Românca Society, established in June 2005, is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation, established with the purpose of supporting the social integration of Romanians present in the UK in the local society.Please see Navigation Project section below to find out about our projects.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Tudor Andrei cinta la Londra pentru o Romanie Europeana
Recepţia oficială a strâns la palatul Whitehall membri ai guvernului şi parlamentului britanic, reprezentanţi ai corpului diplomatic, oameni de presă şi personalităţi ale vieţii publice de pe malurile Tamisei.Violonistul Tudor Andrei, in prezent artist in rezidenta al Institutului Cultural Roman la Londra(photo with Margaret Beckett) a sustinut un moment muzical in cadrul acestui eveniment care a celebrat accesul Romaniei si Bulgariei la UE. Mai multe informatii gasiti pe urmatorul link (clic video)
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Safer Neighbourhood Annual Challenge (SNAC)

Every year, Hammersmith & Fulham Police run an exciting programme to get young people involved in working towards community safety. This programme is the Safer Neighbourhood Annual Challenge (SNAC). Groups of young people (aged between 5 and 19) are challenged to complete their own project for community safety. See below for last years' winners. It's a great way for young people to learn about community safety, feel empowered and meet other young people. There are some great prizes too!
We at H&F BME believe it is important for as many young people from ethnic minorities to be included as possible. Therefore, we have teamed up with Hammersmith and Fulham police and Refugee Advice and Support Centre, to organise a session to introduce SNAC. Chief Inspector John Sutherland will come along to tell young people how they can get involved. We will end the session with music and refreshments, with time for socializing. This session will take place on Thursday 18th of January, from 6 - 7.30pm, at Palingswick House.
You can also find out more at: If your group offers services to young people, please bring them along to this session to find out how to get involved, and to meet other young people!
To reserve your place, contact:
Angela Wilson on 0208 748 0495
Paul Francis on 0207 381 2982
Every year, Hammersmith & Fulham Police run an exciting programme to get young people involved in working towards community safety. This programme is the Safer Neighbourhood Annual Challenge (SNAC). Groups of young people (aged between 5 and 19) are challenged to complete their own project for community safety. See below for last years' winners. It's a great way for young people to learn about community safety, feel empowered and meet other young people. There are some great prizes too!
We at H&F BME believe it is important for as many young people from ethnic minorities to be included as possible. Therefore, we have teamed up with Hammersmith and Fulham police and Refugee Advice and Support Centre, to organise a session to introduce SNAC. Chief Inspector John Sutherland will come along to tell young people how they can get involved. We will end the session with music and refreshments, with time for socializing. This session will take place on Thursday 18th of January, from 6 - 7.30pm, at Palingswick House.
You can also find out more at: If your group offers services to young people, please bring them along to this session to find out how to get involved, and to meet other young people!
To reserve your place, contact:
Angela Wilson on 0208 748 0495
Paul Francis on 0207 381 2982
La multi ani europeni , dragi romani, oriunde v-ati afla!
Romanca Society a avut ocazia sa mearga in colind ""cu capra " de Craciun la petrecerea organizata pentru membri organizatiei in Penge de catre directorul proiectului Izabela Aldea. Fiecare dintre cei prezeti am fost tulburati pina la lacrimi ascultind versurile vechi ale colindului cules din zona Clujului si adus in inimile noastre de catre Viorica Silasi si Ion Pop.
Momentul de traditie a fost un moment de surpriza si pentru audienta receptiei oferita de catre Ambasada Romaniei la Londra cu ocazia arborarii steagului European la sediul Institutului Cultural Roman din Belgrevia Square, in noaptea de Revelion, cind ne pregateam cu totii sa pasim in Anul Nou si sa redevenim inca o data europeni.
Evenimentul a fost apreciat dar privit cu teama de copii romani la a 2 a emotie de romanii adevarati si curiozitate de catre englezi.
Ecoul:intrebari de genul ""dar ce semnifica de fapt acest obicei?"' ceea face ca raspunsurile date sa dezvaluie o cultura bogata in diversitate, fata de care britanicul cu bun simt se simte fascinat si care genereaza o perceptie total diferita fata de ceea ce vor sa impuna tabloidele britanice.
Ocazia s-a dovedit inspirata si binecuvintata de acest obicei prin care ne dorim ca renasterea noastra ca popor si indivizi sa fie completa si reala.
La multi ani europeni, dragi romani , oriunde v-ati afla!
Ionela Flood