitatii şi primaverii, proprii sau ale altor autori. Va rugam să trimiteţi acest mesaj mai departe tuturor celor interesaţi. Intrarea este gratuită.
Vă aşteptăm cu drag.
Moderator: Ariadna Petri
RSVP: 07738297139
8th March
International Women’s Day
The Literary Club
8th March, 5.00pm
Dear friends,
The Literary Club of the Romanca Society is honoured to invite you to the second meeting this year. This time we will be celebrating the 8th of March, International Day of Women, a tradition that the Romanca Society has organised in the last 4 years.
The meeting will take place again in the cosy and welcoming environment of Smart Coffee, 309 North End Road , W14 9NS, tube: District Line - West Brompton.
You are welcome to bring your own poetry about femininity and spring time regeneration to be read out or anything by your favourite authors. Please forward this to anyone interested. The event is free and open to all.
See you there!
Moderator: Ariadna Petri
RSVP: 07738297139
Ne face placere sa va oferim un Martisor simbolic, urandu-va primavara in suflet. Va invitam sa sarbatoriti ziua de 8 Martie impreuna cu noi la Clubul Literar.
Dear friends,
It is our pleasure to offer you a simbolic "Martisor", wishing you all the best. We invite you to celebrate the 8th of March together with us at our Literary Club.
8 Martie
Ziua Femeii
Clubul Literar
8 Martie, 5pm
Dragi prieteni,
Clubul Literar din cadrul Societăţii Românca are plăcerea să vă invite la a doua întrunire – cenaclu in acest an. De data aceasta sărbătorim Ziua Internaţională a Femeii, 8 Martie, o tradiţie cu care Societatea Românca v-a obişnuit de 4 ani.
Întâlnirea este, ca şi data trecută, în plăcuta ambianţa a cafenelei Smart Cafe, 309 North End Road , W14 9NS, tube: District Line - West Brompton.
Vă invităm să aduceţi şi să propuneţi spre citire poezii dedicate feminitatii şi primaverii, proprii sau ale altor autori. Va rugam să trimiteţi acest mesaj mai departe tuturor celor interesaţi. Intrarea este gratuită.
Vă aşteptăm cu drag.
Moderator: Ariadna Petri
RSVP: 07738297139
8th March
International Women’s Day
The Literary Club
8th March, 5.00pm
Dear friends,
The Literary Club of the Romanca Society is honoured to invite you to the second meeting this year. This time we will be celebrating the 8th of March, International Day of Women, a tradition that the Romanca Society has organised in the last 4 years.
The meeting will take place again in the cosy and welcoming environment of Smart Coffee, 309 North End Road , W14 9NS, tube: District Line - West Brompton.
You are welcome to bring your own poetry about femininity and spring time regeneration to be read out or anything by your favourite authors. Please forward this to anyone interested. The event is free and open to all.
See you there!
Moderator: Ariadna Petri
RSVP: 07738297139