Dragobete si Atelier Mărţişor
Clubul Literar
23 februarie, 4pm
Smart Coffee
309 North End Road
W14 9NS , Londra
Tel : 0845 638 1394
Dragi prieteni,
Clubul Literar din cadrul Societăţii Românca are plăcerea să vă invite la prima întrunire – cenaclu in acest an.
Întrunirile vor avea loc o dată pe lună în ambientul Cafenelei Smart Coffee din 309 North End Road ,W14 9NS, (cu metroul District pina la West Bromton). Iar pentru ca pe 24 februarie românii sărbătoresc Dragobetele, tema literara va fi, bineînţeles, poezia de dragoste. Şi pentru că urmează şi 1 Martie, vă invităm să vă puneţi la încercare talentul în crearea Mărţişorului.
4.00 - 4.30 Cuvinte de bun-venit
4.30 - 5.00 Atelier Mărţişor
5.00 – 6.00 Poezie de dragoste
Vă invităm să aduceţi şi să propuneţi spre citire poezii de dragoste ale dumneavoastră sau altor autori şi să trimiteţi acest mesaj mai departe tuturor celor interesaţi. Intrarea este gratuită.
Vă aşteptăm cu drag.
Moderator: Ariadna Petri
RSVP: 07738297139
Lovers’ Day
& MartisorWorkshop
The Literary Club
23rd February, 4pm
Smart Coffee
309 North End Road
W14 9NS , London
Tel : 0845 638 1394
Dear friends,
The Literary Club of the Romanca Society is honoured to invite you to the first meeting this year.
Our monthly meetings will take place in the cosy and welcoming environment of Café Smart Coffee in 309 North End Road , W14 9NS,( District underground to West Bromton). And since on the 24th of February Romanians celebrate the Dragobete, lovers’ day, the literary theme will naturally be the love. And because the 1st of March, with another beautiful tradition, the Martisor is also approaching, we will offer you the opportunity to try out your artistic skills making some luck-bringing amulets yourselves.
4.00 - 4.30 Welcome Words
4.30 - 5.00 Mărţişor Workshop
5.00 – 6.00 Love Poetry
You are welcome to bring your own poetry to be read out or anything by your favourite authors and please forward this to anyone interested. The event is free and open to all.
See you there!
Moderator: Ariadna Petri
RSVP: 07738297139
Reproducem mai jos din corespondenta transmisa de scriitorul Ioan Astalus , pentru seara de Dragobeta de la Londra, 2 poezii dedicate romancelor:
Parcă văd în ochii tăi
femeia fatală,
trandafirul ce n-a reuşit să fie boboc.
Ziua amintirilor
în care, privind tavanul,
o să-ţi aduci aminte de toate florile
si zîmbetele
si lacrimile copilului, ce refuza
graniţa generaţiei lui, trecută între
inimă şi gură.
Parcă văd cealalta jumatate din tine,
punând stavilă neântelegerii.
nu poate fi adevarat
că eu n-am fost privit niciodată
de faţă cu ceilalţi.
Vad în ochii tăi
ca o fiară, care abia aşteaptă
întoarcerea-n sălbăticie.
Ochii tăi blânzi ascund,
ceea ce eu, acuzatul,
am văzut doar o dată.
Ne ascundem mereu dincolo,
dincolo de ceva, de cineva,
cu vinovăţia transmisă prin sânge.
Domestici neştiţi, într-o lume
în care la pândă stau ceilalţi
de lângă noi,
de dincolo de cei pe care-i iubim.
Perpetuă fugă.
în rarele clipe în care putem adormi,
visăm lucruri despre care ştim
că sunt şi că vin
de dincolo de noi,
de acolo ce unde, nici anotimpurile
nu se mai întorc,
doar poate,
pentru a se uita înapoi.
Dragobete is a traditional Romanian holiday, celebrated on February 24. Dragobete was the son of Baba Dochia.
The day is known as "the day when the birds are getting engaged". Around this day, the birds begin to assemble their nests and mate. During the day, considered locally the first day of spring, the boys and girls pick up spring flowers and sing together. The frozen snow still present in many villages used to be collected and the water from it used as a magic potion by young girls during the rest of the year. This day is supposed to protect one from the fever which produces shivers and illness. If the weather allows it, girls and boys are supposed to pick snowdrops or other early spring plants for someone they are courting. Dragobete is also known as being the day of lovers for Romanians.
A common belief (in some parts of Romania) during this celebration is that if one steps over his/her partner's foot, he/she will have the dominating role in their relationship. The usual activities for this custom vary from region to region.
De Dragobete, fetele si baietii care se iubesc trebuie sa se logodeasca
In fiecare an, in 24 februarie, românii sarbatoresc Ziua de Dragobete. Dragobetele este considerat zeul tineretii, patron al bunei dispozitii si al dragostei. Fetele si baietii se imbracau in straie de sarbatoare si porneau in cautarea primelor flori de primavara. Fetele stringeau ghiocei, viorele pe care le puneau la icoane, pentru a le pastra pina la Sinziene, cind le aruncau intr-o apa curgatoare. De asemenea, conform traditiei, in dimineata zilei de Dragobete este bine ca fetele virgine sa stringa zapada pe care sa o topeasca. Cu apa obtinuta, ele se vor spala pe cap, pentru a avea tenul si parul “indiviat” de toata lumea. Apa ramasa are puteri magice si trebuie pastrata cu mare grija, spunindu-se ca este nascuta din surisul zinelor. Se spune ca daca in aceasta zi ai norocul sa auzi pupaza, vei fi harnic tot anul, iar daca ploua, primavara va veni devreme si va fi frumoasa. Nu este indicat sa se teasa, nu se lucreaza la cimp sau in fierarie, dar este indicat sa se faca curatenie generala in casa, pentru ca tot ce urmeaza sa fie cu spor. Este indicat ca fetele si baietii care se iubesc sa se logodeasca azi. O fata care nu are iubit trebuie macar sa rida cu baietii, pentru a avea sanse sa se casatoreasca curind.
Izabela Aldea
Romanca Society
Românca Society, established in June 2005, is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation, established with the purpose of supporting the social integration of Romanians present in the UK in the local society.Please see Navigation Project section below to find out about our projects.
Monday, February 18, 2008
TRAINING-Skills For Food Programme
Dragii mei ,
Romanii atrasi de piata muncii in Marea Britanie nu au prea mult de ales intre agricultura si industria alimentara ca posibilitati de angajare. Lasind deoparte statutul de student si cel de self employed acesta situatie restrictiva se va mentine pina in 2009 potrivit declaratiilor autoritatilor britanice.
De aceea va rog sa va concentrati atentia asupra unui program derulat de catre HFVDA , unul dintre partenerii vechi ai Societatii Romanca.
Programul Skill for Food va rula pentru urmatorii 3 ani , este gratuit (desi pe piata cursurilor este cotat la aproximativ £3000 ) si urmareste calificarea in meserii practicate in industria alimentara.
Inscrierile la curs au loc lunar, constind in 2 zile de training intens , la finalul carora puteti obtine certificatul de calificare in industri alimentara , cu posibilitati de angajare imediata. Criteriile de acces au in vedere persoanele neangajate dar in cautare a unui loc de munca si evident persoane eligibile de a munci in Marea Britanie.
Daca sunteti interesati va rog cititi anuntul de mai jos si contactati 020 8741 9876.
Bafta ,
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
Dear colleagues,
Those Romanian attracted by the workplace in UK do not have a great range of options, except agricultural and food industry. Not mentioning the student and self-employed status, this restrictive situation would be maintained till 2009 according to the British authorities.
This is why I am urging you to focus your attention upon a program provided by HFVDA, one of Romanca Society partners. The Program “Skill for Food” will develop over the next 3 years, it is free (although its price is estimated at £3000.00) and it offers qualifications in job in food industry.
The enrolment takes place monthly, with an intensive 2 day training. You will obtain the certificate in food industry with the possibility of finding a job immediately. The entry requirements are:
- if you are unemployed and looking actively for a job
- if you are eligible to work in UK
If you are interested, please read the below announcement and contact 020 8741 9876.
Good luck,
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
Love Food?
Your career in one of UK’s largest industries begins with the Skills For Food Programme
Skills for Food is a FREE programme for people looking for work in catering, food manufacturing, food retail, hotels or restaurants. It combines pre-employment courses and work experience that will improve your chances of getting a job. Travel and childcare costs can also be covered whilst you are participating in the programme.
Information - We can give you practical information to help you back into work, such as tax credits finances, childcare etc. We can also put you in touch with partner organisations that can provide you with specialist help such as setting up your own business.
Initial Skills Assessment - To help identify your strengths and weaknesses and if additional help will be needed leading to your own learning action plan
Employment Support - Confidence building, communication skills, CV production, job search and interview skills
Accredited Training - Royal Society for the Promotion of Health
Fundamentals of Food Hygiene Certificate
Customer Service Training - A half-day workshop giving you practical advice on providing excellent standards of service
Voluntary work experience – A chance to try out your career
You can join the programme if you are:
• A resident in the following areas:
• Hammersmith & Fulham,
• Shepherds Bush,
• Ealing,
• Brent,
• Hounslow,
• Hillingdon
• Are out of the job market and actively considering returning to work
• Eligible to work in the UK
What Now?
Call 020 8741 9876 or email skills4food@hfvc.org.uk to speak to one of our friendly advisors.
Please contact us if you need more information in Romanian language:
Romanca Society in behalf of HFVDA.
Romanii atrasi de piata muncii in Marea Britanie nu au prea mult de ales intre agricultura si industria alimentara ca posibilitati de angajare. Lasind deoparte statutul de student si cel de self employed acesta situatie restrictiva se va mentine pina in 2009 potrivit declaratiilor autoritatilor britanice.
De aceea va rog sa va concentrati atentia asupra unui program derulat de catre HFVDA , unul dintre partenerii vechi ai Societatii Romanca.
Programul Skill for Food va rula pentru urmatorii 3 ani , este gratuit (desi pe piata cursurilor este cotat la aproximativ £3000 ) si urmareste calificarea in meserii practicate in industria alimentara.
Inscrierile la curs au loc lunar, constind in 2 zile de training intens , la finalul carora puteti obtine certificatul de calificare in industri alimentara , cu posibilitati de angajare imediata. Criteriile de acces au in vedere persoanele neangajate dar in cautare a unui loc de munca si evident persoane eligibile de a munci in Marea Britanie.
Daca sunteti interesati va rog cititi anuntul de mai jos si contactati 020 8741 9876.
Bafta ,
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
Dear colleagues,
Those Romanian attracted by the workplace in UK do not have a great range of options, except agricultural and food industry. Not mentioning the student and self-employed status, this restrictive situation would be maintained till 2009 according to the British authorities.
This is why I am urging you to focus your attention upon a program provided by HFVDA, one of Romanca Society partners. The Program “Skill for Food” will develop over the next 3 years, it is free (although its price is estimated at £3000.00) and it offers qualifications in job in food industry.
The enrolment takes place monthly, with an intensive 2 day training. You will obtain the certificate in food industry with the possibility of finding a job immediately. The entry requirements are:
- if you are unemployed and looking actively for a job
- if you are eligible to work in UK
If you are interested, please read the below announcement and contact 020 8741 9876.
Good luck,
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
Love Food?
Your career in one of UK’s largest industries begins with the Skills For Food Programme
Skills for Food is a FREE programme for people looking for work in catering, food manufacturing, food retail, hotels or restaurants. It combines pre-employment courses and work experience that will improve your chances of getting a job. Travel and childcare costs can also be covered whilst you are participating in the programme.
Information - We can give you practical information to help you back into work, such as tax credits finances, childcare etc. We can also put you in touch with partner organisations that can provide you with specialist help such as setting up your own business.
Initial Skills Assessment - To help identify your strengths and weaknesses and if additional help will be needed leading to your own learning action plan
Employment Support - Confidence building, communication skills, CV production, job search and interview skills
Accredited Training - Royal Society for the Promotion of Health
Fundamentals of Food Hygiene Certificate
Customer Service Training - A half-day workshop giving you practical advice on providing excellent standards of service
Voluntary work experience – A chance to try out your career
You can join the programme if you are:
• A resident in the following areas:
• Hammersmith & Fulham,
• Shepherds Bush,
• Ealing,
• Brent,
• Hounslow,
• Hillingdon
• Are out of the job market and actively considering returning to work
• Eligible to work in the UK
What Now?
Call 020 8741 9876 or email skills4food@hfvc.org.uk to speak to one of our friendly advisors.
Please contact us if you need more information in Romanian language:
Romanca Society in behalf of HFVDA.