Românca Society, established in June 2005, is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation, established with the purpose of supporting the social integration of Romanians present in the UK in the local society.Please see Navigation Project section below to find out about our projects.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Ziua Românească 2007
va invita la
Ziua Românească 2007- ediţia a 4 a
Petrecere de Crăciun şi Anul Nou
la Centrul Păcii Sf. Ethelburga,
78 Bishopsgate, EC2N 4AG
(5 minute de la Liverpool Street Stn)
27 Decembrie 2007
3.00-8.00 pm
Mini concert
Un program cu muzică clasică
Maria Aldea –‘Ciuleandra’ vioara
Alexandru Ioel Stanescu - solo pian
Enescu, Chopin, Beethoven, Mozart
Surprizele lui Moş Crăciun
Un program cu Moş Crăciun pentru copii. Rugăm părinţii să aducă un cadou desemnat, care va fi înmînat copiilor după ce vor prezenta unui cîntec, colind sau poezie. Va asteptam sa colindam impreuna!
Colinde şi urări tradiţionale
Muzică disco şi dans tradiţional
Muzică mixată de DJ - Ştefu
Meniu cu mincaruri traditionale şi vin doar la £6
Vă rugăm RSVP pînă la 20 Decembrie la
sau SMS la tel: 075 15 25 35 84
Romanian Day 2007 – editia a 4 a, este organizată de & cu suportul companiilor Efficient Bookkeeping, Ro-mania Food Centre , Britannia Restaurant ,Serafimer, Smart Habit& British-Moldavian Business Ward.
Producatori de Ionela Flood & Serafim Florea
Ionela Flood
Societatea Romanca
T: 00 44 (0)20 77 36 86 68
M: 00 44 (0)78 16 27 52 40 sau 0044 075 15 25 35 84
You are invited by Romanca Society & ACUM to
Romanian Day 2007- 4th edition
Christmas and New Year Party
St. Ethelburga’s Peace Centre,
78 Bishopsgate, EC2N 4AG
(5 minutes from Liverpool Street Stn)
27th December 2007
3.00-8.00 pm
Mini concert
Maria Aldea –‘Ciuleandra’- violin
Alexandru Ioel Stanescu - piano
Enescu, Chopin, Beethoven, Mozart
Father Christmas visit
A programme of guests’ children in presence of Father Christmas. We invite parents to came along with a labelled prepared present to be handed to the children by Father Christmas after a performance made by the child (a poetry, a song etc).We are looking forward to seeing you!
Traditional carols and cheers
Traditional dance & disco music
A collection of music presented by DJ - Stefu
Traditional food, drinks available at the bar for £6
Please RSVP before 20 December to
or SMS to tel: 075 15 25 35 84
Romanian Day 2007 – edition 4, is organised by & with the support of Efficient Bookkeeping, Ro-mania Food Centre ,Britannia Restaurant, Serafimer, Smart Habit & British-Moldavian Business Ward.
Produced by Ionela Flood & Serafim Florea
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
Phone Number: 00 44 (0)20 77 36 86 68
Mobile 00 44 (0)78 16 27 52 40 or 0044 075 15 25 35 84
Monday, December 17, 2007
Intalnire cu Mos Craciun si Capra
Ro-Mania Food Centre (magazin cu specific romanesc) organizeaza pe data de 22 si 23 decembrie intre orele 12-14 intalnirea copiilor cu Mos Craciun si Capra.
Dragi parinti, va rugam sa aduceti un mic cadou (cu numele si prenumele copilului) pentru a fi oferit de Mos Craciun copilului dvs.
Va asteptam la adresa de mai jos:
Food Centre
198 Station Road
Magazinul este doar la 2 minute de mers de la statia de metrou Edgware.
Evenimentul este organizat de RO-MANIA Food Centre si Societatea ROMANCA.
Contact:020 8958 4442
Mobil: 07960 865 366
Dear friends,
Ro-Mania Food Centre (Romanian food shop) organises for children the meeting with Father Christmas and "The Goat" (traditional custom in Romania). The event will take place on the 22nd and 23rd of December between 12.00-14.00.
Dear parents, in order to help Father Christmas, please bring a small wrapped present, clearly marked with your child’s name and surname to be added to Father Christmas’ sack.
You are welcome at the following address:
Food Centre
198 Station Road
The event is organized by RO-MANIA Food Centre and Romanca Society.
Contact:020 8958 4442
Mobil: 07960 865 366
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Seara multiculturala
Aproximativ 40 nationalitati diferite care compun membrii acestei biserici, printre care si romanii, vor avea cate un mini-stand unde vor prezenta specificul tarilor lor prin muzica, imagini, expozitie de obiecte traditionale, port si mostre de mancare traditionala. Societatea "Romanca" contribuie cu exponate si invitati. Intrarea este libera si oricine este bine-venit!
Erna Maura Herteliu
079 80 74 24 05
“Snowflakes, a child’s smile’'-Fundrising campaign for children in need from Bucharest
Romanca Society, a non governmental and non-profit organization of the Romanians on Great Britain, was set up in June 2005 with the purpose to offer assistance and consultancy towards the Romanians’ social integration that live and work in the multicultural British society. Our objective is to keep alive the values, traditions, culture and Romanian language and to let people know about them.
Heron Foundation is a non-profit juridical person which has public utility according to the Governmental Ordinance no.26/2000, completed and modified through the Governmental Ordinance no.37/2003. Its main purpose is to carry out programs and promoting activities and development of the cultural values, the defending and conservation of the cultural patrimony, the support of the cultural phenomenon in every aspect. According to its objectives, Heron Foundation also organizes activities with social-cultural character in order to protect and develop the young talents.
In this context, in partnership with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administrative Reform, The Romanian society of Radio Television ,TVR2,under the name “Snowflakes, a child’s smile’ we will organize a cultural-social-educational event on December 22, 2007, from 11am. The host of this event will be The Cultural Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administrative Reform.
This event will be carried out as a show done by the Children’s Choir “Symbol” of the Romanian Patriarchy, young talents from the Arts High Schools ‘George Enescu “ and “ Dinu Lipatti”, young actors, artistic bands of schools in the capital.
The show represents a gift for the 400 children who live in the centres of social assistance governed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administrative Reform “Saint Anne” and “Saint Nicholas” as well as other places of social protection in the city. Students and parents, artists and politicians, diplomats and journalists will be present at the event.
According to the Christmas tradition, we would like to give these children presents, such as are sweets, stationery and other useful objects. This is an orthodox and human gesture that will bring the light and joy of the Christmas holidays to the children who can’t enjoy the comfort and affection of a family.
We would be honored if your company would consider sponsoring this event. This support will be announced to the participants to the event, in the media communications, press conferences, specification of the name and the logo on the prints (invites, posters).
For further information, please contact Ionela Flood on 0044 07515 25 35 84 or via email
Any private donation can be sent in the name of Romanca Society on the below address.
Alternatively , you can contact Mr. Mihai Chirea on mobile 0040 721 820 776 or e-mail:
Any sponsorship should be made in the account open at
BCR , Balta Alba branch ,cod IBAN nr. RO 39 RNCB 0304000986110001.
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
1Marshall House,
2 Dorncliffe Road,
SW6 5LF, Londra ,
tel: 0044(0)2077368668,
mobil: 0044 075 15 25 35 84 sau 004407816275240.
Unity Trust Bank plc, cont Nr. 201 68 634
“Fulgi de nea, zâmbet de copil “-Campanie pentru stringere de fonduri pentru copii din centrele de ocrotire din Bucuresti
Societatea “Romanca”, organizatie non-guvernamentala si non-profit a romanilor din Marea Britanie, a luat nastere in iunie 2005 in scopul de a oferi asistenta si consultanta in vederea integrarii sociale a romanilor care traiesc si muncesc in societatea multiculturala britanica.
Obiectivul nostru consta in a pastra vii valorile , traditiile, cultura si limba romana si in a le face cunoscute in, Marea Britanie .
Fundaţia Heron este persoană juridică non-profit având utilitate publică în baza Ordonanţei Guvernului nr.26/2000, completată şi modificată prin Ordonanţa Guvernului nr.37/2003.
Scopul fundamental al cesteia îl reprezintă derularea unor programe şi actiuni de promovare şi dezvoltare a valorilor culturale, apărarea şi conservarea patrimoniului cultural, sprijinirea fenomenului cultural sub toate aspectele sale.
Potrivit obiectivelor sale statutare, Fundaţia Heron organizează şi acţiuni cu caracter cultural-social în vederea ocrotirii şi dezvoltării tinerelor talente, în general, a tinerei generaţii.
În acest context, în parteneriat cu Ministerul Internelor şi Reformei Administrative, Societatea Română de Radiodifuziune, TVR2, sub genericul “Fulgi de nea, zâmbet de copil “ vom organiza o manifestare cultural-social-educativă în data de 22 decembrie a.c, începând cu ora 11.00. Gazda acestui eveniment va fi Centrul Cultural al Ministerului Internelor şi Reformei Administrative.
Această manifestare se va desfaşura sub forma unui spectacol artistic susţinut de către Corul de copii “Symbol” al Patriarhiei Romane, tinere talente de la Licele de artă “George Enescu”, “Dinu Lipatti”, tineri actori, formaţii artistice formate din elevi ai unor şcoli generale din Capitală.
Spectacolul reprezintă un dar pentru 400 de copii internaţi în centrele de ocrotire socială patronate de către Ministerul Internelor şi Reformei Administrative, “Sfânta Ana” şi “Sfântul Nicolae” precum şi din alte aşezăminte de ocrotire socială din Capitală.
La eveniment participă elevi şi părinţi, personalităţi din lumea cultural politică, diplomaţi şi jurnalişti.
Potrivit tradiţiei cu ocazia Sfintelor Sarbatori de Iarnă dorim să le oferim acestor copii cadouri, constând în dulciuri, rechizite şi alte obiecte folositoare.
Un gest creştinesc şi omenesc, care, în mod evident, va aduce lumina şi căldura Sărbătorilor de Iarnă şi în sufletul acestor copii, din nefericire, lipsiţi de confortul şi afecţiunea familiei.
Am fi onoraţi dacă aţi considera oportun să sprijiniţi acestă acţiune printr-un sprijin financiar asigurat de către Dvs. în calitate de sponsor. Printre sponsorii care au confirmat pina in prezent participarea la acest eveniment se numara: BCR, ASIBAN, Rostar SA, Transilvania General Import Export, Hotel Ibis International, etc.
Acest sprijin va fi făcut cunoscut opiniei publice, participanţior la manifestare, în comunicatele din mass-media, conferinţe de presă, specificarea numelui şi siglei bănci pe tipărituri (invitaţii, afişe).
Pentru orice informatii suplimentare va rog sa luati legatura cu Ionela Flood pe telefon 0044 07515 25 35 84 sau e-mail
Alternativ , puteti contact pe Dl Mihai Chirea pe telefonul 0040 721 820 776 sau e-mail:
Sponsorizarile pot fi facute in contul
BCR , fil Balta Alba ,cod IBAN nr. RO 39 RNCB 0304000986110001.
Donatiile private(cec) pot fi trimise pe numele si adresa Societatii Romanca, 1 Marshall House, 2 Dorncliffe Road , SW6 5LF, Londra, Marea Britanie.
Cu multumiri,
Ionela Flood,
Societatea Romanca
tel: 0044(0)2077368668,
mobil: 0044 075 15 25 35 84 sau 004407816275240.
1 Decembrie, zi a regasirii romanesti
Aseara am intrat pe poarta intregirii
am zabovit nauci de-atita implinire
sa dam un sens acestei intimplari
vegheate din mister de Sf Andrei
Am ratacit tristetea prin zapezi
cind Closca ne privea rebel
cu umilinta in mina stinga
si cartea vietii in peceti
Mihai Viteazul ne-a dat mina
caci ne asteapta in fiecare an
sa daruiasaca unitatea
acelora de-acelasi neam.
Cu Eminescu am pasit printre cuvinte
si am jurat credinta Limbii Romanesti
cu fructe si cu roade de speranta
la poarta Catedralei Stramosesti
Eternitatea se-nvirte-n cercuri
cu nemurirea noastra prinsa pe drapel
curgind pe vai, peste Carpati, si peste riuri
Coloana Infinita pe-un picior de plai.
Ionela Niculae Flood
1 Decembrie 2007
Alba Iulia
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
E-learning business courses
Would you like to update your knowledge with information on changes in regulations and legislation?
If this is the case, Learn Direct's e-learning offer might be the solution.
The Business Enterprise Centre (BEC) would like to introduce you to e-learning business courses, a cost effective way of learning online without having to leave your office. BEC is a delivery partner for Learn Direct business and is able to bring learning direct to your desktop.
The areas offered are Business Processes and Skills, Business Law, Computers and Software, Management and People Skills and Health and Safety.
Some of the courses within these areas are:
* Managing your budget
* Putting Customer First
* Employment Law
* Introduction to Persuading and Influencing
* Health and Safety
To find out more about other courses please visit Once you enter the website you will find detailed information on the right hand side under eCourses. Just click on the box and you will be able to discover our full range of courses.
Courses are available for £20 each. As an introductory offer BEC would like to offer you 3 courses for £45. This offer is available until 30th November 2007.
Some courses are available in CD/DVD-ROM and some can be accessed online. CD-ROM and DVD-Rom courses do not require any special access instructions. Online courses are simple and quick to access. Each course is valid for 6 months and access is given at any time.
In order to make a purchase and start learning online please, follow the steps as described below.
Step 1: Please register online and complete the attached form
First-time users will need to access to register:
Repeat visitors can log in onto:
Step 2: Choose your course and indicate it in the attached form
Step 3: Send a cheque payable to the Business Enterprise Centre with the completed form to BEC
Step 4: Once payment and the registration form have been received, a user key will emailed to you
Step 5: Now you can log on and start learning online!
Simply log on today!
Nalan Uran
Regeneration Officer
Business Enterprise Centre
Community Services Department
London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
Tel: 020 8746 0355
Fax: 020 8740 0493
Friday, November 02, 2007
Lasarea magazinului RO-MANIA Food Centre
Food Centre
198 Station Road
Edgware Road
Avem placerea de a va invita la deschiderea magazinului RO-MANIA Food Centre care va avea loc la orele 10am, sambata, 10 noiembrie.
Magazinul este dotat cu laborator pentru productia de mezeluri, fabricate dupa cele mai cunoscute retete traditionale de catre specialisti calificati cu experienta in fabrici de mezeluri din Romania.
In magazine aveti oportunitatea de a urmari procesul tehnologic de fabricatie a produselor noastre: carnati proaspeti, carnati picanti, carnati taranesti, mititei, lebarwurst, caltabos, toba, pastrama de oaie, semi-preparate, etc, produse de macelarie din porc, vita si oaie.
Multe alte produse romanesti va stau la dispozitie cum ar fi: branzeturi, conserve din legume si fructe, dulciuri, afumaturi, bauturi, etc, toate la preturi convenabile.
Va multumim si va asteptam.
Contact: 020 8958 4442
Mobil: 07960 865 366
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Time of Your Life!
Evenimentul va avea loc pe 19 Octombrie , la Hammersmith Town Hall (cladirea primariei), intre 10.00-16.00, fiind dedicat cetatenilor de peste 5o de ani.
Intrarea este libera.
Societatea Romanca va fi acolo cu informatii despre serviciile noastre, invitind vizitatorii la discutii despre oportunitatile turistice romanesti oferind si o degustare de vin .
Citiva dintre membri nostri vor oferi sesiuni de machiaj si informatii despre utilizarea produselor naturale.
Organizatiile prezente vor oferi servicii variate pentru o viata sanatoasa si pentru calitatea vietii.
Va rugam sa ne vizitati standul si sa va bucurati de ziua petrecuta cu noi.
Participarea romanesca este organizata de catre Societatea Romaneaca cu suportul deosebit al Ambasadei Romaniei la Londra.
Mihai Gaina
Director Proiect
Societatea Romanca
077 96 16 22 91
Time of Your Life!
Romanca Society invite you to take part in "Time of your Life ! forum dedicated to the network between the local organizations in London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. The event will take place on 19 October 2007, in Hammersmith Town Hall, between 10.00-16.00, aimed to the residents of 50 plus. Free entry.
Romanca Society will be there with information about our services, inviting the visitors to talk about roumanian touristic opportunities and offering a taste of wine. Few of our members will offer free make up sessions and information about how to use natural products.
The organizations that are present will offer various services for healthy living and quality of life.
Please come along and enjoy the day!
The event is organized by London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham .
Romanian participation is organized by Romanca Society with the kind support of Romanian Embassy in London.
Mihai Gaina
Project Director
Romanca Society
077 96 16 22 91
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Artist Platform at Tate Modern's Level 2 Gallery: Matei Bejenaru
More than 250 Romanians gathered on the Tate Modern esplanade for the making of a “group portrait” of the Romanian community, as well as of a mini-documentary. These will be presented to the London audience, and to the wider world, on 8 and 9 September, in the Level 2 Gallery, Tate Modern, Bankside, London SE1 9TG, (Saturday 8 September: 10.00-22.00, Sunday 9 September: 10.00-18.00).
The artist will be present and will engage with the public Saturday from 10.00 to 14.00 and Sunday from 14.00-18.00.
The curators of Tate Modern were impressed by the great number of participants. At the end of the art intervention, all present had the opportunity to take a guided tour of the museum. Some people had the chance to see again some of the masterworks of modern and contemporary art housed in the Tate, while others had the opportunity to see for the first time one of the most important cultural institutions in the world.
Romanians and friends of Romania of all ages and walks of life managed to be together , in order to show that we can have a public presence in London and that we can stand united.
Many thanks go to artist Matei Bejenaru for his interest in the life of the Romanian community in London. This was the first art project which involved the Romanians living in the UK, both as objects of study and as participants.
The success of this project is due, to a great extent, to the Romanian community; and special thanks go to the Romanian national and independent organisations, websites, newspapers, food stores, restaurants, and churches in London, who supported the project by distributing the information.
The project is a follow up to Bejenaru's artwork Travelling Guide, which includes information about the Romanians who had sought to work illegally in the UK before Romania joined the EU. The Travelling Guide will feature in the Level 2 Gallery group exhibition The Irresistible Force, which opens on 20 September 2007.
Matei Bejenaru is an artist and the founder and artistic director of Periferic Biennial in Iasi, Romania. His art projects in recent years have focused on the situation of Romanian nationals who live and work abroad. In 2005, he conceived a Travelling Guide for Romanian illegal workers, shown in 2006 at Thyssen-Bornemisza Contemporary Art in Vienna and in 2007 at the Prague Biennial 3 and at the Galeria Posibila in Bucharest.
For more information please contact Matei Bejenaru on e-mail, or by phone 0787 9642680.
Impreuna/TogetherImpreuna/Together is a project by Tate Modern in collaboration with the Romanian Cultural Institute in London.
With the support of the Romanian Cultural Centre, Romanca Society, Romani in UK, Romani Online UK, Diaspora Romaneasca.
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
Tel/fax: 0044 (0) 20 77 36 86 68
Mob: 0044 78 16 27 52 40
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Arata ca esti roman!
Duminica 2 septembrie 2007, la ora 15.00, artistul roman Matei Bejenaru din Iasi ne cheama pe malul Tamisei, in fata muzeului Tate Modern (vis-a-vis de Catedrala St Paul) sa fim impreuna, sa ne gandim pentru un minut la Romania si la toti cei dragi pe care i-am lasat acasa si am vrea sa fie cu noi.
Dupa aceea vom face o vizita cu ghid la Tate Modern si apoi vom merge impreuna sa bem o bere sau un pahar de vin.
Acest eveniment artistic, parte din proiectul „Impreuna / Together”, va fi documentat prin fotografie si realizarea unui mini documentar care vor fi prezentate marelui public din Londra, dar si din lumea intreaga, in muzeul Tate Modern pe 8 si 9 septembrie 2007. Matei Bejenaru va participa si in expozitia "The Irresistible Force" ce se va deschide pe 20 septembrie la Tate Modern, unde va expune proiectul Travel Guide.
Pentru efortul de a lua parte la acest proiect si de a veni duminica 2 septembrie, la ora 15.00, iti oferim un cupon (voucher) in schimbul caruia vei primi GRATIS o bere sau un pahar cu vin, pe vaporul HMS President, pe malul de nord al Tamisei, langa podul Blackfriars. Acolo se va organiza, special pentru participanti, o petrecere romaneasca incepand cu ora 18.00. Intrarea este GRATUITA si se face pe baza cuponului (voucher) primit la Tate Modern.
De asemenea, Matei Bejenaru iti va trimite personal (daca lasi un e-mail valid) o fotografie de grup realizata cu aceasta ocazie. In plus, vei fi vazut de o lume intreaga in cel mai mare muzeu de arta contemporana din lume. Evenimentul va genera publicitate pozitiva pentru comunitatea noastra. Vino alaturi de noi. Este o ocazie unica!
Daca doresti sa participi la proiect, te rugam sa confirmi pana pe 30 august la adresa de email: sau printr-un SMS la telefon 0787 9642680.
Fa si tu ceva pentru imbunatatirea imaginii Romaniei si a romanilor in Marea Britanie! Trimite acest mesaj tuturor prietenilor tai si vino impreuna cu ei duminica 2 septembrie, la ora 15.00. Indiferent de vreme :-)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
Matei Bejenaru este artist si preda fotografie si video la Universitatea de Arte din Iasi. Este fondatorul si directorul artistic al Bienalei de arta contemporana Periferic de la Iasi. In ultimii ani proiectele sale de artist au reflectat situatia romanilor care traiesc si lucreaza in strainatate.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
Proiect realizat de Tate Modern Londra in colaborare cu Institutul Cultural Roman din Londra.
Cu sprijinul Fundatiei Ratiu Londra, Romanca Society, Romani in UK.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
Galeria si Muzeul Tate Modern
Bankside (peste rau de Catedrala St Paul)
Londra SE1 9TG
Statiile de metrou cele mai apropiate: Southwark, Blackfriars, St Paul’s si London Bridge.
Vaporul HMS President
Victoria Embankment, Blackfriars
(langa podul Blackfriars)
Londra EC4Y 0HJ
Vezi harta aici
Show your inner Romanian!
Show your inner Romanian! Come and show the whole wide world that Romanians are also “somebody” in London! Come, bring your family and friends and take part in a unique artistic event that will show the world who we are.
Sunday 2 September 2007, at 15.00, Romanian artist Matei Bejenaru, from Iasi, invites us all to the Thames riverside in front of the Tate Modern (across the river from St Paul’s Cathedral). We can be all together as a community and, for a minute, think of Romania and all our friends and loved ones from home, people whom we wish were here.
After the event, there will be guided visit to the Tate Modern, and then we will all go to have a beer or a glass of wine.
This art event, part of the “Impreuna / Together” project, will be documented through photographs and by the editing of a short documentary film. These will be presented to the London audience, as well as to the wide world, within Tate Modern, on 8 and 9 September 2007. Matei Bejenaru will participate in the exhibition "The Irresistible Force", which will open at Tate Modern on 20 September 2007. He will exhibit the project Travel Guide.
For being part of this programme, and for your effort to come on Sunday 2 September, at 15.00, you will receive a voucher for a FREE beer or glass of wine, on board HMS President, on the northern bank of the Thames, beside Blackfriars Bridge. There will be a Romanian party on the ship, organised especially for you, starting at 18.00. The entrance is FREE and access is granted on the basis of the voucher received at the Tate Modern event.
Matei Bejenaru will personally send you (if you leave a valid e-mail address) a group photo taken on the occasion of the event. Added to this is the chance to be seen by everybody in the greatest museum of contemporary art. This is an event that will generate positive publicity for our community. Come and be with us. It is a unique occasion!
If you would like to be part of this project, please confirm your presence by 30 August by sending an e-mail to:, or a text message at 0787 9642680.
You too can do something to improve the image of Romania and Romanians in the UK! Send this message to all your friends and bring them with you on Sunday 2 September, at 15.00. Rain or shine .
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
Matei Bejenaru is an artist and teaches photography and video at the Arts University in Iasi, Romania. He is the founder and the artistic director of Periferic Biennial in Iasi. In recent years his art projects have concentrated on the situation of Romanians who live and work abroad.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Impreuna/Together" is a project by Tate Modern London in collaboration with the Romanian Cultural Institute in London.
With the support of the Ratiu Foundation in London, Romanca Society, Romani in UK.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
Tate Modern
Bankside (across the river from St Paul’s Cathedral) London SE1 9TG
Nearest tube stations: Southwark, Blackfriars, St Paul’s and London Bridge.
HMS President
Victoria Embankment, Blackfriars
(beside Blackfriars Bridge)
London EC4Y 0HJ
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The courses are free for the members of Romanca Society during August 2007.
Friday 3rd August 2007
Friday 7th September 2007
Friday 5th October 2007
Friday 2nd November 2007
Thursday 9th & Friday 10th August – Marketing
Thursday 16th & Friday 17th August – Finance
Thursday 13th & Friday 14th September – Marketing
Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th September – Finance
Thursday 11th & Friday 12th October – Marketing
Wednesday 17th & Thursday 18th October – Finance
Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th November – Marketing
Thursday 22nd & Friday 23rd November – Finance
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
078 16 27 52 40
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Seara multiculturala sambata, 7 iulie, ora 7p.m.
Seara multiculturala sambata, 7 iulie, ora 7p.m. la Biserica Adventista Central London, Advent Centre, Crawford Place W1H 5HD (Edgware Road Tube).
Aproximativ 13 nationalitati diferite care compun membrii acestei biserici, printre care si romani, vor avea cate un mini-stand unde vor prezenta specificul tarilor lor prin muzica, imagini, expozitie de obiecte traditionale, port si mostre de mancare traditionala. Societatea "Romanca" contribuie cu exponate si invitati. Intrarea este libera si oricine este bine-venit!
Erna Maura Herteliu
Monday, June 25, 2007
Tudor Andrei & Lynn Carter at St John the Divine
Immaculate decoration, dustless chairs, and dressed-upped onlookers waiting for Tudor Andrei and Lynn Carter. Before the event I had read all about Tudor Andrei and his already impressive CV, and St John the Divine seemed the perfect venue to herald the up and coming violinist. Somebody was filming, somebody else was recording, and there was a murmur in the crowd. Romanians waited side by side with the British.
With the introduction over they burst on. Beforehand, I was told that Tudor would be attempting a very difficult programme. Sure enough the stave was ready for Beethoven’s Sonata Op. 12 No.1 in D Major. Tudor looked rather nervous as he began what turned out to be a reasonably long piece. It took a while to get into it. I kept trying to weigh up the difficulty, the look of the performers and the surroundings. Bits of Beethoven grandeur and sharp arpeggios added to my confusion. I was getting settled in. And just as I was starting to enjoy it all they stopped. They went off and came back on again and Tudor put away his stave. Great, I thought, this must be the stuff he knows by heart. Sure enough I was soon captivated by Ernest Chausson’s Poem. There was pain there, artistic pain and, at last, we could hear spirit. A poem in musical form.
The second half was an opportunity to take in Tudor Andrei as showman. He was relaxed by this point and it showed. Smiling, pouting, turning from side to side unashamedly, here was a man confident of his craft and the way in which he presents himself. A Romantic, probably, a lover of craft and show. Thank God he’s not a robot. And on with the music as the second half was formed of five shorter pieces, starting off with Enescu’s Impromptu Concertant. I found there were bits towards the end where I wandered off, staring at the chairs in front, staring at the expression of others, staring because I couldn’t help but feel. The violin is an instrument of sadness. It laments the fragile nature of our hearts. I was taken back to my homeland. And then I was right back where I was, in St John the Divine, thinking how wonderful that a musician the like of Tudor Andrei has the chance to wow the world and how true that musicians and artists and writers can still speak with the freedom of artistic expression even though governments have always tried to shut them up.
On and off they went as we continued with two pieces by Elgar, Chanson de Matin and Salut d’Amour, the latter which brought a tear or two to my eyes. It was getting to that time in the evening when a tear or two was acceptable, a time when we could shake off the barbaric expectations of life and allow ourselves to enjoy a variety of moods and feelings. Lynn Carter’s piano playing made a lovely accompanying sound and allowed Tudor to prise us open with his virtuosity.
Ravel’s Sonate Posthume was an obvious highlight. The instruments battled against each other, separately then together, in a treatment that charmed the socks off the audience. Night through the windows contrasted beautifully with the bright golden interiors as we were carried away by musical bliss. The last piece, Study in a form of a Waltz by Saint-Saens, was lively enough to send us off with a bang. As Tudor wrapped up the night with his playful bow, and then as we clapped and whistled, we were left with a plentiful feeling in our stomachs like the follow-on from a tasteful feast. St John the Divine, yes, indeed, divine.
Bogdan Tiganov
Romanca Society
Monday, June 18, 2007
Plecarea :24 JUNIE 2007, 8.00 am de la Victoria Station London
Pret : £ 20/persoana, transportul asigurat cu minibus (16 locuri). Rezervarile se realizeaza pe principiul primul venit primul servit, de aceea va rugam sa faceti rezervarea din timp.
Sosirea: 8.00 pm la Victoria Station London
Plata se poate face in cash sau cec dupa confirmarea rezervarii locului .
Pentru rezervari va rog sa-l contactati pe Popa Cristian pe urmatoarele coordonate:
Mob. 077 27 24 98 41
Departure: 24 JUNE 2007, 8.00 am from Victoria Station London
The price is £ 20/person, transport with a 16 seats minibus. First come first served, so please book your place in advance.
The payment will be cash or to send by cheque in the name of Romanca Society, after the confirmation of your booking .
Arrival at Victoria Station London at 8.00 pm.
For booking please phone (evening) or e -mail me at the addresse below.
Cristian Popa
Trip Project
Romanca Society
Mob. 077 27 24 98 41
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Violonistul Tudor Andrei (foto), artist aflat în rezidenţă la ICR Londra si membru Romanca Society, a susţinut recent în capitala Marii Britanii un recital inedit. Într-una din capsulele celebrei roţi London Eye, la 135 de metri deasupra Tamisei, între podul Waterloo şi Big Ben, artistul a interpretat, timp de 30 de minute, piese de Beethoven, Dinicu-Heifetz, Edward Elgar şi George Enescu.
"Isprava" a fost filmată de o echipă a European Broadcasting Service şi urmărită de publicul "de la sol". "A fost o experienţă unică să concertez la o asemenea înălţime, într-unul din punctele de mare atracţie ale Londrei", a declarat violonistul.
Tudor Andrei
Director Art Group
Saturday, May 19, 2007
2pm – 8pm
177 Firhill Road, London, SE6 7LN
10 IUNIE 2007
Intrarea: £10.00 – incluse urmatoarele optiuni in meniu:
1) 4 mici cu paine si mustar;
2) 4 sarmale, smantana si paine;
3) o combinatie cu cele de mai sus;
+ o sticla de vin la 2 persoane si apa minerala Borsec
Evenimente artistice (incepind cu 3 pm): sesiune de “story telling”, mini recitaluri de vioara si pian si belly dancing.
Nota: Incurajati copiii sa prezinte un mic program artistic: recitarea unei poezii, (in romana sau engleza), cantat la un instrument, cantat un cantec, pictura, etc.
Avem o varietate de muzica populara si moderna pe gustul tuturor.
Pentru a ajunge la adresa de mai sus va rugam folositi acest link:
Director de proiect: Izabela Aldea (
Va rugam sa confirmati prezenta prin email sau telefon:
Izabela: 07960 865 364
John: 07940 705 544
177 Firhill Road, London, SE6 7LN
On the 10th of JUNE
Entrance: £10.00 – include the following 3 options menu:
1) 4 “mititei” (Romanian barbecue sausages), bread and mustard;
2) 4 “sarmale” (stuffed cabbaged rolls), sour cream and bread;
3) combination of the above options;
+ a bottle of wine for 2 persons and mineral water Borsec
Artistic events (starting at 3pm): story telling sessions, violin and piano playing and belly dancing.
Note: Please bring children and encourage them to present a short artistic program: recite a poem (Romanian or English), playing an instrument, singing a song, painting, etc.
A variety of folk and modern music for everyone’s taste.
For travelling directions please use this link:
Project director: Izabela Aldea (
Please confirm your attendance by email or phone:
Izabela: 07960 865 364
John: 07940 705 544
Monday, May 07, 2007
Cetăţenii români din Marea Britanie vor avea posibilitatea să-şi exprime votul în cadrul secţiei de votare care va fi deschisă la 1 Belgrave Square, Londra – SW1X 8PH. Secţia de votare va fi deschisă între orele 8.00-20.00. Totodată informăm că se analizează oportunitatea deschiderii unor secţii de votare pe lângă Consulate onorifice ale României. Ambasada ve reveni cu precizări în acest sens.
În conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 373/2004 pentru alegerea Camerei Deputaţilor şi Senatului, „pe lângă misiunile diplomatice şi oficiile consulare ale României se organizează câte o secţie de votare pentru alegătorii membri ai reprezentanţelor diplomatice şi familiile lor, precum şi pentru cetăţenii români din ţară sau din străinătate, aflaţi în ţările respective în ziua de referinţă”.
Legea privind organizarea şi desfăşurarea referendumul prevede că „au dreptul de a participa la referendum toţi cetăţenii români care au împlinit vârsta de 18 ani până în ziua referendumului inclusiv”, cu excepţia „debililor şi alienaţilor mintali puşi sub interdicţie, precum şi a persoanelor condamnate prin hotărâre judecătorească definitivă la pierderea drepturilor electorale”.
Participarea la vot a cetăţenilor români, fie rezidenţi în Marea Britanie, fie aflaţi în Marea Britanie la data alegerilor, este garantată de lege, aceştia fiind înscrişi pe listă electorală specială. Exercitarea dreptului la vot se face pe baza cărţii de alegător, cărţii de identitate sau a paşaportului diplomatic, de serviciu, simplu sau consular valabile la data desfăşurării alegerilor.
Înscrierea în lista electorală specială se poate face în avans sau la prezentarea la urne. Cetăţenii români care doresc includerea în avans a datelor de identificare pe lista electorală specială sunt rugaţi să transmită, prin poştă (Embassy of Romania, Arundel House, 4 Palace Green, LONDON W8 4QD) sau prin e-mail la adresa, următoarele date: numele şi prenumele, codul numeric personal, domiciliul, denumirea, seria şi numărul actului de identitate cu menţiunea „Referendum”. Facem precizarea că datele respective vor fi folosite exclusiv la întocmirea listei electorale speciale.
Ambasada României la Londra va informa cetăţenii români din Marea Britanie în legătură cu toate aspectele legate de organizarea şi desfăşurarea Referendumului. De asemenea, în situaţia în care doresc obţinerea unor informaţii suplimentare, cetăţenii români interesati sunt rugaţi să transmită solicitările la adresa
Londra, 2 mai 2007
Dorian Prisacaru
Embassy of Romania
4 Palace Green
Tel. 020 7937 9666 - ext. 106
Fax 020 7937 8069
Friday, May 04, 2007
Violin and piano Recital
University Women’s Club,
Romance in F Major - Ludwig van Beethoven
Impromptu Concertant - George Enescu
Study in a form of Waltz - Saint-Saens Ysaye
Interval (tea, coffee and cakes will be served)
Preludium and Allegro - Pugnani-Kreisler
Poem - Ernest Chausson
Beau Soir - Claude Debussy
Hora Staccatto - Dinicu-Heifetz
Tickets: £20
All proceeds will be used to contribute to the tuition fees
for Tudor’s studies at the
For those unable to attend the concert, but willing to support Tudor,
your kind contribution will be gratefully accepted.
To book tickets please call: 0207 823 8858
First Prize winner of the International Competition held at the
Born in Barlad, Tudor benefited from early musical training given by his parents, both musicians. He soon moved to
Tudor is supported by both the Ratiu Family Foundation
First-prize winner of the Nikolai Rubinstein International Competition in Paris, the Russian pianist Peter Limonov began studying the piano in 1991, when he entered the prestigious Central Music School in Moscow, his teachers being Siyavoush Gadjiev and, later, Andrei Pisarev.
This event is supported by:
Ortansa & Eric van der Wateren – Radulescu
Remus Azoitei
Bogdan Patriniche
Romanian Cultural Institute
Romanian Cultural Centre
Romanca Society
Tudor Andrei - Director Art Group
Romanca Society
Sunday, April 22, 2007
The Third Language
Tudor Andrei este bursier al Fundatiei Ratiu.
Tudor Andrei
Director Art Group
Romanca Society
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
This Neolithic monument is about 5,000 years old and sits within the landscape of Salisbury Plain and bears silent testimony to a period of time that we as curious human beings, would love to know more about. The construction of Stonehenge came in three stages over a two thousand year period. Firstly there was just a bank and ditch, then came a wooden structure, to be followed by the stones that we still see today. Using the famous Blue Stone taken 240 miles from Wales, this monument was built in a circle. The distance to bring these stones is remarkable in today’s quick and fast ways, however in pre historical times, this must have been a phenomenal, if not an almost impossible task to undertake.
Departure: 25 MARCH 2007, 8.00 am from Hammersmith- Apollo Theatre
The price is £ 10/person, transport with a 16 seats minibus. First come first served, so please book your place in advance.
The payment will be cash or to send by cheque in the name of Romanca Society, after the confirmation of your booking .
We will have also the opportunity to visit also few more touristic places in our way back to London: Woodhenge and Salisbury.
Arrival at Hammersmith at 8.00 pm.
For booking please phone (evening) or email me at the addresse below.
Cristian Popa
Trip Project
Romanca Society
Mob. 077 27 24 98 41
La multi ani Doamnelor!
felul lor diferit de a fii, mai exista si apel la constiinta a carei esenta
ne este transmisa sugestiv in aceasta zi de Sarbatoare, 8 Martie , menita poate
sa-i determine pe consortii nostri sa-si faca acest bilant al
insemnatatii noastre.. Si pentru ca este primavara, anotimpul
infloririlor, va doresc tuturora tinerete vesnica si multa dragoste!
La Multi Ani!
Manuela Barbuica
Mai întâi ne sunt mame. Se chinuiesc sã ne poarte în pântece şi sã ne
dea viatã. Nu de putine ori, pretul plãtit este propria lor viatã. Alt
chin, sã ne creascã şi sã ne învete cum sã ne purtãm prin lume. Drumul
le este presãrat cu suferintã, lacrimi şi renuntãri. Noptile de veghe le
sapã primele riduri. O zecime de Celsius peste treizeci şi şapte" le
aruncã în spaimã şi le macinã liniştea. Primul zâmbet, primul pas sau
primul cuvânt pe care îl rostim este rãsplata tineretii ofilite. Altã
rãsplatã, o literã bine caligrafiatã sau poate vreun premiu la şcoalã.
Apoi, încep de-a dreptul sã ne agaseze cu grjile şi cu sfaturile şi le
repezim atotştiutori. Când pãrãsim casa pãrinteascã, uitãm de ele cu
sãptãmânile, cu lunile sau cu anii. O facem, de regulã, atunci când ne
legãm via?a de o alta.
Vine vremea şi ne devin iubite... Ce nu le promitem? Cerul cu stelele",
vorba poetului. Apãrem eleganti, fermecãtori, sensibili şi devotati.
Personaje fãrã directã legãturã cu adevãrata noastrã fire, ci doar
creatii ale tornadelor hormonale. Unele dintre ele au noroc sau ghinion
şi ne cred.
Acestea ne devin sotii. Zicem cã le iubim. Ne fac din neisprãviti tati,
mândri capi de familie. Sforãim liniştiti atunci când ele retrãiesc
calvarul prin care pruncii noştri devin oameni. Altfel, cu noi suntem
grijulii. Spãimoşi, neînteleşi, ipohondri şi geloşi dacã trecem în urma
copiilor. Cu berea în bot, cu ochii pe meciul de la televizor, nu auzim
nimic din zgomotele unei case în care se gãteşte, se face curat, se
ceartã copii, se spalã rufe şi ni se calcã pantaloni. Asta dacã sunt
norocoase. Dacã nu, suntem direct pe stadioane, la pescuit, la şprit cu
bãietii sau chiar la amantã. Amanta, tot femeie şi ea, doar cã alta".
Ne sunt şi colege. Corecte, serioase, punctuale, îngrijite şi
zâmbitoare. Dacã uneori sunt necãjite şi lasã sã se vadã, facem bancuri
nesãrate în spatele lor. În ochii noştri, pantalonul bine mulat le vine
mai bine decât orice realizare profesionalã. Le este teamã sã devinã
mame. În lipsã, riscã sã rãmânã fãrã slujbe. La bancurile noastre cu
dublu sens râd fortat. Altfel, sunt tratate drept acrituri. Cu
mai-marii... o adevãratã echilibristicã a mortii. Cum sã facã sã fie
doar profesional amabile cu şeful", fãrã sã parã emotionate erotic de o
chelie seboreicã şi de o burtã revãrsatã peste curea, dar şi fãrã riscul
de a rãmâne pe drumuri? Cum de ne-or suporta? Poate pentru cã n-au
La Multi Ani si sanatate pentru toate!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Thursday 8 March 2007
11.00am -4.00pm
Hammersmith Town Hall, King Street W6
10.45 Registration, Coffee, Tea
11.10 Welcome & Introduction by Collette Murray (PALOP Connections);
Opening of The DAY by The Mayor, Cllr Minnie Scott Russell;
Guest Speaker from L’Oreal-UNESCO “For Women in Science Awards” and “Fellowship”: Claire Backhurst
11.30 Cultural Performance: Centre for Filipinos;
Talk: Joy Nichols (Nichols Employment Agency);
Poetry: Ariadna Petri (Romanca Society);
Songs: Pastor Ann Colson (Bridgeway Four Square Church);
Talk: Homyra Ansari (Afghan Council UK);
Cultural Performance & Drama: Iranian Association/Kurdish Women’s Right);
Songs: Gowhar & Natli Feyzi (Iranian Association);
Talk: Muluk Alamin (CITAS);
Entertainment: Maria De Jesus (PALOP Connections)
Poetry & Talk: Pamela Mahaka (Zimbabwe Women’s Network)
Lunch: 13.00-14.00 (International Feast)
14.0 Welcome & Introduction: Jazz Browne (Nubian-Life Resource Centre);
Cultural Performance: Centre for Filipinos;
Songs: Manizha Sepas (Afghan Council UK);
Talk: Dr Deirdre O’Gallagher;
Talk: Geraldine Huka (The Forward Project);
Sabeen Akhund (Breast Cancer Care);
Song & Talk: Pastor Olabisi Kufeji (Freedom House International Ministry);
Dominique Collon (Archaeologist);
Songs: Gowhar & Natli Feyzi (Iranian Association);
Talk: Ms Ezra H Malik (Solicitors);
Talk: Sheila Williams (Local Resident & Education Activist);
Music & Drama (Iranian Association)
Talk: Jose Tsuchihashi (Pre-School Learning Alliance);
Poetry: Winifred Coke (Lighthouse Community Fellowship); Open Contribution from the Floor
15.50 Closing Remarks (Jazz Browne)
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Expozitie " Jazz – suflet si forma" cu Eugen Petri
Expozitia de grafica si sculptura se incheie de Martisor, la Galeria Posk, 238 – 246 King Street, London, W6 ORF (Tube Ravenscourt Park) in compania lui Eugen Petri si a invitatilor sai. Sculpturile in bronz si graficile in tehnica mixta va invita sa explorati universurile gemene ale muzicii si plasticii indrumati de viziunea sculptorului roman. Expozitia este deschisa in aceeasi locatie zilnic, intre orele 11.00 si 21.00 pana in data de 2.03.2007.
RSVP sau telefonati la 07738297139.
Jazz – Soul and Shape” exhibition with Eugen Petri
After conquering Europe and America with his fascinating combination of Byzantine and post modernist sculptures, Eugen Petri has now exhibited with great success in London.
We are delighted to welcome you in an energetic and pious atmosphere of jazz music, bronze and colour designed by the experienced jazzman and acclaimed sculptor Eugen Petri.
Thursday 1st March 2007, 6.30 pm Eugen Petri is inviting you to the closing party of the Jazz – Soul and Shape” which has been open to public in the Posk Gallery, 238 – 246 King Street, London, W6 ORF (Tube Ravenscourt Park), from 17.02 to 02.03.2007, 11.00 to 21.00. The evening will see a gathering art lovers who have enjoyed this exhibition as well as those who haven’t managed to get there yet, as well as a few delightful ethno jazz songs by Monica and Romanian traditions, Martisor for the first day of spring.
RSVP or 07738297139.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Tudor Andrei cinta la Londra pentru o Romanie Europeana
Recepţia oficială a strâns la palatul Whitehall membri ai guvernului şi parlamentului britanic, reprezentanţi ai corpului diplomatic, oameni de presă şi personalităţi ale vieţii publice de pe malurile Tamisei.Violonistul Tudor Andrei, in prezent artist in rezidenta al Institutului Cultural Roman la Londra(photo with Margaret Beckett) a sustinut un moment muzical in cadrul acestui eveniment care a celebrat accesul Romaniei si Bulgariei la UE. Mai multe informatii gasiti pe urmatorul link (clic video)
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Safer Neighbourhood Annual Challenge (SNAC)
Every year, Hammersmith & Fulham Police run an exciting programme to get young people involved in working towards community safety. This programme is the Safer Neighbourhood Annual Challenge (SNAC). Groups of young people (aged between 5 and 19) are challenged to complete their own project for community safety. See below for last years' winners. It's a great way for young people to learn about community safety, feel empowered and meet other young people. There are some great prizes too!
We at H&F BME believe it is important for as many young people from ethnic minorities to be included as possible. Therefore, we have teamed up with Hammersmith and Fulham police and Refugee Advice and Support Centre, to organise a session to introduce SNAC. Chief Inspector John Sutherland will come along to tell young people how they can get involved. We will end the session with music and refreshments, with time for socializing. This session will take place on Thursday 18th of January, from 6 - 7.30pm, at Palingswick House.
You can also find out more at: If your group offers services to young people, please bring them along to this session to find out how to get involved, and to meet other young people!
To reserve your place, contact:
Angela Wilson on 0208 748 0495
Paul Francis on 0207 381 2982
La multi ani europeni , dragi romani, oriunde v-ati afla!
Romanca Society a avut ocazia sa mearga in colind ""cu capra " de Craciun la petrecerea organizata pentru membri organizatiei in Penge de catre directorul proiectului Izabela Aldea. Fiecare dintre cei prezeti am fost tulburati pina la lacrimi ascultind versurile vechi ale colindului cules din zona Clujului si adus in inimile noastre de catre Viorica Silasi si Ion Pop.
Momentul de traditie a fost un moment de surpriza si pentru audienta receptiei oferita de catre Ambasada Romaniei la Londra cu ocazia arborarii steagului European la sediul Institutului Cultural Roman din Belgrevia Square, in noaptea de Revelion, cind ne pregateam cu totii sa pasim in Anul Nou si sa redevenim inca o data europeni.
Evenimentul a fost apreciat dar privit cu teama de copii romani la a 2 a emotie de romanii adevarati si curiozitate de catre englezi.
Ecoul:intrebari de genul ""dar ce semnifica de fapt acest obicei?"' ceea face ca raspunsurile date sa dezvaluie o cultura bogata in diversitate, fata de care britanicul cu bun simt se simte fascinat si care genereaza o perceptie total diferita fata de ceea ce vor sa impuna tabloidele britanice.
Ocazia s-a dovedit inspirata si binecuvintata de acest obicei prin care ne dorim ca renasterea noastra ca popor si indivizi sa fie completa si reala.
La multi ani europeni, dragi romani , oriunde v-ati afla!
Ionela Flood